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Brass tube system Vs. open bolt system / WE GBB PDW and others


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Old June 29th, 2011, 21:43   #31
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<--- french. i had some difficulty to understand =D

You guys are true, so maybe i'll try both since the kit is cheap ! WE is awsome , parts are so cheap and i like GBBR way more than any AEG, easy to repair and simple mechanism. Instead of having a spare gun , you bring another intern kit. thats awsome ...
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Old June 30th, 2011, 12:36   #32
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I'm really on the fence with this too ... I've got a closed bolt 416 ... the bolt portion for now functions great... the hop up blows but that's a known fact.

the mags i want to get are open chamber (VN stubbies) ... but I have a friend with a whole pile of Closed chamber mag pieces (he just converted like 8 or 10 mags to open) ...

so my choices are stay closed, get the Falcon VSZ hop/barrel set, and covert mags... or just go open chamber convert, and so far I really like falcon's aeg stuff for price-performance ... so I would probably get the falcon barrel and rubber for the open bolt too.

I have an electric or two as back up if the GBBR decides to be bitchy and doing maint/check overs before and after games is already a regular routine .... just worried more about over all reliability ... i've heard of the trigger assemblies cratering the material in the open bolt.

going open bolt would be the easiest I would gather for my particular circumstance ... I just don't want to constantly replace the bolt LOL (I already caught the stuck hammer wheel on my stocker before it grenaded the bolt .. and a RA tech complete drop in reinforced trigger assembly is on the soon list)
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Old June 30th, 2011, 23:22   #33
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I think I've actually answered the question for myself ... I plan on aquiring a G36(E) next as a DMR type build... with the attempt to adapt the VN mags into the G36 (I am well aware no easy task, not something I plan to do over night) ... and the G39 gbbr is open bolt only so... unless I wanna buy a ton more mags anyways... I'll be going open chamber on the 416.... now to just find an M4/416 conversion kit in stock! .. LOL
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Old July 1st, 2011, 00:54   #34
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
I think I've actually answered the question for myself ... I plan on aquiring a G36(E) next as a DMR type build... with the attempt to adapt the VN mags into the G36 (I am well aware no easy task, not something I plan to do over night) ... and the G39 gbbr is open bolt only so... unless I wanna buy a ton more mags anyways... I'll be going open chamber on the 416.... now to just find an M4/416 conversion kit in stock! .. LOL
Best bet is to find the Open Chamber M4 nozzle and stick it into G36 carrier see if it works. Next you need to find a magwell adapter. I suggest try the NEA adapter first (It's about $150CDN)
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Old July 1st, 2011, 01:58   #35
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Best bet is to find the Open Chamber M4 nozzle and stick it into G36 carrier see if it works. Next you need to find a magwell adapter. I suggest try the NEA adapter first (It's about $150CDN)
that's basically what we were gonna try a hybrid of scar/m4/g39 bolt/nozzle system ... I've got an aeg magwell adapter to see what works/fits where ... the m4 gbbr mags clip into it nicely .. but it's the height into the chamber and blah blah blah I don't wanna derail the thread further ... but I will end on that yes I will be greatly looking into the RS magwell adapter.
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 21:48   #36
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AWSS/Stinger or stock < AWSS/VS-Z < OB.

AWSS was a pain to get cycling in sub-20 degrees as BCG would just freeze itself shut/cool down to the point of being useless after about a mag or two on semi, with little to no pause between shots. My AWSS trigger group pretty much died after about 3000 rounds. Stinger/original hop had terrible hop up consistency... VS-Z had hop up adjustability + was actually able to hit stuff. OB is less consistent in terms of FPS, but from what I can tell there's more flexibility to mod the hop up design (can't speak about reliability of nozzles yet though, only put 500 rounds or so through mine so far). My main concern about OB is the plastic nozzle, but hell, if a TM-based GBB with a random china-brand nozzle can tank its way through thousands and thousands of rounds, why can't a M4 GBB?
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Old July 14th, 2011, 00:00   #37
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since i have 3 we m4s i caved and bought the open bolt and plan on ordering the vsz to compare the both

imo in my closed bolt system i am using the stinger hopup with a custom ball bearing and rubber piece because i found the original did not allow me to adjust it at all. i could turn it all the way up and it still wouldnt adjust the hopup. with the new custom ball bearing (used a piece of solder and part of an old hopup rubber) i have my closed bolt shooting more accurately than it has since ive owned it combined with the tight bore inner barrel it shoots fantastically.

with the open bolt I have quite a few beefs. the new bolt after 1 game has suffered major damage in a variety of areas and have left many metal shavings all over the place ontop of that the plastic part of the bolt is not fully cycling back and fourth so my first shot is generally amazing and goes a good 50 or so feet 2nd shot goes to about 20ft 3rd shot 10-5 feet and 4th to 5th shot goes to about 2 -3 feet if that. I have tried examining it and cant determine why it wont cycle back and have tried various lubes and oils and grease and still no go. so imo im not that happy with my open bolt purchase and i cant find any helpful information on how to proper dissemble the new bolt mainly the plastic piece. ive also found it very hard to adjust the hopup and when i finally found an alan key that would fit it didnt seem to want to turn at all and im not even sure if it adjust it or not. another issue is since converting the mags ive have found the the new feed lips are being damaged quite badly right away and that mags will not always fit into the magwell some times i have to push it up hard and wiggle it around to get it to lock into place. everything is installed correctly so again im not sure what caused these issues but until i figure them out i would have to recommend the vsz unless someone can put these issues to rest.

the pros to the new open bolt are the recoil has seem to increase quite abit yay for recoil lol
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Old July 14th, 2011, 01:31   #38
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When you say there are shaving coming off your bolt, where is it exactly? Bottom rear? Also are you using the auto sear that came with the OB kit or the original closed bolt auto sear?

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Old July 14th, 2011, 02:17   #39
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Originally Posted by subtletrouble View Post
since i have 3 we m4s i caved and bought the open bolt and plan on ordering the vsz to compare the both

imo in my closed bolt system i am using the stinger hopup with a custom ball bearing and rubber piece because i found the original did not allow me to adjust it at all. i could turn it all the way up and it still wouldnt adjust the hopup. with the new custom ball bearing (used a piece of solder and part of an old hopup rubber) i have my closed bolt shooting more accurately than it has since ive owned it combined with the tight bore inner barrel it shoots fantastically.

with the open bolt I have quite a few beefs. the new bolt after 1 game has suffered major damage in a variety of areas and have left many metal shavings all over the place ontop of that the plastic part of the bolt is not fully cycling back and fourth so my first shot is generally amazing and goes a good 50 or so feet 2nd shot goes to about 20ft 3rd shot 10-5 feet and 4th to 5th shot goes to about 2 -3 feet if that. I have tried examining it and cant determine why it wont cycle back and have tried various lubes and oils and grease and still no go. so imo im not that happy with my open bolt purchase and i cant find any helpful information on how to proper dissemble the new bolt mainly the plastic piece. ive also found it very hard to adjust the hopup and when i finally found an alan key that would fit it didnt seem to want to turn at all and im not even sure if it adjust it or not. another issue is since converting the mags ive have found the the new feed lips are being damaged quite badly right away and that mags will not always fit into the magwell some times i have to push it up hard and wiggle it around to get it to lock into place. everything is installed correctly so again im not sure what caused these issues but until i figure them out i would have to recommend the vsz unless someone can put these issues to rest.

the pros to the new open bolt are the recoil has seem to increase quite abit yay for recoil lol
I'm no expert but there is a pin in the stock acting as a stop for the metal cylinder in the stock - the retaining screw holding the pin should be screwed down or it will scrape the bottom of the bolt and it may not cycle all the way back.

Also don't slap a loaded mag into the magwell if the bolt is forward. You can potentially break the plastic nozzle since the bb in the mag is actually hitting the nozzle from the bottom. I pull the bolt back before inserting a mag, it locks in place without any problem.
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Old July 14th, 2011, 02:48   #40
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In regards to the shaving, ill test out my RA tech steel bolt and see if it does the same.. its made of steel and not pot metal like the stock OB bolt..
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Old July 16th, 2011, 08:21   #41
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open bolt all the way
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Old July 16th, 2011, 12:08   #42
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
In regards to the shaving, ill test out my RA tech steel bolt and see if it does the same.. its made of steel and not pot metal like the stock OB bolt..
You have a steel OB bolt? I didn't realize RA-Tech had released them already, where did you pick yours up?

Adjusting the hop up in this thing is the biggest bitch ever.

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