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New import laws


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old May 9th, 2011, 10:21   #1
infernau's Avatar
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New import laws

Can anyone shed some light on this, I heard a rumor that we (Canadians) we now able to import full metal guns with orange flash hiders and velocity must be between (410-500, to fall under the low muzzle velocity bracket) fps with .20's. I did some research online and this seems to be hokum. Because of the realism, airsoft guns are still considered replicas.

If you're responding to this pls include a link to where you get your info since what is heard one week may not be the same the next.
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Old May 9th, 2011, 10:26   #2
Brian McIlmoyle
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check one of the several dozen other threads on the subject for clarification
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Old May 9th, 2011, 10:43   #3
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
check one of the several dozen other threads on the subject for clarification
This is a matter of great interest, but is the information available to non av'd members? I'm just waiting for my AV to clear so I guess I can wait a bit longer if I have to lol...

Nevermind, I answered my own question lol... waiting to find out is no big deal to me
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Last edited by ssrc30; May 9th, 2011 at 10:48.. Reason: Answered my own question...
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Old May 9th, 2011, 11:04   #4
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As I posted previously, telling me to check other threads in this site is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's far more helpful, if you know where it is, to make direct reference to it. Many of those threads may be outdated and therefore useless. If someone has information that, and I can specify this enough, is current please have the kindness of sharing in on this thread.

Roughly this time last year (correct me if I'm wrong) we went from having to buy cansoft guns (clear or smoked lower receivers) to full metal. At which point they are technically replicas, so I wonder what the difference is from buying it from a retailer to importing them ourselves as long as we don't falsify the records and attempt at smuggling them in and pay the customs charges like good little boys and girls....

It's a buyers market, hell you can buy drug paraphernalia just about anywhere and it's consumption is far more harmful and destructive that any airsoft gun.

99% of players are responsible adults that are smart and considerate of the sport so why bother penalizing everyone for the acts of a few morons that should be banned from any game play.
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Old May 9th, 2011, 11:10   #5
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Old May 9th, 2011, 11:11   #6
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infernau, you have access to all the relevant information on the forum.

Nothing has changed. There are no new laws. No laws have been changed or amended. If you attempt to buy something from a shop outside of Canada your chances of succesful import are the same as they were last year; additional info about imports is available in the AV area.

Yes, some people/retailers are importing: they're following very specific guidelines (as previously specified in the law), jumping through the hoops and sometimes still having to deal with seizures. So no it's not as simple as ordering and it'll arrive on your doorstep like if you'd ordered a pair of shoes.

tl;dr: no, you still can't import.

Last edited by Drake; May 9th, 2011 at 11:14..
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