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wow am I ever lost help please!


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Old September 29th, 2010, 10:10   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Sherwood Park
wow am I ever lost help please!

I can't believe how many guns exist haha its awsome. Anyways I could use some help I am looking at the g&g m16 a3 max. I only found one post about it on this site does anyone have more info. Also looking for more pics of the gun if anyone has one. Does it have a clear or tinted parts to it? And finally what accessories can I put on it? Will almost any red dot work? Can I attach an m203 or not?

Thanks for all the help guys! Excited to become part of the airsoft community.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 10:51   #2
doc_pathfinders's Avatar
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just a word to the wise, getting age verified (if you're over 18) will help you get access to almost any AEG available at pretty decent prices (for canada)

if you're not in canada (fill in your profile) then disregard that last comment, but expect to have some comments like 'get AV'd because we won't help you unless you're AV'd'

this is due to people trying every way imaginable to get around the rules that are there to help canadian airsoft as a whole (no underage b*stards playing in the open, getting shot by police and susequently having the soccer-mom brigade explain the shooting as 'AIRSOFT!!!!111!! rather then 'i raised an idiot')

unfortunatly i can't help you as to G&G AEG's.. but i thought i'd just like to point out to everyone else that you're not asking WHERE to get this AEG, just for information on it (which is NOT prohibited, until you ask where to purchase from )
"History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so."

-- Adolph Hitler, April 11 1942.

Adolph hitler supports gun control.. Do you?

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Old September 29th, 2010, 10:56   #3
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First thing you would need to do with this rifle is to swap the spring (should come with a new one that will bring the fps to where it should be)

Any red dot should work with this once you remove the carry handle

as for a 203 well if you have or get a rail mounted one you will need to add some sort of rails to the front end, once this is done go ahead and add a 203

as for the gun itself I have not had experience with this particular gun
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Old September 29th, 2010, 11:09   #4
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I don't have experience with that gun but any red dot that can be mounted on the rail will work. The Tasco red dot from Canadian Tire I believe should fit. Just take off the carry handle and you should be able to mount it on the rail system on the top.

Also as others have said, you should probably swap the spring it has right now for the replacement spring that comes with it (I believe it's an M100 or M110). Otherwise there's probably a pretty good chance that the gears will be stripped to shit because it's such a tough spring.

For 203 mounting, you'll need to get a rail system for the front end. As well it's tough to get a 203 into Canada so don't order from outside the country or there's a high chance that you'll get a letter from the CBSA notifying you of a seizure of your package. Get AV'ed and there will be a few floating around but to the best of my knowledge they're not that common (however there are some floating around).
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Old September 29th, 2010, 12:01   #5
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As Doc said, getting AVed will give you access to so many more options. If you can't (or as some people, won't) then there's nothing anyone can do to stop you, but if you're really looking to get into airsoft in this country it is absolutely the best choice. You will be amazed by some of the things that become available to you in the AV sections and classifieds, and will wonder why you considered Buyairsoft (I presume) in the first place. Five hundred bucks can get you a lot more here than it can anywhere else.

Also did a quick search, and there looks to be a couple of M203s listed currently.

If you're set on the G&G, or against AVing, then that's your prerogative. Like the others I have no experience with that model or the MAX series in general, but it should do its job. Just make sure to switch out for the M100 spring that it comes with; that's a lot of velocity out of the box, and I really wouldn't recommend it for a starting player. You don't want to hurt someone or, for that matter as L473ncy said, your gun's internals.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 12:10   #6
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Sherwood Park
Don't worry guys I'm working on the Av here hopefully this week. Thanks for the info. One thing I'm still wondering about is they all come with red tips right? I don't really want to paint one on. Also this gun is all metal right? Like the center isn't plastic?
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Old September 29th, 2010, 12:14   #7
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Red muzzles are a US gig, not required in Canada and rarely seen in the wild.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 12:26   #8
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Originally Posted by Emerson098 View Post
Don't worry guys I'm working on the Av here hopefully this week. Thanks for the info. One thing I'm still wondering about is they all come with red tips right? I don't really want to paint one on. Also this gun is all metal right? Like the center isn't plastic?
Yeah, from the looks of it the only non-metal externals are the forearm, the stock, and the pistol grip, which are as they should be.

If you're gettin' AVed, honestly, wait for that and see what the classifieds have to offer you. I bought two AEGs before I was AVed; I regret one of them, it was overpriced and low quality. Waitin' sucks, but believe me when I say that it's worth it.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 12:36   #9
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Word of warning. If you plan on getting an m203, be prepared for some serious maintenance and upkeep on the shells. There are only a small handful of shells out there that I've seen/used that are low maintenance and reliable.

But if you're willing to put the effort and time in, m203's are probably the ,ost fun toy to use on field. I know I get a good laugh every time I use mine
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Old September 29th, 2010, 16:45   #10
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Madbull grenades, i wouldn't advise anything else (after using the old original 165rd moscart shells for far too long)

if you go for the huge HP204 (iirc) and using CO2 you can actually get some good range too!!
"History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so."

-- Adolph Hitler, April 11 1942.

Adolph hitler supports gun control.. Do you?

Sic Semper Tyrannis.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 20:04   #11
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Sherwood Park
Thanks guys. I am assuming I will need a paypal account to buy off this site?

Also what are my chances of being scammed from the classifieds?
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Old September 29th, 2010, 20:28   #12
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The classifieds are a big buy and sell; individual sellers may accept any combination of Paypal, email money transfer, direct deposit, and the like. EMT seems quite popular.
Most of the retailers are similar to this.

As to getting scammed, you should be pretty safe. There's a feedback system in place for all users (notice it under a user's name on any of their posts) that lets you know the experiences other people have had dealing with a buyer or a seller. I've not personally had any issues in my few transactions here since I was AVed. I've seen a couple of disputes pop up, but they seem to have been resolved.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 20:53   #13
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by Emerson098 View Post
Thanks guys. I am assuming I will need a paypal account to buy off this site?

Also what are my chances of being scammed from the classifieds?
You do not neccessarily need a paypal account to purchase from retailers or the classifieds on this site. Individuals can accept or refuse whichever payment options they choose. The majority accept paypal and emt. Your chances of being scammed are as good as you allow them to be. I suggest before sending some stranger $$$ that you at the very least check their trader rating, no rating or having negative feedback left should set off warning bells for you. Also get a name, address, phone number that you have called and verified belongs to the seller. Unfortunately fraud does exist but the vast majority of users are people who will deal with you straight. Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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