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Old September 19th, 2010, 16:21   #31
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Question L96 sniper rifle EST T'IL BON ?????

Salut,je joue au airsoft et ji acheter un A17-ris Mais je veu passer a de plus haute performence et jme demande si le L96 est un bon snipe durable et precis a long porté? Quelle marque est pas un clone fait par les chinois :banghead:? et quelle site je pourrait m'en proccurer un vrai L96 ? :wink:
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Old September 19th, 2010, 16:29   #32
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Lis donc le thread dans lequel tu viens de poster.


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Old September 19th, 2010, 17:24   #33
Mr Haezelnut
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400 an hour? Lol. And no, i'm not laughing at you, it's just funny.
Shiftsup, you mentioned a ACM VSR-10 in canada for 200. I can afford that, but do you have any places i can go to/websites with a 'BUY' option?
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Old September 19th, 2010, 17:41   #34
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Originally Posted by Mr Haezelnut View Post
400 an hour? Lol. And no, i'm not laughing at you, it's just funny.
Shiftsup, you mentioned a ACM VSR-10 in canada for 200. I can afford that, but do you have any places i can go to/websites with a 'BUY' option?
not unless your verified
we can give you review, input, laugh at you, and the like, but we are not allowed by the rules of this site to tell you where to buy guns unless your verified. the closest we can go is telling you to check the classifieds or retailers
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Old September 19th, 2010, 17:49   #35
Mr Haezelnut
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Ohhh.... Right. That makes sense. I'll see if i can do that tomorrow when the places open up. Thanks for the clarification.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 18:32   #36
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Originally Posted by Shrapnel[Op-For] View Post
Why are you even mentioning that you bought a gun and illegally smuggled it across the border?
I didnt. I just moved here from the states, I bought it, used it, and sold it there. I just threw in the pointer because of what he mentioned in his OP
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Old September 19th, 2010, 18:52   #37
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Mr Hazelnut.

I can't tell you where you can buy or search for an acm vsr 10 in Canada.

You have to be av'd for that info on this forum and you'll have to prove you are 18+ to the sellers.

The ACM guns are like snowflakes. No two are the same. Some may last you 1000's of rounds before you'll have to fix them. Some might bust right away. Upgrading can be a bitch too since while they are TM compatible the tolerances are diiferent and precision made parts are made to fit the high quality TM guns.

Some of the upgrade parts don't fit the TM VSR 10 without some finesse.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; September 19th, 2010 at 19:08..
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Old September 19th, 2010, 19:42   #38
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by MasterSniper View Post
Salut,je joue au airsoft et ji acheter un A17-ris Mais je veu passer a de plus haute performence et jme demande si le L96 est un bon snipe durable et precis a long porté? Quelle marque est pas un clone fait par les chinois :banghead:? et quelle site je pourrait m'en proccurer un vrai L96 ? :wink:
Que veux tu dire par VRAI?

Sais-tu au moins de quoi tu parles en disant :

"pas un clone fait par des chinois?"

Originally Posted by Mr Haezelnut View Post
Ohhh.... Right. That makes sense. I'll see if i can do that tomorrow when the places open up. Thanks for the clarification.
@Mr Haezelnut How old are you please?

And looks like you DID NOT understand what the ppl on this forum have been telling you....

You remind me of myself 2 years ago, I was underaged, and after playing some COD: Modern Warfare 1, all I wanted was, to buy a sniper rifle, and "headshot-pwn" people in the field.
I went through alot of complication to buy myself a sniper rifle, but finally got it, bought a scope after that, painted it, did some mods to id, then.......after plinking/shooting with it for few months, I hated it, sold it... and bought an AEG... And discovered why ASC members always recommend us to buy an AEG, and not a spring rifle... AEG has the SAME RANGE! and also has a HIGHER rate of fire!

Trust me, I knwo from personnal experience!

PS: This is airsoft, NOT a point-and-shoot video game, theres no such thing in this sport... The ammo we shoot is too light, wind will always deviate your

Last edited by Gunny_McSmith; September 19th, 2010 at 19:53..
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Old September 19th, 2010, 21:25   #39
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Thank you everyone for actually understanding my first post.
Look, sniping is for certain people, it takes a tolerance, and an enormous amount of patience. Ive gone through hours of "game play" and got 1 to zilch kills, the sniper role is so blown out of proportion in video games and the media. The primary role of a sniper on the battlefield is reconnaissance, secondary being to eliminate targets of interest if it is given to you in the mission briefing; When I snipe, it's in milsims to take out a high profile target, if it's a regular game, I am supporting my team mates or relaying enemy player information to my team. And when it gets right down to that shot, one shot is all it takes, you can't get frickin' double tap and be slamming out rounds if someone starts shooting at you. Remember the sniper motto:"One shot, one kill"...just sayin'
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Old September 19th, 2010, 21:36   #40
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I've gotten dozens of kills in built up urban areas during games using just my rifle. Have also gotten only a kill or two when playing outdoors in the woods, sometimes an easy dozen. Really all just depends on the way you use the system, the system being you, your decisions and your rifle. I've noticed the way I play the airsoft sniper role is very much the same as I do when playing video games, so I can pretty much prove that the two can be similar. Still, both have their places within each other, you can learn and improve from doing both.

Here's a pic of me rocking an urban type environment with my M24. My MP5 is up against the van, but for this day, I never even used it. Check out the fact my placement gives me a line of fire UNDER the van, worked great!

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Old September 19th, 2010, 21:52   #41
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I've gotten dozens of kills in built up urban areas during games using just my rifle. Have also gotten only a kill or two when playing outdoors in the woods, sometimes an easy dozen. Really all just depends on the way you use the system, the system being you, your decisions and your rifle. I've noticed the way I play the airsoft sniper role is very much the same as I do when playing video games, so I can pretty much prove that the two can be similar. Still, both have their places within each other, you can learn and improve from doing both.

Here's a pic of me rocking an urban type environment with my M24. My MP5 is up against the van, but for this day, I never even used it. Check out the fact my placement gives me a line of fire UNDER the van, worked great!

Exactly my point, it comes down to the rifle, the technique, the player; just going in there expecting to get easy kills is plain ignorance.
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Whoa guy with the thumb rings, save some pussy for the rest of us

Welcome to Bed Bath and Beyoncé, if you find anything you like, put a ring on it.

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Old September 19th, 2010, 22:09   #42
Mr Haezelnut
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For the couple of people replying after i said 'Oh right..' I meant 'Oh right, it makes sense that you have to be av'd to be legally given locations (or websites) to buy guns. I'll get out to get av'd as soon as i can.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 22:20   #43
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I've gotten dozens of kills in built up urban areas during games using just my rifle. Have also gotten only a kill or two when playing outdoors in the woods, sometimes an easy dozen. Really all just depends on the way you use the system, the system being you, your decisions and your rifle. I've noticed the way I play the airsoft sniper role is very much the same as I do when playing video games, so I can pretty much prove that the two can be similar. Still, both have their places within each other, you can learn and improve from doing both.

Here's a pic of me rocking an urban type environment with my M24. My MP5 is up against the van, but for this day, I never even used it. Check out the fact my placement gives me a line of fire UNDER the van, worked great!

Dude, for someone that kills ppl with CHEWING GUM.... thats

PS: Sniper rifles = higher fps then the field limit, and you'll need to be trusted by other players to play with it, since a bb flying at 500fps at close range hurts like a b****....
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Old September 19th, 2010, 22:30   #44
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Mr Haezelnut View Post
For the couple of people replying after i said 'Oh right..' I meant 'Oh right, it makes sense that you have to be av'd to be legally given locations (or websites) to buy guns. I'll get out to get av'd as soon as i can.
Seriously, forget your idea. You don't have the money nor the knowledge yet to aquire such a device.

Reading the FAQs here would help shed some light on the mater for you.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 19th, 2010, 22:39   #45
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Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
Dude, for someone that kills ppl with CHEWING GUM.... thats

PS: Sniper rifles = higher fps then the field limit, and you'll need to be trusted by other players to play with it, since a bb flying at 500fps at close range hurts like a b****....

BTW, past two years my rifle has been shooting at 397fps with 0.20g BBs, that's roughly 300fps with the 0.36g Bastards I use. Food for thought, eh?
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