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Should I get this as my first airsoft gun?(Oh no, not another one of these threads)


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Old April 17th, 2010, 10:34   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Should I get this as my first airsoft gun?(Oh no, not another one of these threads)

So me and a couple of friends decided to get into the sport of airsoft. I managed to stumble upon a used UTG special ops M14 with classic army internals for $100. Apart from the gun, It comes with battery+charger, 1000 bbs, a couple mags, red dot sight, sling, and a bipod.

Now, I have read around here, and I know that everybody recommends paying 300+ on their first gun, but this seems to be a decent gun, I understand that it is not the greatest. I do mountain viking also, and I realise that you cant expect great performance for a small amount amount of money. But this gun seems good for casual airsofting in the forest with some friends.

Feel free leave comments/criticisms on my choice, or tell me why this is a terrible gun to buy. Thanks!
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Old April 17th, 2010, 10:37   #2
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Don't airsoft in the forest it's illegal.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 10:41   #3
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Originally Posted by boyofcheese View Post
So me and a couple of friends decided to get into the sport of airsoft. I managed to stumble upon a used UTG special ops M14 with classic army internals for $100. Apart from the gun, It comes with battery+charger, 1000 bbs, a couple mags, red dot sight, sling, and a bipod.

Now, I have read around here, and I know that everybody recommends paying 300+ on their first gun, but this seems to be a decent gun, I understand that it is not the greatest. I do mountain viking also, and I realise that you cant expect great performance for a small amount amount of money. But this gun seems good for casual airsofting in the forest with some friends.

Feel free leave comments/criticisms on my choice, or tell me why this is a terrible gun to buy. Thanks!
first of all welcome to the sport but please respect the general rules about playing in public lands ie. forest, parks etc. there are a lot of info in this forum in regards to choosing your first AEG but please keep in mind that our AEG resembles a real firearm and in the public it will be deemed as one especially if the Police were involved because of your casual games.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 10:43   #4
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Don't worry, its going to be played on private property.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 11:05   #5
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Where did you find this gun? If it was on an american website, it is not recommended to try to ship it over due to customs etc. If this is local/craigslist/something like that, I would recommend getting it (I would get it personally, but that's just me as I have a soft spot for M14s."
From what I have heard, Classic Army is right up there with Tokyo Marui, so I would think that 100$ is a complete steal.

When I first joined this website about a year ago, I wanted to do the same thing as you, play in my backyard (different than a forest but still) with friends. This was guarded against, even though my backyard is my own property. The average 40 year old soccer mom does not know the difference between a nerf gun and a real gun (trust me I have one for a mother) let alone an airsoft one from a real one. They will not hesitate calling the cops if they see you, even if it is private property, shrieking histerically into the phone that there are kids shooting eachother in the woods.
I'm not sure where you are located, but I have done some research on this site and others, and most major cities have some kind of playing field where airsoft can be played legally and safely. I would recommend that instead of your forest.

EDIT: In most cases, the events hosted at these fields do not allow minors. If you are under 18 like me, I would recommend waiting until you turn 18 to purchase ANY airsoft gun. If the seller is responsible, he/she won't even sell you the gun if you are a minor.

Last edited by Crunk_Ain't_Dead; April 17th, 2010 at 11:11.. Reason: forgot something
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Old April 17th, 2010, 11:12   #6
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Thread title implies he's read the FAQ's.

Also for the price it implies the internals will more than likely be CA "SPORTLINE" NOT "ProLine". I don't know if they've stepped up QC on their sportline because it's supposed to be provided to the market for cheap and compete against other clones in the price range but I can tell you that a few years ago for sure that the Sportline internals weren't up to par with the clones in that specific market (proline these days is awesome though compared to like 5-6 years ago when you bought the CA for metal and dropped in a new gearbox into it).

PS: Take the advice MSDFS is offering, I was a minor when I joined as well and I waited, it's not like it's going to kill you or be excessively painful to wait, hell it's not even a life or death thing like alcohol, just wait and let your frontal lobe develop.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old April 17th, 2010, 13:04   #7
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post

PS: Take the advice MSDFS is offering, I was a minor when I joined as well and I waited, it's not like it's going to kill you or be excessively painful to wait, hell it's not even a life or death thing like alcohol, just wait and let your frontal lobe develop.
+1 ....I've been waiting for 2 years now...and almost got few days left before i can get Av'ed!!!!!

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Old April 17th, 2010, 14:40   #8
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Hurray....another should I buy this gun thread.

Short answer, maybe...closer to probly not.

A UTG m14 with Classic Army internals. All classic Army internals? Because I believe UTG M14s are supposedly TM compatible while Classic Army does things just a little bit different. For example a TM M14 hopup looks nothing like a Classic Armys. You better ask whoever is selling this to give you some more details.

If something is to good to be true, it usually it.

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Originally Posted by boyofcheese View Post

but this seems to be a decent gun
Seems like a decent gun? You dont even have all the facts how can you make such and assumption?

"Oh its fine it seems like a good gun" = "oh that chicks cute she, that extra skin on her throat doesnt look like an adams apple at all"

Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; April 17th, 2010 at 14:49..
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Old April 17th, 2010, 15:02   #9
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Tokyo Seven is so funny.
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
If you're not a "Sciency" type of guy, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if you're an Engineer you'll probably have the world view of "if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet".
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Old April 17th, 2010, 15:39   #10
deep in the bush
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I would not buy it. 100 bucks is way too little, red flags galore pop up.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 17:05   #11
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Agreed.... Better safe then sorry.
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