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Looking for a decent inexpensive springer gun


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Old April 1st, 2010, 07:30   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Looking for a decent inexpensive springer gun

Hey guys I'm pretty new to airsoft so I want to start out with something simple, easy to use, durable, inexpensive, and not a sidearm. I'm not familiar with the brand names or anything, and I've seen some good deals in the states but I hear that having it shipped up here will be an issue. thanks.
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Old April 1st, 2010, 07:37   #2
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well if your new to the sport,you may want a aeg first.cause most fields won't let you play without having experence in the sport.
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Old April 1st, 2010, 07:57   #3
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Well, they will let him play, but will suggest that he'd likely not have a good time because he doesn't have an AEG. But is all part of the learning experience. I remember my first game, was only 4 vs. 4, I only got two kills all day annd got shot a lot. Mind you I only used an AEG all afternoon, and my M11 and M24 in the morning, but still.........

Wil86, go to Canadian Tire and pick up the tri shot Crosman shotgun. It's a springer, has some decent power to it, and is only $120 (unless on sale). Buy a bag of good BBs, say 0.25g minimum, and go play. You won't do well with it since it'll be your first time (not saying you'll do well with an AEG either, it's the way you absorb what is going on, it'll all spin around you and you'll get confused by everything), but you'll learn some valuable lessons with it. I have that shotgun and will be using it as much as I can this year, I plan to give my AEGs a rest this year.
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Old April 1st, 2010, 22:38   #4
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Cybergun FAMAS springer... to my surprise

Originally Posted by wil86 View Post
Hey guys I'm pretty new to airsoft so I want to start out with something simple, easy to use, durable, inexpensive, and not a sidearm. I'm not familiar with the brand names or anything, and I've seen some good deals in the states but I hear that having it shipped up here will be an issue. thanks.
Because we had shotgun and pistol night (no aeg) I needed a springer rifle, and did NOT want to spend a lot of money.

So I purchased a cybergun FAMAS springer for about 40$...

To my absolute surprise it turned out to be an amazing gun (with crapy sights) compared to a shot gun rapid rate of fire(crank position) precision was similar to my cqb gun.

(Crylon it black and still love it)



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Old April 1st, 2010, 22:40   #5
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Fill in your profile with your location and we can probably help you out a lot more.

Come on out to a game is probably your best bet.
Talk with the folks learn about it all and check out some toys!
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 21:40   #6
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Originally Posted by Sportco View Post
Because we had shotgun and pistol night (no aeg) I needed a springer rifle, and did NOT want to spend a lot of money.

So I purchased a cybergun FAMAS springer for about 40$...

To my absolute surprise it turned out to be an amazing gun (with crapy sights) compared to a shot gun rapid rate of fire(crank position) precision was similar to my cqb gun.

(Crylon it black and still love it)


I have one of those and it's wtfgood for a cheap cybergun springer.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 21:52   #7
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i recomend that u go to a game and rent an AEG to see if you like the sport etc
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:09   #8
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Check out PoCo surplus or Daves Army Surplus, it won't hurt to go and check it out but your wallet may be lighter after you exit. (I assume you're the same Wil86 as on Opfor?).

Other than that the Crosman S34P Tri Shot shotgun from Canadian Tire ($120+tax) is a decent deal (even better when they're on sale for $80 + tax) after that, primer, a can of flat black, and a matte clearcoat and you'll be rocking. From what I hear most of their other line is crap so I wouldn't consider it.

There's also "3quip" if you're willing to rent a gun for a day to try it out.

EDIT: The tri shot shotgun probably would be pretty fun to use if the NSPB night games get running again, too bad about "The Ferry" though, now *that* would be an awesome place to use a shotgun.
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Last edited by L473ncy; April 3rd, 2010 at 22:13..
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