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Old February 2nd, 2010, 14:08   #16
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Location: Toronto 12 months half of us might not even still be into airsoft...(I think Wilson has mentally retired at least once already )

People and companies can make all the promises, boasts and hints that they'd like...but personally I'll believe it (whatever thing, improvement, accessiblity, part, piece, function, etc... "it" may be) when I see it.

Airsoft is full of promises and claims. Some come through, others never do. Rarely is anything a sure thing.

Deal in the here and now...I wouldn't hold my breath for anything related to airsoft, life's too short for that.
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 14:28   #17
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if you wan't reliability and not having to worry about replacement parts and wan't to game go with The kjw m4's if you wan't an m4.the parts to adjust the fps are realy cheap as well 20-30$

If you don't mind a few things crapping out get a wetti , but apparently they have moved factories to improve quality on there HK416,PDW ect line. i odered a hk416 but they went out of stock so i couldn't get it

or you could wait an unknown amount of time for possible vapour ware VFC , KWA , ect

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 14:32   #18
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My biggest concern about gas rifles was that regardless which you bought at what price, you always needed to upgrade a bunch of parts to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of dollars in order to get the gun reliable enough to field and to reduce the velocity down to field-legal numbers. I had been tempted for a long time by the gas monster, but resisted, because I didn't want to HAVE to mess with the gun.

However, now I think there are viable alternatives that will perform reasonably well out of the box, or with only minimal work required. I don't know if there will ever be an "ideal time" to make the switch from electric to gas, but now is a good time to take a good look at the offerings.

I, for one, decided it WAS time for me to take a leap. And I decided if I was to do it, I was going to do it right and go all out with the "no tomfoolery required model". I grabbed up an Inokatsu M4 SOPMOD Super version. You start off with a real-steel grade receiver, all steel internals, and field legal velocity out of the box. Expensive? Damn straight it is. But it's what I've been waiting for, and it's finally here. I'm sure I'll be upgrading it and modding it in the future just as I have with all my AEGs, but the key feature here is that I don't HAVE to and can use it as-is.

So now I play the waiting game and wait for it to arrive.
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 14:43   #19
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ooooh...the Super. Nice.

Here's my WE AWSS/WETTI so far (actual out of pocket...not some might be web price):
- rifle + a couple of mags $850
- steel part #66 $27 (mine didn't break...I just swapped it out preemptively)
- RAtech nozzle adjustable NPAS nozzle kit $60
- madbull steel fill valves (free technically...but they're $20/3)

Other sh*t it didn't need but messed around with:
- "CO2" upgrade kit $70...didn't need it but it was nice to have other bits to mod test things with
- couple more mags $54/each
- DD MK18Mod0 rail...$100-ish can't remember
- Noveske Fire Pig (dunno, had it forever...think it was $30-ish)
- Magpul CRT stock (free...someone gave it to me in a's a clone, dunno what they go for but it fits nice)

I've skirmished with it at least 6-8 times...I've used it at CAPS (and I don't use flaky sh*t for that...there's points and prizes on the line)...I've freely lent it out to CAPS guys who didn't have a rifle for several matches. I'm 4000+ rounds...and stopped counting.

That's it. Obviously some of the stuff is cosmetic...but the parts in the first list are "nice to have on hand stuff".

....Plus BBs and the crate of Coleman gas cans that I've gone through so far

But that's a WE WETTI. I wouldn't start a G&P build up unless I had $2k ready to go.
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 14:52   #20
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Well, Tys, that's not bad at all. But I think it illustrates nicely where GBBr are nowadays. They're starting to become a viable option. When you think back to when WA first released theirs, they've come a long way. It was horribly expensive, fired super hot, had weak internals, crap plastic externals all over, etc. By the time you had that gun upgraded to a solid, reliable, field-worthy (and legal) gun, you'd doubled the price of the initial gun.

And of course, the first generations of other brands were also quite expensive to get into a fieldable gun. That's changing, and for the better.
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 15:02   #21
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Yes, certainly you are correct Crunch. I wouldn't touch version/gen 1's or 2's of any GBBR system...past, present or future.

Anyways...have fun with the Super Crunch...I hear that they are, well "Super"
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 15:41   #22
Brian McIlmoyle
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My take

I run at WE AWSS M4 ... it has worked out of the box..
put an adjustable nozzle in it and replaced part 66 ( thanks Tys )

I have a dozen mags

Other than that Ive made external changes.. Rail, stock grip ...

It is my GO TO gun, my primary arm ..

Keep in mind that most of my action is indoors CQB, short sharp engagements.

The gun has worked without issues.. and is a nail driver at CQB range. out to 30 m

I've fielded it .. but it has all the same limitations as an AEG outdoors .. it's a poor simulator for a rifle at typical combative engagement distances.. you can see people long before you can engage them.. ( often) so it sucks as much as an AEG .. but it has worked as flawlessly outdoors as in .. and it shoots long and hard.

I'm a convert.. and I expect my GBBR will be the only AR platform I will own.. AS or RS
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 17:14   #23
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I have had the chance to skirmish my WE Scar in acouple of local games last season. From periods of rain to sunshine it preformed flawlessly. The 30 rounds mags does put you at a disadvantage vs AEG users. But the thrill of realism and the clanking of metal is awesome. Every GBBR platform has it's flaws and if you are comfortable tinkering and fixing your own guns. If you are going to get your feet wet in the GBBR scene, I would say KJW M4. Entry to the GBBR platform is lower and good reviews on reliability and you could game it right out of the box.

Custom Kydex Holsters - pm me for details
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 17:57   #24
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Who ever say it take 2k to make a working GBBR is totally wrong, every platform could work that way...except External air maybe...

Tanio-Koba/KJ: $1100 for metal, $550 for cansoft, mags are approx $45, affordable, you can get a standard loadout (6+1 mags) buy purchasing additional 5 making cost starting at $750. Either use a new fps adjustment (rumour) cost $25 or shorter innerbarrel to reduce fps by 50

WE AWSS: A lil pricy with the entire cartel imho, does not shoot as straight as Manga (not my words, its a basic statement from gasgun forum) Only CO2 System currently. Mags cost about $50-60, Gun cost approx $1100 for AR-15, and $950 (dont quote me on pricing I dont know much for WE)

-Inokatsu, Dont go this unless you absolutely want it...then dont complain the price (need hopup, and thats it. It shoots 395 average at 25 degrees)
-G&P WOC, Best choice, things need to replace...NONE, it shoots 380 stock on propane (mind the 210mm innerbarrel, so pick a CQBR setup) $1200-1400CDN for metal receiver or Cansoft version (via someone build it using WOC + clear lower) can be bought $750-$950 (depending on model)
-Bomber Same as WOC, except it use Prime Receiver...prices are higher as such (EST. $2000)
-JG, not bad start, need to replace some part and hope you don't mind the plastic receiver ($300)
-AGM, first gen only receiver and buffer tube are good to stay long term, currently its pretty good, just need to replace bolt catch, trigger sear, BCG, nozzle ($600 to make it work)

Mags for magna:
AGM current gen: $30 (mind the additional 200g weight)
GHK: $60 (if you don't mind stiff magwell for WOC, seems to be only woc)
Pro-Win: $82 (a lil expensive, but its better than WA except fps consisteny losing to Super Version)
G&P: $52 (beware fill valve might leak, no high quality replacement part)
WA Standard: $120 The standard for bench mark for 2 years as the best...currently tie with Pro-Win. (need G&P O-Ring kit)
WA Super: $140 The best magazine available.

Cheapest: JG -$300 (comes with 1 mags, doesnt leak =) )
6X G&P Mags -$310

Cansoft WOC: $800 (comes with a G&P mag)
Get another 6 G&P mags, and you get yourself a basic load out

WOC $1300
6 Pro-Win Magazines $500
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 18:18   #25
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Who ever say it take 2k to make a working GBBR is totally wrong, every platform could work that way...except External air maybe...

Tanio-Koba/KJ: $650 for metal, $550 for cansoft, mags are approx $45, affordable, you can get a standard loadout (6+1 mags) buy purchasing additional 5 making cost starting at $75, Buying the cradle airsoft velocity reducer is only 20$ and the fps is fully adjustable
Corrected the price for the KJW it's 650-700 for the full metal over the half clear and there is a velocity reducer

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 18:21   #26
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
Corrected the price for the KJW it's 650-700 for the full metal over the half clear and there is a velocity reducer
I know there's a velocity reducer, just not popular for some odd reason, I'm not really good on price anything other than Magna,
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 18:23   #27
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
I know there's a velocity reducer, just not popular for some odd reason, I'm not really good on price anything other than Magna,
It only came out recently and it's known to all KJW users , i don't understand why the Kjw hasn't caught on as much as the others it performs amazing and cradle airsoft is coming out with a Stagnag mag

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 21:30   #28
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yup kjw m4 are far better rifle out of the box mine is Canada version doesn't give me any problems recently I just bought an AEG and until now its on repair motor is not working well gearbox keeps on breaking hopup is weired to adjust. Too much of the moving parts when you remove the mags bb's is falling on the floor some times it spit 3 bb's at one time some times bb's just fall out on the barrel pretty weired. my gbbr nope nothing like that tanio koba is fine tuned gbbr load, pull and shoot.
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 22:13   #29
Rookie Ab
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I would say ,if you can afford it,have both. I have a few GBBR's ,my favorite's right now are the KJ's. I know they're going to work.The prime and ino builds shoot nice ,but things break or wear. Mind you,for those night games that cool down a little too much I have the PTW in the truck, just in case.

They're alot more fun to shoot IMO.
AKA : Rookie, on a few other boards.

Last edited by Rookie Ab; February 2nd, 2010 at 22:16..
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