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5.1 Newb questions


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Old November 27th, 2009, 21:48   #1
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5.1 Newb questions

Hello, I just have some newb questions about my 5.1 hi-capa. If anyone can help me out, that would be greatly appreciated

1. I have a stock TM mag, how many full mags can i shoot before needing to refill my mag with gas? I shoot one and a half clips and my gas is empty, not sure if this is normal.

2. I know that ure supposed to leave some gas in your mag when its not in use. Does gas usually leak in a magazine if u dont use it for a long time?

3. To know that your mag is completely filled with gas, do u wait for the vapor to gush out? or do u wait till u see the liquid coming out?

Thanks again for your help guys!
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Old November 27th, 2009, 21:57   #2
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1. 1.5 is about normal.

2. Yes, gas will slowly leak out over time. If you keep the magazine lubbed though it will go a long way in prolonging it's life.

3. No, that's a good way to kill your magazine. If it does that, you've overpressured it and you'll blow the seals. You shouldn't fill it more than 5 seconds worth of gas.

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Old November 27th, 2009, 22:02   #3
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no, TM mags will spew vapour when their full, thats made that way to tell you its full, dont keep going till its liquid tho, THATS bad, it will freeze your hand, it hurts, trust me lol

Last edited by Thenooblord; November 27th, 2009 at 22:10..
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Old November 27th, 2009, 22:07   #4
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1. 1.5 mags would be the minimum - since it is winter that may be the norm but under room temp (and allowing the mag 5-10 min to warm up) it is possible to get 2 full mags out of 1 charge.

2. yes, pressure in the mags keeps internal seals in shape

3. true japanese mags have two way fill valves (as opposed to silent fill valves). this means that as you are filling, gas will spill out of the valve. when the mag is full the liquid (visually identifiable by a thicker cloud of gas and the feel of silicon oil on the hand) will squirt out. further filling does nothing except waste propane, since the mag is filled with it already.

edit - i should mention that as all mechanical devices under stress, the residual gas in the mag will eventually leak out (6months -1 year). the best maintanence i would offer is ocassional use and cleaning

Last edited by Rob; November 27th, 2009 at 22:16..
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Old November 27th, 2009, 23:25   #5
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
1. 1.5 is about normal.

2. Yes, gas will slowly leak out over time. If you keep the magazine lubbed though it will go a long way in prolonging it's life.

3. No, that's a good way to kill your magazine. If it does that, you've overpressured it and you'll blow the seals. You shouldn't fill it more than 5 seconds worth of gas.
In reference to #2, the magazine is lubbed when u drop the silicon in the propane valve right? Thats the only indirect lub i know unless ure supposed to do something else..
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Old November 28th, 2009, 00:36   #6
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
In reference to #2, the magazine is lubbed when u drop the silicon in the propane valve right? Thats the only indirect lub i know unless ure supposed to do something else..
That's correct.

I sometimes don't lube my TM mags and they're fine because...well....they're TM mags. But lubing periodically is a good idea.

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