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Wavering Morale



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Old November 2nd, 2009, 08:56   #1
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Unhappy Wavering Morale

It could be just a Northern oncoming-winter-depression thing, but recently my love for Airsoft has been tested and I've been finding it increasingly difficult to remain interested in the sport. The quality and mindset of the players has changed in recent years and the games just aren't what they used to be for me. I'm also finding it extremely challenging to motivate others to attend games these days.

I've tried changing it up by trying out the sniper and force recon roles, which has been fun for us but not enough to change the core gameplay.

The games I've attended lately have been disappointing, especially since role-playing isn't something I've ever been into. Lately I've been moving more and more towards real steel (always been involved in it) and away from airsoft. I'm even thinking about calling it quits for Highland Tactical, at least for the airsoft end of things.

Is there anything I can do on my end to improve my enjoyment of the sport and hopefully get others more motivated to get out to games? Am I alone in this experience?
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:19   #2
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you are not alone in your thoughts. i have been feeling the same way lately. personally, i think its because this seasons (for me at least) has been really shitty. what with the bad weather and just busy schedule, i barely made it out to any games at all. i notice the attitude thing, even in my 2 years of experience. all i can say is, hold out till next year. if it still doesn't live up to your expectations, than sell off airsoft. For me, i think i once i get out to the games more and get all my gear and guns up to par i will have more fun, cause than i can attend literally any game i want.

Example of my guns and their function:

M14: All purpose outdoor rifle. allows me to play recon and DM role
Kar98k: Allows me to do long range sniping and play with the WWII guys
G36C: (Once i convert my fullsize) will allow me to play indoor, CQB games, night games (via tracer unit) and winter games (cause of the V3 mechbox)
USP .45: well this is just self explanatory.

I structured my guns to allow me to get the most playability out of airsoft. i know i like airsoft, but this season has really bummed me out. still, im going to stay and finish upgrading my stuff. im sure one i get out to more games (as will you), the feeling will wear away. at least i hope so.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:20   #3
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Maybe you need to focust and restrict your interest in airsoft to what motivate you the most.

For myself, I see it as the best force on force trainning I can get at the moment, so I stick with milsims with people I know I will be able to play in coerant team with.

I never see myself dropping airsoft, but like you, my interest has changed and somewhat faded with time. I'm no longer motivated by everything airsoft has to offer, but only in a very specific portion of it. Unfortunatly, a few people dedicate themself completely to this very milsim protion.

Especially with the new wave of noob with cheap transparent guns that are barely 18.

If I was you Wilson, I'd slim down my gear to real stuff that work in the real world and use airsoft as the Force on Force trainning part of my RS love. Because steel and paper target never shoot back.

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:21   #4
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you get what you put into it. have fun. if you stop having fun...then stop playing..its simple...nothing we can change for you. dont mean to sound like a dick, but sitting around feeling all ruby gloom doesnt help. just quit...or keep playing. its pretty black and white in my mind. take a break for a while.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:23   #5
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My interest has been waning too the past year and a half, didn't help that I burned myself out badly with gun work up to last year, but even gaming isn't really that fun anymore. I'd rather watch than play. The only thing that I do still really enjoy is playing with my sniper rifle and a pistol or two on me, AEG use and running around got old. I'll still play, but overall there are other things I'd rather do.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:34   #6
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Just a thought it could be the company your keeping. do ya think if ya surrounded your self with enthousiastic people who wanted to play, your love for the sport would come back? hell we are so close you need to come hang with us. we will get ya back up and airsofting again. P.S. we have a heated warehouse to play in all winter its not super huge but itll do when ya get the itch and we are always ready to go
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:37   #7
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I've been finding myself feeling this way too, sometimes. Often times, if my options are a) stay home or b) go play airsoft with 6-8 people and just skirmish all day, I'm 50/50...

I'm getting tired of just team-deathmatch, CTF and other simple game types that get played here.

Finding a good, easy way to mix it up would be great and would solve my issues, I think.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:59   #8
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I'm finding That I have WAY more fun playing with new guys. No offence to all the experienced players out there, we are not all the same, but there are way too many stuck up assholes who justify the fact that when you put a 100+ rnd burst into them and apparently didn't hit anything it's cause "Well I've been playing for 5 years, there's no way you coulda got me"

I was actually thinking about quiting and selling off all my stuff till crunch brought me out to play a group of new players with their own field, hella fun time to be had there.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:05   #9
Brian McIlmoyle
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Stop looking

For external validation for your internal satisfaction.

Wilson, you and your group take a pretty serious approach.. one that will most certainly get blunted off if you keep looking for what you want within the wider community.

I suggest you focus on internal training.. and occasionaly adding a member when you find a likely candidate.

Consider games as an opportunity to test your training.. nothing more.

Also there are other groups like yours out there .. reach out and connect with them.. it's through the interplay of like minded people that we find our greatest satisfaction.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:22   #10
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Well organized Milsim is the way to go in my opinion. Also I'm tired of AEB,GBr's that work like shit, there just not reliable enough, I only wish we could use Sim ammunition like in most NATO armies, and play with our restrict ed's because our AEG's from Asia are to expensive for there performance.

Also this "Crapsoft" or "Clearsoft" business is just completely poison to, it's fine for kids at home to have a neat little toy, but people bringing these out to games just ruin's it more and further degrades the game.

In a perfect world for Airsoft i would love to see people actually get there money's worth out of it, our guns need to be at least 3 times better in performance, and reliability.Every game I go too a few guns down for whatever reason, hopup, gear box, selector switch, motor, batteries, and these are guns are built by people that know.

This would make me happy, and i think would keep more people interested in the game.

Many people I have met over the years, that I know use to play always complained about the cost, and aggravation of constantly upgrading there guns and unnecessary expenses.

The amazing thing is, I know a lot of people who use to play years ago before ASC was on the net, and repeat all the same things.

Unfortunately there is nothing i can do about it, so i just have fun regardless seeing good people/friends out there, and have fun.

I just hate the fact when i spend over $1500 easy and it work's seldom, but hey it looks cool on the wall.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:40   #11
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Just a thought it could be the company your keeping. do ya think if ya surrounded your self with enthousiastic people who wanted to play, your love for the sport would come back? hell we are so close you need to come hang with us. we will get ya back up and airsofting again. P.S. we have a heated warehouse to play in all winter its not super huge but itll do when ya get the itch and we are always ready to go
If you are talking about me, is more the fact I seriously burned myself out over the past years with all manner of airsoft related stuff, hardcore over my head gun work (add in those that'd ask me a few days before a game to fix their gun, and my having one gun in peices all over my bench), being asked for and giving advice constantly, playing one to three games per month for a few years, then tapering it to one per month max. Had my relationship of 7 years fall apart and didn't spend enough time with my kids................. ya, burn out. Luckily I have Timbit now, she's amazing, and likes airsoft (except the face shots she learned aren't fun), but in upcoming years I'll make it out every month or two to play. I seriously began to love my skills with a bolt action rifle, more so playing in an urban built up area, using my single BB stealth and picking off guys through small windows way out there........... that is my love, my rifle and pistols, and have learned just how strong a player I really am with a BA vs. AEGs. That's what keeps my addiction for airsoft going.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 11:01   #12
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actually it was ment for Wilson but hey all are welcome!


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Old November 2nd, 2009, 11:07   #13
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
actually it was ment for Wilson but hey all are welcome!


Hehe, ok, was wondering since you said "Since we are so close together" and thinking "Huh?" but knowing we do make it up to North Bay at times.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 12:00   #14
deep in the bush
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ch, ch, ch, changes....

Every year I get an urge to just drop AS due to many reasons.

It's been money, people, politics, illness, job, lack of time you name it.

I find I usually sit back and take a break every year now (a month or two), I also look to do something different within the sport.

I am right now enjoying the model making aspect as I am finishing up a functional cannon for the field.

I find I move from game play to reffin' to writing scenarios to making wacky short films. I guess I am only saying to not stay within one aspect to keep it fresh. I look at this hobby in the long term.

I find different avenues to keep it "refreshed" (wrong use I know).

I guess my only advice is to think of it as a career. You will do many different things within your chosen occupation over your life, perhaps look at AS in the same light.

I do find some projects do not work (after months and much dosh spent on attempts... the party popper hand bomb for example) but hey that's experience right?

If you ever want to vent my good man I am always here to listen too. That helps with staying in sport too.

I will shut up now
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Last edited by deep in the bush; November 2nd, 2009 at 15:19..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 15:26   #15
Jeez its not going to be a gun shortage killing airsoft , its going to be a veteran player shortage.

We have definitely noticed an attendance problem with our games, its been hard getting 15 solid shooters out to play

Many people can speculate what the reasons are, I'm not sure what it is. Things I do know, it rained almost every weekend this summer in this area, has to be the worst summer I have ever experienced. Most people like to play in comfortable weather, playing in the rain once in a blue moon fun, but every outing.

I almost forget what the sun look like. Grey every day.

Many people are hurting for extra money due to the current economy, a lot of dual incomes have become 1.

I think people blaming clearsoft is just ridicules, its been the best way to get new players, the only thing is we need veterans to pass along the core values of airsoft to the new guys.

New players who buy cheap intro guns have to understand there guns are never going to be high performance machines with out $ and all proper parts. You guys are burning out gun docs with your high expectations and low budgets.

Your going to get out of airsoft what you put into it. When you depend on other people to make to event fun you will always be let down.

I send out a big thank you of appreciation to guys like Brian who are hosting excellent milsim oriented games that make airsoft what it is.
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