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G&G - G4 CQB R


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Old August 24th, 2008, 22:05   #1
ZeroAlphaOne's Avatar
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Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
G&G - G4 CQB R

Hello fellow Airsofters,

Do any of you own a G&G - G4 CQB R ?

I am wanting some feedback on what you think of it. (your opinions are valued)
(Pro's and Con's of the weapon)
We (Airsoft New Zealand Society members) have very special deals on G&G weapons, so I am about to purchase one to add to my collection.

I have done a search on the ASC site but have only come up with the G&P version.


SEG's: TM-CAR15, TM-G&P M4/SR16 Custom, TM-M4A1 Custom, TM-G&P MI6 VN Custom, TM-SR16, TM-M4S System, G&G G4-CQB-R.

Sniper Rifles: 2x TM-VSR G Spec's

Shotgun: Marushin Mossberg M500SSB 8mm.

Gas Pistols: TM-Sig 226, TM-Socom Mk23, TM-Tactical Master. TM Glock 17 3rd Gen.

You Can Never Own Too Many Weapons !
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Old August 25th, 2008, 03:26   #2
jtjcheng's Avatar
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I have two G&G's (GR16R4 SF and GR16), but none of them are CQB-R.

However, I sort of know their pros and cons.

Fast ROF, light weight (extremely suitable for whole-day milsim, seriously), nice external (hard-to-scratch flat-black paint, nice and clean trades), best manufactured handguard and stock ever except Systema/G&P, crane stock dimension very similar to G&P's i.e. real-steel dimension, small gauge wiring for larger battery space, real-dimension mag, etc.

Stock FPS <= 350, insufficient distance (hopup?) and accuracy (only GR16) even with stock G&G 6.04mm tightbore, lack of real trades, etc.

So, it's up to you now to decide.
Velocity, Distance, Acceleration, Time...

A gun has them all...
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Old August 25th, 2008, 04:03   #3
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Thanks jtjcheng for your views / experience.

I welcome input from anyone else who wishes to comment.

SEG's: TM-CAR15, TM-G&P M4/SR16 Custom, TM-M4A1 Custom, TM-G&P MI6 VN Custom, TM-SR16, TM-M4S System, G&G G4-CQB-R.

Sniper Rifles: 2x TM-VSR G Spec's

Shotgun: Marushin Mossberg M500SSB 8mm.

Gas Pistols: TM-Sig 226, TM-Socom Mk23, TM-Tactical Master. TM Glock 17 3rd Gen.

You Can Never Own Too Many Weapons !
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Old August 25th, 2008, 04:31   #4
ALLGAR's Avatar
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don't you guys need to put your guns in semi or something
I saw a broad cast in youtube

but for GG, all GG guns are good guns, if you have a good selection at good prices, should be your say, or if you see potential in a certain gun.
ALLGAR great wizard.
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Old August 25th, 2008, 05:24   #5
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Yes all pre ban AEG's had to be Semied, Because its illegal to own a AEG as the NZ Police class it as a Restricted Weapon under our firearms laws.
We can only import SEG's now. (Factory Semi-ed Weapons)

Most of our Airsoft Clubs in NZ belong to the ASNZS (Airsoft NZ Society) which was formed by us all to represent Airsoft in NZ.

ASNZS is run by a committee of people who come from all the other clubs around NZ.
We have Club Armourers who deal with the importing of weapons for those who wish to buy new weapons. You don't have to buy weapons via them as its your choice.

But one of our members has struck a great deal with G&G Armament which we have made only available to the ASNZS Members. Its one of the perks of belonging to the Society.

The ASNZS sets the basic ground rules of our sport (making sure we follow the laws) then its up to the inveigle clubs to sort out their own club rules on things such as FPS Limits, Game Rules, Site Rules.......

ASNZS has a very good re-pour with the Head of the NZ Police Firearms Section and NZ Customs.
Its helped us to be recognized as a organised sporting group and not just a bunch of disorganized yobs.

FYI - Link to the ASNZ Forums -

I am not sure how much of the site you get to see, as a lot is restricted area.

SEG's: TM-CAR15, TM-G&P M4/SR16 Custom, TM-M4A1 Custom, TM-G&P MI6 VN Custom, TM-SR16, TM-M4S System, G&G G4-CQB-R.

Sniper Rifles: 2x TM-VSR G Spec's

Shotgun: Marushin Mossberg M500SSB 8mm.

Gas Pistols: TM-Sig 226, TM-Socom Mk23, TM-Tactical Master. TM Glock 17 3rd Gen.

You Can Never Own Too Many Weapons !
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Old August 25th, 2008, 11:21   #6
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Personally, I've had a lot of bad luck with Guay Guay Gas Blowback parts and accessories (i.e.: parts don't fit, or make the gun malfunction and unreliable), so I've been turned off most things G&G, including AEGs.

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Old September 28th, 2009, 22:24   #7
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Toronto ON
I own this AEG. It is my first so I have nothing to compare it to previously however I belong to a cadet corps and we did just finish a 72 hour weekend exercise. For all those not in the military an exercise is simulated combat usually in a woodland terrain. We hooched it in the rain (like usual). My rifle stood up to it all. We were in many firefights and I had the most effective firepower of the platoon. This gun has very good range. I can pull off a tight grouping at about 40 paces (69cm/pace approx) standing. It is compact enough that I could sling it behind me and it would stay out of my way if i needed to work with both hands. It is almost completely black in colour so when stealth is a necessity the colour will not disclose your position (however the bbs rattling around in a highcap mag will...). Good feel and weight. My Cmdt (a Major in the Canadian Army) held it. He was impressed and said it felt like a real C8 (the Canadian equivalent of the M4 Carbine). I have made one minor modification. I have replaced the rear sight assembly with an M16 handle type sight. I find it is more accurate then the supplied one. When you recieve this AEG install the battery by sliding it on to the buffer tube first and then slide the butt stock over top. This is contrary to what the instructions say however when you follow the directions that are enclosed buffer tube catches the battery wires and can cut them. This happened to me and my battery is in really rough shape because of it.
Over all I love this AEG. XD
Deeds Not Words Hooah
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Old September 29th, 2009, 02:39   #8
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Uhhhh dude...this thread is over a year old....
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old September 29th, 2009, 02:46   #9
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Wall of text necro ftw!
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