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U.S. Citizen and importation info


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Old September 21st, 2009, 21:46   #1
Gigueand's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: MI, USA / Toronto, ON
U.S. Citizen and importation info

Howdy all,

As a U.S. citizen living in Canada, do I need to declare gear or airsoft parts when I enter Canada? I understand that Canadian citizens are required to declare items that they have purchased in the States and pay an import tax or duty on those items. Does this also extend to U.S. citizens? As a student, I rolled across the border with my entire life packed into my vehicle (computer, kitchen stuff, clothes, etc) and I was not required to pay any sort of duty or tax on bringing those items across the border. If I am not intending to sell any of the items that I am bringing across to Canadian citizens, and will bring those same items back with me when I leave Canada, am I still required to both declare these items and pay an import tax?

To be clear, I am talking about bringing over magazines, batteries, goggles, gloves, etc. Basically my airsoft gear that I already own, but need in order to play here in Canada.

If this is posted in the wrong place I apologize and mods can feel free to move the topic to a place of their choice.
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Old September 21st, 2009, 22:20   #2
stealthy1's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Richmond, BC
Everybody coming into Canada, especially those who are a permanent resident or who holds citizenship (and I think Student/Work Visas, correct me here) are required by law to declare anything they are bringing in that they have purchased outside of Canada-this is for duty/tax reasons.

Since you are studying here, I'm assuming you fall into the category of Student Visa, which is covered by the following:

When arriving in Canada for the first time, you can temporarily import your personal and household effects free of duty and taxes. These items include furniture, tableware, silverware, appliances and motor vehicles. Though these goods are not normally subject to duty and taxes at the time of importation, the CBSA may require that you post a refundable security deposit. The following conditions apply:

* The goods cannot be used by a resident of Canada;
* You are not permitted to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods in Canada; and
* You must take all non-consumable items with you when you leave the country at the end of your temporary residence.

That is directly quoted from here:

The article above also state procedures to temporarily import your stuff, which is important. At the least you should take the time to compile the list as it says. Do read it!

Regarding airsoft specific items, they are personal effects, and as long as no full black/full steel receiver containing the serial number of the rifle/gun is imported, you should be fine. The magazines and stuff that might be misconstrued as ammunition you might have to make clear so as to not confuse them. Everything else is fine. The most important thing about airsoft in Canada is that you CANNOT ship IN the part which the government defines as the rifle, which is the part with the serial number. In most Armalites, that's the lower receiver, but on such guns as the MP5, the upper is the restricted part.

On leaving, there won't be a problem.

Enjoy your studies here!
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