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Everything on the belt loadout questionz


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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:05   #1
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Everything on the belt loadout questionz

Heya all
I was thinking about a belt-only AEG loadout ( not talking pistol gear here ) and my question would be: what are the pros and cons ? what works?
mags front or in the back?
tight or loose?

does anyone here use a belt loadout?

thanks ladies !
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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:15   #2
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My suggestion would be to get your hands on one of the molle battle belts. I have the ice tactical one in cadpat and love it. Cant really suggest pouch placement as that is all up to personal preference but I find for mag pouches on the off-side to your shooting hand. Basically mine is set up like this going clockwise: 2 pistol mag pouches, 2 tornado grenade pouches, buttpack, dump bag, 2 magazine pouches. I'm probably going to squeeze a radio pouch in there as well.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:26   #3
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How much do you intend to carry? Keep in mind that the battle belts that are all the rage nowadays are intended to be used as a first-line ie. the bare minimum (pistol, spare mags, handful of spare rifle mags, EE kit, dumper, blowout kit etc.) You'd have to wear a suspender with it at that point anyway so if you're going to carry more then you'd be better off going with a dedicated LBE rig.

Advantages of LBE: Doesn't trap heat like chest rigs, easier to maneuver with, weight is borne by your hips, lighter weight.

Last edited by pugs144; April 6th, 2009 at 15:34..
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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:53   #4
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thanks guys!
I wanna keep it light and will probably carry 5 or more AEG mags (aug), 1 radio, 1 dump pouch, 1 battery pouch.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 16:08   #5
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I've tinkered with belt rigs for TTAC3 and I like them. I currently have a duty belt with padded backing, HSGI suspenders (great piece of kit) as the base. I'm using a triple m4 pouch as a three in a row shingle on my left hip, a Pantac smoke pouch on my right hip to hold a Tornado, and I have a drop leg dump pouch on my left leg. It does feel a little imbalanced to the left, but a dropleg holster on the right would fix everything 100%.

Another build I had and liked was the same as the last only the shingle was on the small of my back. So far I haven't had any mags drop out in game and it's quite fast to draw mags from. It's harder to put mags back though. But not impossible.

So far, a drop leg dump pouch is the best part about the kit, as nothing is swinging back and forward screwing up the belt. It also locks the belt to your body so it can't ride up your chest. The shingle on the left is very fast to reload with, and the dump on the left lets you dump your mag then grab a new on the way back to the gun.

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Old April 6th, 2009, 17:25   #6
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It all depends on how light you want the rig. For you I'd push the Crye-type MOLLE battle belt. You won't need too many pouches and can add web suspenders if you want.

Personally I used and preferred PLCE webbing, just because I can pack everything I'd need for a 24-hour period.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 18:21   #7
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I have a custom made belt. I got it made like a tree planting harness.

9 double mag pouches, 2 grenades, two dump pouches and there is room for a serpa in the center to the right.

Here it is with just a single dump and no pistol, one ak mag per pouch.

One thing I wanted was a belt that would work with almost every gun.

I have not tried P90 mags and I think that is where it might get tricky. I could put them into one dump and then put the empties in the second one I guess.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 18:47   #8
Brian McIlmoyle
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You should be able to pretty much run a first line rig as your only load

Belt. room for 4 mags, a pistol + 3 mags, Dump pouch and utility pouch ( bbs, loader, snacks , add to this a camelback .. and you should be good to go.

A good quality Molle padded belt and suspenders ... and then config with pouches.

Personaly I stay away from subloads in the field .. I like the legs free and not loaded... I have not found a supload rig, pouch , holster or otherwise that really stays put.

When I want to thin out a lot.. I run with no rig and everything in the Smock.. but that is oldschool..
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