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Rag Tag Merc Outfitting


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Old January 10th, 2009, 23:36   #1
Goge's Avatar
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Question Rag Tag Merc Outfitting

Not into the whole entire MilSim thing. Have no problems with it but can't spend as much money as I've seen others spend on their getup. I have an old OD Canadian BDU tunic. It works perfect, the pockets have mag pouches in'm or at least my mags fit perfectly in there.

So, looking at whats out there with my brother and friends who have nothing. What can we use to build up an old fasion rag tag Mercenary Outfit. Think Wild Geese from Hellsing, or some other merc team that my memory fails me.

My brother was thinking of playing in one of his leather jackets with ammo webbing under but I doubt that will be feasible in 40 heat running and gunning on a field.

Just looking for some sideways thinking, if anyone's had any ideas kicking around for some unconventional getup let it out here
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Old January 10th, 2009, 23:58   #2
Brian McIlmoyle
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You don't need a lot of gear to get started,

Not everyone is interested in developing a full out "impression" Some people just want to get in the on the action without breaking the bank.

Your plan to use a coat or smock with pockets to hold your mags works just fine. .. you will likely loose some mags along the way though if you are not careful.

If you keep your eye on the gear sale threads you can find good stuff at good prices.

Buy the best you can afford.. it that is nothing more than a jacket with pockets.. so be it.. get out there and shoot.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 11th, 2009, 00:53   #3
grantmac's Avatar
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Why not just go for a contractor look, IE :Jeans and a T-shirt with some sort of load-bearing gear. Hell, you can grab a chestrig from a decent company (eagle) for under $80.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 01:53   #4
Saint_blackhand's Avatar
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Huang's gear is always a good deal, tell him your on a budget.

MBSS Molle Vest $98 shipped. Availalbe in OD, Black, Tan

He also carries drop pouches for cheap, that will get you started, now you just need a bunch of mags and a airsoft gun.

You can get some very nice guns from the AV forums, guys like "bob the angry potato", "Huang" or "amos"

you can get into airsoft for about 400, that should get you a gun, a couple mags, a vest and a drop pouch.

I like to do things on the cheap as well, cus I can't afford a lot, I have fun with what I have.

I have done some research, they most likely wear OD Nam style gear, which is very cheap to get except really rear things.
The vest this guy is wearing have several different type of mag pouches the front 3 are ak mag pouchs
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Last edited by Saint_blackhand; January 11th, 2009 at 02:22.. Reason: research
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