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Odd KSC G19 issue


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Old October 21st, 2008, 14:37   #1
Lego Head
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Odd KSC G19 issue

So at the last game I managed to get out to part no. 78 broke on me. So I sent away to Uncompany for a replacement and a few other parts ((metal mag catch new recoil/hammer springs)).

Got around to installing the replacement part last night and reassembled, and shot a test fire. Well the first round comes out and hard, it puts a good deep mark in the gyprock that rivals my 340 M249. But the slide does not operate at all, and gas is left venting out the barrel. Manual operation of the slide is smooth with no hang ups which makes me think its the chamber, however the slide was operating with out issue the day the striker ((part 78)) failed. It was also still firing on another G19 frame so I'm left thinking maybe its something in the trigger assembly, however the operation of the trigger assembly seems to be correct as well.

Anyone else encounter this issue? If so any ideas on fixing?

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Old October 21st, 2008, 19:58   #2
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I have had a similar problem with my KSC G19. I made a post about it yesterday but nobody has responded yet. Take a read though it and tell me if it is a similar issue, or if its something entirely different.
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Old October 21st, 2008, 23:54   #3
Lego Head
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Originally Posted by Nick_273 View Post
I have had a similar problem with my KSC G19. I made a post about it yesterday but nobody has responded yet. Take a read though it and tell me if it is a similar issue, or if its something entirely different.
Well now that's a different issue than my glock's which is now a rocking!

The issue was the stainless steel striker needed to be filed down around the edges, they were so sharp they were digging into the channel that it goes through to hit the release valve on the mag. Thanks Hazard/Stalker.

As for your issue Nick, I think that has to do with the trigger spring or the hammer itself.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

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Old October 22nd, 2008, 06:44   #4
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Hell I dont even have my glock anymore.. Now I know whats possibly going on with scruffys.
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Old October 22nd, 2008, 10:00   #5
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Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD View Post
Hell I dont even have my glock anymore.. Now I know whats possibly going on with scruffys.
It was the edges that I had to file, with how small the part is and how hard the stainless is, it takes some time to round off those edges with a file. Particularly the top edges of the striker, as I note there is some "twist" in the part from the spring that holds it in place. This twist causes just enough list to the part that it tries to cut into the channel, that friction I think is enough that it jams up, with low push back from the stock gas release valves; thus leaving the hammer jammed and the striker down, stopping the slide from recoil and cause gas to vent.

Now to start all the fun of re-greasing and re-sealing all my mags, at least I ordered the valve key this time from UNCompany, so shouldn't take long to get through the 7 of em. Funny enough, my glock broke while having a look at Scruffy's lol.

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Old October 22nd, 2008, 12:16   #6
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So that's what the problem is. It's been driving me nuts trying to figure it out. Time to start filing.
BANG! You're dead.
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