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Old October 6th, 2008, 07:03   #1
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Payment methods

Alright, this is something that has troubled me for awhile.
While selling items on this site, I lost alot of sales due to the fact that there are certain payment methods that I can't offer. The only one that I am setup for is Paypal, but of course generally people don't like paypal, because of the extra fees.
I've tried direct deposit a few times as well, also with no results. Upon trying it, others have said that it needs to be done through the same branch of bank. I bank at a Credit Union.
Does DD need to be done through the same bank?
I'm also trying to get EMT and upon doing research on it, I gathered that it needs to be setup by your bank itself. I went done there and asked about it, and they simply told me that they don't offer that service.
Now, I live in a small town that has the CU that I currently bank at and also a CIBC.
Does the branch of bank affect this method of payment?
I just seem to get nowhere when asking my bank about these payment methods, so those of you that work with EMT, please explain how to get something like this setup,
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Old October 6th, 2008, 07:31   #2
Hash Vapor
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Open a cibc account, get the one with the lowest fees, keep a few bucks kicking around it just to keep the monthly fees at bay. This account should you choose not to keep it as a main account could serve simply as a venue to make payments via emt. Get your new cibc bank card and go log into the cibc site and press the button that says online banking register. You can register there, probably even, they might be able to set up for you. Problem solved. They might even offer you a credit card and/or line of credit, maybe.

Last edited by Hash Vapor; October 6th, 2008 at 07:35..
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Old October 6th, 2008, 07:32   #3
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For DD, lets say the seller is with cibc and your with Credit Union... you have to go to a CIBC bank to make the DD.
To set up for EMT you gotta get your bank to set you up with online banking like type of thing... then once you have that set up you just "transfer money" and it'll give you the option to send money through email's with a password.

Hope that helps, I tend to only use EMT and PayPal these days since they're quite quick and safe. Where DD you don't have records of depositing you take the risk of being ripped.
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Old October 6th, 2008, 08:20   #4
aka coachster
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I have only sent EMT's and DD with TD Canada trust.

With DD's you go to any branch and give them the other person's information. Account, name, and address. The more info you have, the better off you are in the event there are other people with the same name.

EMT's do incur a $1.50 service fee so it all depends on how much of a scrooge the person sending it is. With TD, I just log on and send. Nothing too difficult. I haven't tried it with my CIBC account yet but I have online access so I'll check it out.
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Old October 6th, 2008, 08:44   #5
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just go make an airsoft account at any major bank td, scotia, cibc. they offer emt and dd is more accessable. its funny i was in the egsact same boat i bank at cu, had the same problems, eventually got fed up and went and made a scotia account as well just so i could get emt. the only problem i run into now is dejardins
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Old October 6th, 2008, 09:35   #6
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I actually do DD right now as my only method pf payment. Unless it's local (where I like doing cash). I'm trying to get setup for EMT but it's not gonna happen for a while.

Most major banks do offer DD and EMT. HSBC, BMO, TD, Scotia, CIBC, RBC.

The problem is that with DD there is a chance of getting ripped off I know that and take the risk, but we have the age verification system so no worries there (the scammers get weeded out pretty fast).
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Old October 6th, 2008, 09:43   #7
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
I just seem to get nowhere when asking my bank about these payment methods
Fuck them, what use are they to you if they don't have the services you require? From reading what you just posted your better off closing your account with CU and opening one with CIBC. If you set up online banking with CIBC, EMT's will be available and are relatively easy to set up. Basically you go to your bank log in website IE. Login with your bank card number and password, you will have the summary of what your account(s) have in them and options to transfers. I also have TD Bank, and EMT cost about 1.50 to send, not sure about receiving, but I don't think so. DD required the full name of the person your sending it to, preferably their address(to confirm is the right person), and their Bank account number and their bank number. Basically what you would give your employer for DD which can be found a the bottom of your Cheques. You can use ANY bank to do DD, but generally you go to the one where you have funds in, otherwise they will probably charge you, if not more.

Theres a chance of getting ripped off through any, thats right ANY transaction. Third party payment programs limit this, however if I want to be a dick I can still take your money via paypal, emt, or DD. Now, depending what you use, information will be available to you so you can track down whoever took your money. The only benefit to EMT is that you set the password in order for it to be accepted and it can be cancelled if the person hasn't accepted payment yet. Unlike Paypal or DD, where acceptance of money is automatic.

If I am uneasy with a sellers rep, I request paypal and pay through my Credit Card, if they don't want it, then I walk away. If i get ripped off, I just call my CC company and tell them to make a stop payment or it was a scam.

Last edited by T_A_N_K; October 6th, 2008 at 09:53..
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Old October 6th, 2008, 13:05   #8
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Originally Posted by T_A_N_K View Post
Fuck them, what use are they to you if they don't have the services you require?
Yup, from all the stories I hear and the services they don't provide, Credit Unions suck balls.

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Old October 6th, 2008, 17:24   #9
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Well thank-you everyone for all the helpful hints, I know what to do now. I'm just lucky that there is a CIBC in my town so I can EMT possible.
My wife and I have all our loans, mortgage, DD all going through the Credit Union, so I may as well open up an account at CIBC for the soul purpose of buying and selling goods online.
EMT will be much easier to work with, and only increase my sales.
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