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More ICS Upgrade Headaches


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Old May 27th, 2008, 20:27   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Calgary
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More ICS Upgrade Headaches

So I finally got a piston to replace the stock one that broke on me. Now I also put in the EG1000 motor and have adjusted the height and also put the ICS pinion gear on it. I have the following problems:

1) Motor gets quite hot fast. I can feel it through the grip. I don't know how hot EG1000s are compared to the Turbo 2000 but this is bad.

2) Motor will only cycle on full auto and as soon as I let go of the trigger, it won't cycle the second time I pull the trigger. I have to push the forward assist to get it to reverse and release the tension, then I can fire again.

3) Nothing comes out when I fire. The cylinder is facing the right way now, I have no idea where else I could be losing air from. I'm thinking it could be the tightbore I installed but I'm pretty sure it's installed right.

Thanks in advance.

What's been done:
-EG1000 motor with ICS pinion gear
-M120 Spring
-Modify polycarbonate piston
-Mad Bull 6.03 Tightbore
-Metal bushings
-New shims
JG HK416

Last edited by dpvu; May 27th, 2008 at 22:24.. Reason: Added the upgrades that have been done (thanks McGuyver)
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Old May 27th, 2008, 20:41   #2
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1 & 2: Sounds like the shimming is bad. Too much friction = hard to cycle gears = overheated motor (working too hard) and locked up gears. This could also have led to your piston breaking in the first place. There could be other problems as well - problems with the mechbox rails, a warped mechbox frame, worn out bushings....a lot of things a novice wouldn't notice.

#3 - It sounds like something is messed up with the hopup, but it could also be a buggered/disconnected nozzle, or a busted tappet plate. When you take the barrel out and take the hopup apart, just insert a bb in the barrel and see if gravity lets it roll thru. It it doesn't, there's an obstruction in the barrel, or the barrel may be bent. It could also be a damaged piston head, piston head oring, cylinder head, cylinder head oring, a torn hopup rubber, or even an out-of-round cylinder causing massive compression loss....

Being in Calgary, there are lots of competent gun docs in your area. If you really have little idea of what you're doing, it would be time and money well spent to pay someone for a couple of hours of their time to sit down with you and go through your gun with you. What you pay for "private lessons" may save you just as much in damaged parts from incorrect installation. Well worth the money IMHO.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:20   #3
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I fixed problem 3. I'm going to open up my lower mechbox and re-shim later in the week. I followed a shimming tutorial but I may have buggered it up.
JG HK416
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:28   #4
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Originally Posted by dpvu View Post
I fixed problem 3. I'm going to open up my lower mechbox and re-shim later in the week. I followed a shimming tutorial but I may have buggered it up.
ICS's are very shim picky, take ur time on it, make sure they can move smoothly, theres a hair width gap between the sector and large gear(forget name) and the bevel is shimmed pushed down so it meshes with the motor better.

Skruface is right about 1 and 2.. 2 could be both shimming and the problem I previously told u about.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:32   #5
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Yeah, thanks again guys. I'll re-shim and report back. I might ask a gunsmith I know to show me the ropes.

#3 turned out to me n00bing out on the tightbore a bit. I didn't push it into the hop-up enough because I was afraid of breaking the rubber at first.

EDIT: Also, if it is a shimming problem, the Turbo 2000 dealt with it better than the EG1000 as I was running the Turbo 2000 on it up until the piston broke.
JG HK416

Last edited by dpvu; May 27th, 2008 at 21:39..
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:55   #6
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You should list your upgrades each time you make a thread about upgrading or problems. People may be more inclined to help you if the answer can be found by looking at what you've done, rather than have to search through your other posts to try to figure out what you did.
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