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TM Hi-Capa 5.1 Holster Help!


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Old May 30th, 2008, 21:53   #1
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TM Hi-Capa 5.1 Holster Help!

I am in the market for a drop leg holster for my TM Hi-Capa 5.1. I have come across a serpa holster

It says it is made for a 1911. Does anyone know if the TM Hi-Capa 5.1 will fit naturally or with little (very little) modification?

And what do you think about the holster generally and buying it off of ebay?

Thanks for your help.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:12   #2
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The Hi-Capa is not based on the 1911 frame. It most likely would not fit.

Hi-Capa frames are closer to SV, STI or Para-Ordnance 2011 style frames.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:16   #3
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Thank you for clearing that up, do you recomend any other holster similar to the one I linked that would fit a 5.1?

I have been told some of the safariland models do, but I am not willing to shell out that much cash.

Once again, thank you for all your help and your patients with a new guy.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:18   #4
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Several people at the Muskoka Wolfpack game where using Blackhawk SERPA holsters with WE 5.1 Hi Cappas. They said you just had to slightly modify it to get the cappa to fit, Mad Dog was one of the ones with one, don't remember the others. Also I think I saw one WE Dragon in a 1911 SERPA holster.

The Safariland Glock 17 holster will fit a 4.3 hi cappa but very snug, a 5.1 will not fit in it.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:23   #5
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I have a 1911 SERPA and it only needs a few mm shaved off around where the slide is held and around the trigger guard to fit my 5.1.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:23   #6
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With out modification, the a TM Hi Capa 5.1 can be inserted into a Blackhawk Serpa however the locking mechanism won't work and the gun will be held in by friction. Works quite well, used that configuration for a year but it'll scratch up your gun (if you care, I don't).

It's true that a Safariland 1911 holster will work with the Hi Capa too (at least with the 6004 drop leg model), an easy modification to widen the inside allows the gun to be fully inserted. You have to cut off the nub on the lock cover for it to pass cleanly.

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Last edited by Colin_S; May 30th, 2008 at 22:25..
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:30   #7
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Originally Posted by Colin_S View Post
With out modification, the a TM Hi Capa 5.1 can be inserted into a Blackhawk Serpa however the locking mechanism won't work and the gun will be held in by friction. Works quite well, used that configuration for a year but it'll scratch up your gun (if you care, I don't).

Naglfar (above) mentioned that he only had to shave off a couple of mm in order to fit the 5.1 into the 1911 holster. Even with this modification the locking mechanism still will not work?

And, I do not want to scrath up my pistol.

Are there any other holster options other than safariland?

Thanks for all of your help.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:36   #8
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Originally Posted by Hatori View Post
Naglfar (above) mentioned that he only had to shave off a couple of mm in order to fit the 5.1 into the 1911 holster. Even with this modification the locking mechanism still will not work?

And, I do not want to scrath up my pistol.

Are there any other holster options other than safariland?

Thanks for all of your help.
I was lazy and didn't modify the Serpa because with friction it was held in pretty tight. Modified I believe the trigger lock mech works but I got rid of my serpa half a year ago.

I don't know if there's anyway around scratching your gun, the 1911 Serpa is designed for well a single stack 1911. The double stack 2011s are a bit wider in terms of frame and slide and it'll rub against the side of the holster for sure. If you actually play outdoors and the holster gets dirty inside, the gun will wear cosmetically much faster. Heh imperfections make guns look better anyway.

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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:49   #9
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The locking mechanism works with a rounded trigger guard (1911), the Hicapa has a square shape and so all you need to do is dremel the holster so that a round area gets squared off.
Yes it does fit tightly, but the plastic doesn't damage the metal slide at all. You also should remove the rails from the capa to make it fit easier.
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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:55   #10
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Railed frames are too thick for the 1911 serpa and will not fit, at least iwthout a lot of modification. I couldn't make the Serpa fit with my wife's old 4.3. The 5.1 base is thinner (although not as thin as the 1911) than anything with a rail.

My metal slide was all scratched up after using a Serpa and I know of a few others who have as well but if yours hasn't then that's great. To be fair the safariland also scratches my new 5.1's metal slide too.

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Old May 30th, 2008, 22:58   #11
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Originally Posted by Naglfar View Post
The locking mechanism works with a rounded trigger guard (1911), the Hicapa has a square shape and so all you need to do is dremel the holster so that a round area gets squared off.
Yes it does fit tightly, but the plastic doesn't damage the metal slide at all. You also should remove the rails from the capa to make it fit easier.
Awesome, that is what I wanted to hear. I have a stock TM 5.1 and I think the slide is plastic, I dont mind if that gets scratched a little.

Is your serpa holster a Blackhawk?

Would you guys recomend a serpa holster for the 5.1? Or would you recomemd me buying a corudra?

Im sorry for some of the dumb questions, but I am a click away from purchasing the serpa holster because of your guys's help.

Thank you

Last edited by Hatori; May 30th, 2008 at 23:06..
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Old May 30th, 2008, 23:34   #12
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Although I run with a SERPA on a thigh rig with the WE P14 (airsoft), I prefer the Safariland 6004/6005 series. I originally got the SERPA for my Springfield Armory XD 45 Compact, for static range use. After I got a Streamlight TLR-2, laser/light combo, I was searching for a good holster preferably Kydex that would accomdate my XD with the TLR-2, after searching I found Safariland was in the process of making a new mold for this variant, and probably was one of the first to recieve an 6005 for the XD with TLR-2. After switching I noticed there was a considerable reduction on holster wear, due to the felt lining, and prefered the Safariland's ALS rotating hood opposed to the SERPA Level II. Because I had a custom finish my XD, I wanted to maintain it, and thus I run with the Safariland on my real-steel.

Instead of selling the thigh rig, I kept it, and purchased the SERPA 1911 holster for airsofting. But to give credit to the SERPA, it is comfortable to wear, with the weight of the rig being distrubted down to two points opposed to a one point connection. Moreover I never had an issue with the release mechanism jamming, but some shooting schools state side, actually have banned the SERPA at there ranges for that reason.

BGP/BHP (Blackhawk) does make different levels now, one to three. Level one is only using passive system for weapon retention, friction alone, that can be controlled by a screw, level two is the combination of the passive (friction) in additional to the release mechanism on the side, level three is passive, release mechanism on side, and thumb break releasing hood (somewhat like the Safariland ALS).

Decide on which level of retention you require, if your wanting to run on a thigh rig, you can purchase that separately, otherwise it comes with two hip holsters attachments, pancake, and belt looped.

Whatever floats your boat, just wanted to share my experiences with Kydex holsters. Oh one more thing, I think Huang is comming out with a 1911 Safariland 6004 replica soon, I've already pre-ordered one.
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Old May 31st, 2008, 00:30   #13
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Mine is the Blackhawk replica from Huang
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 09:46   #14
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the HI-CAPPA is based off of the colt .45 gold cup handgun. you should look for that instead of another because that will hold your gun best.
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