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Old February 5th, 2008, 11:38   #1
cranberry's Avatar
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Ok, ill start off by saying the following. This is not a good part out of the box. If you are to scared to modify this part, then don’t expect anything good out of it. There are still mag wobble issues as well as mag catch issues, this magwell conversion is ONLY for those who are not scared to grab the bull by the horns. The following is my review and tutorial on the installation modification of the privet parts magwell conversion for the CAG36.

NOTE: this is the new magwell with the "fixed" magwobble issue

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I strongly suggest making this a sticky seeing as how I found many people to be in the same boat as I when it came to this mod.

First off, as soon as you get this part, get some 220 Grit sand paper and sand the shit out of the edges. I cut myself pretty dam bad on the edge of this thing. All I did is pulled it out of the box and suddenly I notice there is blood all over my hand. If you don’t sand the edges, I guarantee you will cut your self well changing a mag in game play.

Now seeing as how I was going all out in a magwell conversion I decided to use what I felt were the best mags on the market for the M16. After a lot of discussion and inspection, I felt the King Arms full metal low cap ( 68 RND) mags were the most reliable and relastic as well as durable mags available on the market for the M16 ( this is obviously arguable with all air-soft players, this is all personal preference and I highly dout everyone will feel the same as I do on mag selection)

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As soon as the mag came in, I cut my finger then I fixed my finger then I installed the magwell, my hands were shaking with excitement as I put the first mag into the magwell, but to my surprise the mag fell out as soon as I let go of it. Baffled, I reinserted the mag and again it fell out. I did this about 6 times and by the last time, I was hammering the mag into the magwell with a lot of force, and still the mag would not catch. I went from excitement to pure pissed off. I uninstalled the magwell and began to investigate.

The first thing I noticed is that the notch on the mag itself was not lining up with the catch, and im not talking a little MM here and there, I’d say it was by a good ¼ inch. ( for those who don’t understand, the notch on the mag is what locks the mag onto the magwell. The magwell has a mag catch attached to it by a shim and a spring. The spring pushes the magcatch into the notch of the mag , thus creating a solid lock on the mag into the magwell).

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I didn’t know if I wanted to modify all my mags or just the magwell. After some number crunching I decided it would be cheaper for me to modify the magwell, seeing as how if I choose to sell the mags, they wont be as valuable mainly because the notches will all be modified on them ( I purchased X10 KA metal mags) not to mention the magwell conversion is only 30 bux, so if I need to get a new part, its cheaper for the magwell then to buy 10 new mags.

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I had to remove the mag catch in order to modify it, you can try modifying the mag catch well it is still in the magwll, but you run a risk of damaging the shims that hold the mags into place. I strongly suggest you remove the mag catch for this next step.

To remove the mag catch do the following, get a small precision flat head screw driver, I used on with a 1/8 inch head. Use the screwdriver to push the shim out of the holes that are in the top and bottom of the mag catch. Once the shim is pushed out, the catch will push forward and the spring will fall out. ( the shim holding the mag catch in is VERY, VERY hard to get out. I was using almost all my force at one point to push it out, so don’t be scarred to use a little force) that is how u remove the mag catch, installation of the mag catch is the same as uninstalling, just do it in a reverse order.

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Once the mag catch is removed, inspect it. Make sure you understand what part of the mag catch it is that needs to be modified. ( these mag catches and magwells are made by what’s called “injection moulding” its wear there are 2 moulds that push together and the moulds are filled with plastic, when the plastic hardens, the moulds are pulled apart and then extra plastic shims are sometimes left behind or not shaved off.) I found on my magcatch, there was an extreme amount of left over shims and flanges. I first tried cutting off all the exes plastic but there was just to much and it was very hard plastic. I then resorted to using a “basterd file” ( that’s the real name) and still that was not effective. So I had to resort to melting down the mag catch in order to get it to mould the right way to the mags I was using.

NOTE: on my mag catch, I only had to modify the upper section of the catch and the front section of the catch, the lower section was fine and the rear section was fine.

Now for the melting down section. Before melting down, make sure you know how much exactly you need to take off of the catch. I required about ¼ inch for my mags, but some mags may only require 1/8 inch or even a 1/16, it all depends on the brand of mag. In order to melt down the plastic you need something that can get to a temp of 400 dagrees in less then 4 seconds and then cool to the touch in less then 2 seconds. ( a soldering gun) I happen to have a very very nice gun that I bought in order to make batteries. The gun is a 220 W with 2 settings for heat. It also has a light on it that REALLY helps out big time. It came with different ends and one of the ends happened to be for melting plastic, so I was very lucky. Use the soldering gun in very light strokes. You don’t want to take off to much plastic at one time or else you may make the mag catch to small and you will be screwed and require a new catch. I took off 1/16 inch sections at a time. I continually installed and uninstalled the mag catch and tested it until I had a really solid fit. Once I got the catch perfect, I then let the plastic harden and cool off and took the sandpaper ( 220 grit) and smoothed the rough melting job down to a factory looking finish.

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I installed the magwell and now it works great. I tried every single mag in it just to make sure there were no issues, and not one issue was seen. The mags are locking better then my stock magwell with stock G36 mags. They slip in very smooth and there is no issue when pushing the release and getting them to come out. There is no wobble issue from left to right but there is about ¼ inch of movement forwards to backwards. This is not an issue though seeing as how it makes no noise and the wobble only occurs if you try grabbing the mag. I was able to eliminate that wobble completely but putting some Velcro with 3M adhesive into the magwell, but like I said, this is not an issue with the magwell, it may annoy some people but it s performance is not affected.

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kiki's pics 123 [50%].JPG

In all, I rate this private parts magwell out of the box a 2 out of 5 stars.

After modifying the magwell, I now give it a 5 out of 5 stars

Out of the box it would not even hold the mags, it was dangerously sharp, the mag catch wouldn’t catch the mag and there was serious wobble issues from front to back. I was able to fix every issue with the magwell and it now works great for me. I have not used the magwell in a game yet but I will be on Friday and I will update as to whether or not its any better or worse or the same when being used on the field.

Thank you for your time, and if you have any more questions regarding the magwell, please PM me and ill gladly help you.

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Old February 5th, 2008, 11:49   #2
The Saint
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That's some pretty poor QA on PPA's part.
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Old February 5th, 2008, 12:59   #3
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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It sure is a cheaper way you buy m16 mags, rather than g36c.
But it just looks so weird with a m16 mag in a g36c.

Great tutorial.

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Old March 12th, 2008, 16:09   #4
cranberry's Avatar
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quick update.. dont get the magwell. its deemed useless.. i jams in my gun like you wouldint beleve and after speaking with about 3 other people that have done this same mod they all had the same issues as i did. if u want to run M16 mags... get an M16.... done and done. sorry to upset anybody, but this magwell just wasin ment to be.

good luck to anyone trying to make it work, and please post your progress for others to learn.
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Old March 12th, 2008, 16:10   #5
cranberry's Avatar
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quick update.. dont get the magwell. its deemed useless.. i jams in my gun like you wouldint beleve and after speaking with about 3 other people that have done this same mod they all had the same issues as i did. if u want to run M16 mags... get an M16.... done and done. sorry to upset anybody, but this magwell just wasin ment to be.

good luck to anyone trying to make it work, and please post your progress for others to learn.
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Old March 12th, 2008, 17:21   #6
The Saint
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Still don't have any problems with mine.
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Old March 12th, 2008, 17:29   #7
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I have one in my CA G36, runs steel M16 mags no problems. The wobble issue was fixed by previous owner. He lined the inside of the magwell with velco (soft side) and I've never had an issue on semi or full auto.
Tpr. Spencer, DF
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Old March 12th, 2008, 18:48   #8
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My friend has this mod for his CA G36K. The magwell takes TM M16/M4 mags perfectly. He found the exact same issue with the Kings Arms magazines as you did.
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Old March 12th, 2008, 18:56   #9
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So is it the magwell, or the mags?

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Old March 12th, 2008, 19:49   #10
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I am assuming its the King Arms mags.

Not exactly sure though, so don't take my word for it.
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Old April 19th, 2008, 12:55   #11
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ive had problems with mine, it will shoot sometimes in semi and hardly at all in full auto
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Old April 19th, 2008, 13:29   #12
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Do any of you have a Pro-Win hopup? Because I have a G36 that did, and I found that Pro-Win + PPA Magwell = BAD. I switched it out to a stock hopup, and it works perfectly.

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Old April 19th, 2008, 13:40   #13
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i havent had any problems with mine. just a tiny bit of wobble ( read: almost none)
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old April 30th, 2008, 08:08   #14
cranberry's Avatar
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i can assure u that this magwell has been nothign but problems, i have spoken with over 5 people in the maa that have used this mod, and all of them had the saem problem as I am,

sorry for the bad news guys..
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Old April 30th, 2008, 11:57   #15
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the only magazines that ive used and havent had problems with are the G&P thermamold magazines lmfao ( almost no wobble and dont miss feed )
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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