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CA SA58 opinions


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Old April 22nd, 2008, 08:48   #1
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CA SA58 opinions

Hello there, i m about to make a move next week and i m debating between 2 guns...and i wanted some opinions.

First one is CA M15A4 tactical carbine full metal and second one is the new SA58 carbine from CA as well......i have a tendency towards the SA58 cause i like the bolt action and the look mostly...and a RIS is available already so it s not too bad...

I know it s a fairly new model without a lot of upgrades yet...but still i m interested, what do you guys think ?

here s some links,

thank you for your input.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 09:23   #2
formerly Botchbomber
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This is a review of the SA-58. They seen to say that it's a pretty good AEG.

AS for the M-4, You can get a cheaper one if you go Chinese.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 09:56   #3
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Originally Posted by Botchbomber View Post
This is a review of the SA-58. They seen to say that it's a pretty good AEG.

AS for the M-4, You can get a cheaper one if you go Chinese
But is it better?

CA's recent few years has been producing some of the best AEG's on the market. TM's internals are still superior to that of CA's, however external finish of the CA is highly impressive, and surprisingly tough. For the cost of a few simple upgrades, most CA's are still a better cost than the Chinese knock offs. Why I say that? Any cheap-soft guns I've been seeing pop up as of late, people are dropping the cost of another cheap-soft gun in parts into these things. A drop in mechbox can go as high as $300, and most start at the $150, then they replace barrel, hop-up etc etc.

I'm still a big fan of TM, but CA has really come up the ranks and has taken the lead on TM in quality externally, has started moving up on internal quality, and the costs of their guns is far better than TM's.

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 10:03   #4
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I m actually after something good so price doesn t really matter here...i just want something good worth my money...i ve been told that the KA FAL is also a nice you guys make me think even more now grrrrr...

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 11:30   #5
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As per right now, im pretty decided for the SA58 after reading some reviews and talking to some people...looks like it s going to be it...i have yet only one other question....

what wouyld you guys choose between those 2


I do personnaly prefer the look of the EOtech copy...but ther s no zoom...what do you guys think ??

thank you again for all the input

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 11:36   #6
Lego Head
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love mine, runs forever on AAA batteries which are easy to get and dirt cheap. Hurricane has a couple models avail.

That and I'm just prejudice against ebay :P.

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 11:52   #7
The Saint
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I'd say the SA58, definitely. It's both unique and a v3 mechbox on the inside. When CA actually gets around to making locaps or mids for it, it'd be pretty close to perfect.

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 13:59   #8
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There are things beyond the looks of the gun to consider:

7.62 mag pouches are a pain in the ass to find, and virtually never included if you buy an off-the-rack CIRAS copy or other Chinese knockoff. M4 pouches are everywhere, and cheap, and are usually included (or specifically sized for) on Chinese knockoffs. You're going to have to spend additional money on a 7.62-friendly set of gear if you don't have it already.

Also, the chances of you running out of ammo during a firefight and asking "does anyone have a spare '58 mag?" and getting a positive response are next to nil. On the other hand, everyone and their dog has an Armalite variant and can probably toss you a fresh mag....

Thirdly, replacement parts. Tons are available for Armalites, and most retailers keep them in stock. Parts (especially externals) for a CA58 will likely be a special-order item, meaning if you break your gun you could be waiting months for replacement parts.

I've learned the lesson the hard way about having guns with odd magazine/battery sizes. If this is going to be a primary weapon for you, go with something that has a lot of commonality with what other people in your area are using. It will cause you less headaches in the end. If, however, you are comfortable waiting for parts and not dependent on just this one gun in order to be able to play, I say get the '58. It's nice to have a unique gun on the field - as long as you acknowledge that there could be issues in the future.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 14:52   #9
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thank you Skruface for your comment. for the mag issue...i m going to order a couple more at purchase of course and as for pieces....i did consider the waiting time since the gun is fairly new on the market...though it always takes someone to smash the ice lol...

So eventually we ll have more stuff to go on that beautifull gun as well....the internal are a V3 CA standard gearbox so for some upgrades i should be fine...and i m not going to upgrade that gun at first...

As for a main gun, of course this one will be...but i m also getting probably a HK416 for CQB...still debating on that one....

Like i said....i m the type of person who wants something unique and good...instead of going copy of this and that (except the Aimpoint hehe)

thank you
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Old April 26th, 2008, 00:12   #10
Jayne Finch
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id get the 553 for the sa58 based solely on looks and overall aesthetics and you can get the acog too since you can slap that on the 416
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Old May 2nd, 2008, 15:24   #11
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Well jump is officialy made...i bought the i ll keep you guys posted with some pictures and stuff when it arrives at my doorstep !!

see you on the field

Bought from ... i must say those guys are professional and the customer service is awsome... a big plus for them...i m impressed.

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