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New Airsoft Barrett M99!


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Old July 6th, 2009, 20:45   #1
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New Airsoft Barrett M99!

Hey guys just seen this not to long ago and read up on it a bit on some other forums... not sure if anyone has seen it or not or if this is old news.

Its available at a few overseas retailers at an awesome price of around $200US and is supposed to be full metal and roughly 15lbs. Its supposivly an L96 inside of an M99 shell and uses any of the L96 mags (Maruzen, Well... ect.) and should then technically be compatible with all the L96 innards!

Looks like a cool showpiece and if its actually compatible with the L96 innards then it could be a worthy upgrade platform different than what everyone else has.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 20:49   #2
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nice. and the price means it will eventually end up in my collection.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 20:52   #3
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Heres a couple videos for those of you who are interested!
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Old July 6th, 2009, 21:44   #4
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Hmm, As awesome as that looks, I don't think the bolt handle would last very long with an upgraded spring. There is no way to grasp both sides of the bolt when its shrouded like that.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 22:16   #5
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There is nothing practical about it, and I suppose that's the point. A 7kg pissing contest.

The L96 compatibility is a smart design feature, though.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:56   #6
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I'm completely disgust at this design, no offense but in my opinion any Barratt 50cal in airsoft should use the 8mm, and since its a single shot they shoulve just use shells, and finally the 8mm bb should be more spherical and rifled like the current design.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 04:18   #7
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Massive Gun indeed, and yes very heavy. Almost every component is metal and it's solid like a rock. Remember that the point of airsoft is realistic as possible. The real thing weighs 11.36 KG's, it's almost reduced by half at 6.7 KG's - 7 KG's. Also, real life snipers don't run around like they do in Counter Strike and a .50 BMG flies close between 2618-3044 FPS, (Bigger Gun = Bigger Bang) It's why big guns are designed the way they are. It's also designed and made by JG, not VFC or SMOKEY'S.

Good reason that they didn't make it an 8mm airsoft gun, but even though I would have to agree that the Barrett M99 should have been an 8mm.


Base model fires about 220+ FPS, the videos of this gun on the internet is the upgraded version. The stated average FPS on the upgraded one goes around 440+ FPS with 6mm .20g BB's.

I chrono'ed the first shot and my jaw dropped to the ground. What was the FPS???

"indoor 6mm .20g BB's chrono flew at !!!510.8 FPS!!!" nowhere near 440, the average FPS were between 470-490 FPS was what I got.

I'll tell you this, the .177mm lead pellets that you use in CO2 guns fly at 490FPS and a 230gr .45 ACP flies at 830 FPS.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 11:49   #8
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yes it does go 830 but it has 477 j of energy where that has like 2-3

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Old October 26th, 2009, 11:56   #9
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
yes it does go 830 but it has 477 j of energy where that has like 2-3
That's really not his point...
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Old October 26th, 2009, 12:00   #10
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Originally Posted by -Nemesis- View Post
Massive Gun indeed, and yes very heavy. Almost every component is metal and it's solid like a rock. Remember that the point of airsoft is realistic as possible. The real thing weighs 11.36 KG's, it's almost reduced by half at 6.7 KG's - 7 KG's. Also, real life snipers don't run around like they do in Counter Strike and a .50 BMG flies close between 2618-3044 FPS, (Bigger Gun = Bigger Bang) It's why big guns are designed the way they are. It's also designed and made by JG, not VFC or SMOKEY'S.

Good reason that they didn't make it an 8mm airsoft gun, but even though I would have to agree that the Barrett M99 should have been an 8mm.


Base model fires about 220+ FPS, the videos of this gun on the internet is the upgraded version. The stated average FPS on the upgraded one goes around 440+ FPS with 6mm .20g BB's.

I chrono'ed the first shot and my jaw dropped to the ground. What was the FPS???

"indoor 6mm .20g BB's chrono flew at !!!510.8 FPS!!!" nowhere near 440, the average FPS were between 470-490 FPS was what I got.

I'll tell you this, the .177mm lead pellets that you use in CO2 guns fly at 490FPS and a 230gr .45 ACP flies at 830 FPS.
But .45 acp weighs ALLOT more, the Airsoft M99 doing 500 with .2 would, if you found a way, fire a .45 acp at what, 100 fps tops. I know it's impressive that the speeds are so similar but the kinetic energy is very, VERY different, and kinetic energy is all that really matters.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 12:04   #11
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Uggg bullpup bolt action... That would be such a pain in the ass to get a quick follow-up shot.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 13:00   #12
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These big-cal sniper rifles need to be made in 8mm.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 13:06   #13
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it uses a mag? the real version of this is single shot meaning you have to chamber each round is it not? or is that another barret gun.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 17:16   #14
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Different gun, different projectile mass, different action = variable. Still not my point.

If you can imagine that the M99 flies from 470 - 520 FPS with .20g BB's, compared to a CO2/Airgun with .177 lead pellets/BB's at 490 FPS, and then you compare an actual bullet going 830 FPS. Which one would you rather get hit with and which would hurt more?

And besides, the M99 isn't even permitted in any games because of it's velocity capability unless it is downgraded. The one I tested fires 470+FPS out of the box all stock from the factory.

The bolt action fires much nicer for a bull-pup design, I find it much more easier to fire than most bolt action rifles. The bolt handle is on the side and you can constantly keep your eye on the scope. As to other bolt action rifles, you have to remove your eye from the scope and re-adjust after every shot.

Yes it uses a mag, and the mag fits in front of the trigger. The internals are the same as the APS-2/L96 or other variant.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 20:29   #15
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Originally Posted by -Nemesis- View Post
If you can imagine that the M99 flies from 470 - 520 FPS with .20g BB's, compared to a CO2/Airgun with .177 lead pellets/BB's at 490 FPS, and then you compare an actual bullet going 830 FPS. Which one would you rather get hit with and which would hurt more?

You don't seem to understand kinetic energy.

airsoft BB: 0.2 grams @ ~500fps = ~2.3 joules
.177 pellet (standard): 7.9 grains == ~0.5 grams @ ~500fps = ~5.8 joules
.45 ACP+P: 200 grains == 13 grams @ ~1080fps = ~700 joules

Just to put that in perspective, the average field legal bolt action (450fps) firing a 0.2g BB = 1.9j

The M99 may be a bit hot for some fields (most? but some allow upto 500fps for bolt actions) it isn't that outlandish either.
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