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Can someone explain barrel wobble?


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Old August 21st, 2007, 19:59   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Can someone explain barrel wobble?

Hey there, I'm thinking of getting a TM SR-16, but I've heard that "barrel wobble" plagues many of the armalite series weapons from any company. Can someone explain what this is to me? How big of an issue is it? Can it be fixed?

My friend is considering buying a TM G3 SG1, will barrel wobble be an issue with that weapon as well?
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Old August 21st, 2007, 20:08   #2
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I only heard barrel wobble and TM associated togethere.
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Old August 21st, 2007, 20:13   #3
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Barrel wobble is just a problem that is a part of a design flaw on Tokyo Marui's part. They have two piece barrels, however they did correct it with the "new type" series of M4's. As far as your friend and the g3 sg1 goes, he need not worry. Its as solid as a rock no barrel wobble (and a nice AEG to boot) .
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Old August 21st, 2007, 20:14   #4
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Alright thats nice to hear. Thanks a bunch for the answer
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Old August 21st, 2007, 20:22   #5
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How much of an issue would it be with the SR-16? It's nice to hear that they have improved on the "New Type", but I'd really like to get something I can put a large type battery in.

Or, would you have any suggestions as to what would be a good other AEG that uses Large type batteries?

On second thought, I don't know crap about batteries and how they affect an AEG's rof, amount of play usable on one charge. Care to shed some light about that?
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Old August 21st, 2007, 20:51   #6
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One thing you could do: check out the websites of big airsoft stores, see the models that use Large batteries (they last longer), study each model's pros and cons, go see them at games, and then make up your mind.

At the same time, you can get your age verified.

There's also the Reviews section of this site.
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Old August 21st, 2007, 21:00   #7
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What do you mean "study the pros and cons" - there is no information giving pros and cons of batteries.

My age is already verified, but like however many other people, it has not been updated.

As for the review section, I'll check it out more. So far all I've found is a review on a 9.6v 2200mah, but it doesn't really help me out much since I don't know much about the differences between batteries.

edit: Err, can you get 9.6v small type batteries? What kind of mah rating might they have?

Last edited by StRiCkEn; August 21st, 2007 at 21:03..
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Old August 21st, 2007, 21:08   #8
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Various Pros: Big battery capacity, long barrel, good for CQB, accessory rails, high rof, impressive stock fps, etc

Various cons: Smal battery capacity, short barrel, bad for CQB, no accessory rails, lower rof, lacking stock fps, etc

Out of Sport. Have Fun!
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Old August 21st, 2007, 22:02   #9
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If you study the models that interest you by using criterias that fit your needs, you wind up finding out the pros and cons.

I even wrote an article in the FAQ on how to choose a gun, it's stickied. It may help you along with the other stuff already written.

Large type batteries are bulkyer but they have far more amperage and are easy to find. They last longer too. Small or Mini batteries have more limitations, but fit in guns better.

If what is written does not help you, then your only other choice is to go see the guns in person at an event.
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Old August 21st, 2007, 22:22   #10
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I wrote how to fix the problem in my TM M4A1 review. Basically the same thing as SR-16 anyways.
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Old August 22nd, 2007, 06:30   #11
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Thanks again, for the help. Sorry if it seemed I was asking questions that have been asked many times before, I'm just excited to get involved in the whole airsoft world. It's a lack of patience and too much laziness on my part.

If I were to get an SR-16, would I have to modify the space in the stock at all to make room for a 9.6v battery?
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Old August 22nd, 2007, 07:21   #12
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No. The SR-16 solid stock is hollow and has a port on the back. You open the port, drop the battery in and close it. It fits a large type battery, so it should fit any smaller battery with no problem.
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Old August 22nd, 2007, 09:29   #13
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Again, I strongly suggest you go to a game BEFORE buying anything. Then you can see what works, why it works, and answer all those questions you have by seeing the things in person.

Relax, breathe, read a lot. Nobody here likes to repeat what is already written.
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Old August 22nd, 2007, 16:15   #14
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Originally Posted by StRiCkEn View Post
Thanks again, for the help. Sorry if it seemed I was asking questions that have been asked many times before, I'm just excited to get involved in the whole airsoft world. It's a lack of patience and too much laziness on my part.

If I were to get an SR-16, would I have to modify the space in the stock at all to make room for a 9.6v battery?
No, you can't.

But YOU CAN however, buy a AN/PEQ2 Laser battery box and put the battery in there.

those fit on 20mm rails which is already on the SR-16
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