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TM M733 disassembly


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Old November 30th, 2006, 16:23   #1
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TM M733 disassembly

Before I begin, I would just like to let all of you at ASC know that I am not of age to own an Airsoft gun, but I am hoping that this thread will show that I am mature enough to handle one.

After researching Airsoft for about a year, and learning about them. I decided to go with the Tokyo Marui M733 Commando. Cheap, and a decent starter rifle. I did my research, and after about 2 months of searching on ASC and other Airsoft websites, I ordered the gun. Right now I store the rifle in my fathers gun cabinet, with a trigger guard on it.

Now that I have had it for about 2 weeks. I thought it might be nice to get some new parts. So after researching some more, I came to the understanding that my M733 will be able to use MOST M4A1 metal bodies.
So I ordered a new M4A1 metal body, which has yet to be delivered to my house. Now that you're all caught up, I will explain my issue.

I finally realized that I should probably try and disassemble my weapon before the new body arrives. Here's where the trouble begins. I have so far removed the body pins and pulled the upper reciever of the m733 away from the lower reciever, and I have removed the inner barrel (Just for cleaning purposes). The problem is, I am having troubles removing the outer barrel from the upper receiver, and also finding a way to disconnect the wires from the foregrip in order to completely remove the upper receiver. Also all I need to know about removing the gearbox, is it held in by any screws? And if so I think I will manage finding them myself. I am able to provide pictures if necessary, just say the word.

Thank you very much in advance ASC. I hope you understand my troubles, and that I am able to handle these weapons in a mature and responsible fashion.


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Old November 30th, 2006, 16:27   #2
Join Date: Oct 2002
You can take the outer barrel out by turning the delta ring, easy as pie.

Gear box should slide right out if you take out the mexhbox pin, mag catch, and the pistol grip.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 16:29   #3
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Before you get much help, you'll probably get flamed for a while for knowingly breaking the rules and law. And you'll probably get a lot of inquiries about who sold an airsoft to a 14 yrs old, and where on earth are you ordering a metal body. You'll also get lectures about getting your dad in deep dodo.

After all that settles, you can take off the outter barrel only after you take out the delta ring assembly. To take the wires out from the foregrip, look closely to the fuse area, the red/black cable is just plugged into a plastic tube to the fuse, and you just have to pull it out and pull the wire out from the mechbox. That's how I disaseemble my CA M15A4 (M4A1).
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Old November 30th, 2006, 16:35   #4
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Thank you very much guys.

I knew I would be flammed, but thats a risk I was willing to take. You will all probably think low of me, but atleast you will understand that I took my time researching this before I started asking questions, and hopefully you will also understand that I am completely responsible around any type of firearms.

Thank's for the help guys, much appreciated.

I love a good shim job.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 16:43   #5
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You'll also need to remove the screw from the buffer tube. Remove the stock, remove the buffer tube cover plate, and using a long screwdriver, you can access the screw head inside.

Remove the centre-pin from the receiver and the mag catch.

Remove the pistol grip plate (watch out for the motor adjustment plate, it's loose. DON'T LOSE IT.)
Unhook the motor wires, take out the motor.

Inside the pistol grip you'll see two screws attached to the gearbox - take those out.

Also remove the wire guide in front of the hop up via the 2 screws that hold it down.

Then remove the hop up feeding tube's two screws (it's located in front of the nozzle. Once those screws are out, begin to pull out the gearbox and you should be able to remove the lower section of the hop up.

Once all that stuff is out, the gearbox should be pretty free to come out.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 17:52   #6
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Wow. I don't think that I can thank you guys enough for how understanding, and how accepting you are being about this. All I can say is thank you so much for all the kindness, and help! You guys are just wonderful!


I love a good shim job.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 17:56   #7
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One more thing. I have just finished re-assembling the gun, and upon firing it, I don't hear the traditional "buzz" from the motor anymore. Is this something I should be worrying about?

Thank's again guy's.


I love a good shim job.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 23:55   #8
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umm well 2 thinks 1 the wire are not done up right or 2 maybe its the body.

have u tried shooting some bb's through it
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Old December 1st, 2006, 16:10   #9
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Yes, sorry for later response. I have fired BB's through it, and after about 15 minutes of shooting the problem seems to have fixed itself. Back to the good old "zzzz"

I love a good shim job.
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