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TM SG1 vs. M14. Worth the price jump?


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Old May 24th, 2006, 00:34   #1
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TM SG1 vs. M14. Worth the price jump?

I'm looking to purchase to either a SG1 or a M14 as my first AEG. I already read dozens of reviews for each and I want to hear some of your opinions on these guns.

I'm on a college student budget and the $140 price difference means a lot to me. They both look equally good to me. What I'm really concerned about is the performance.

How does the Version 7 gearbox in the M14 compare to the Version 2 in the SG1? Is there a noticeable performance difference? If they pretty much shoot the same, I'll buy the SG1. But if I get a substantial performance increase for the M14 I'm definately going m14.

Thanks for your opinions.

PS: I've never read any reviews that compares gearboxes. I haven't heard of any advantages or disadvantages for any model, except that Version 3 is a little more durable.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 00:36   #2
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Go for the m14... better gear box, better fps, no barrel wobble and creaking
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Old May 24th, 2006, 00:42   #3
read a bit more. The M14 is a fantasic shooter and the newest mechbox out there.

the SG1 is a giant chunk of plastic that wobbles more then that crack-addicted whore at the local stip joint. The V2 mechbox is prone is cracking with upgrades. Not to say its a terrible gun, but unless your dead-set on the look, I cant think of any reasons to take it over the M14.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 00:50   #4
The Saint
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My understanding is that the M14 is the best AEG by TM to date, not counting the yet-to-be-released Type 89. If you got a stature to wield a M14, I'd say go for it. Being a student myself, I completely understand your concerns. Just remember that your first gun purchase is a long term investment that is very hard to backtrack on.

Besides, if you really want a SG1, wait a few months for CA's. :lol:
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Old May 24th, 2006, 00:53   #5
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If you like the look of the g3 sg1 and dont want a gun that wobble. You can get the Classic Army CA33E. Same look, full metal except hand guard, stock and lower receiver but in 5.56 nato instead of 7.62. Con... mechbox v2, accept only Ca33 mags and you have to tighten the hopup once a while
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Old May 24th, 2006, 00:57   #6
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That was the reply I was looking for. Thanks guys.
Gonna have to start saving up.

PS: Do you guys know of a good place to buy the M14? I found a deal for $680 including shipping and gst. Is this reasonable?
Should I wait for ASC Armoury to stock it?
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Old May 24th, 2006, 01:04   #7
The Saint
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava
PS: Do you guys know of a good place to buy the M14? I found a deal for $680 including shipping and gst. Is this reasonable?
Should I wait for ASC Armoury to stock it?
I think there are some new or lightly used ones up for grab in the Used AEG Forum, so I'd recommend getting yourself verified and taking a look see there. As an alternative to ACA, there's also SpecArms. Will can probably hook you up with one for a good price during one of his monthly orders with RedWolf, and you can order whatever else you need with the gun at the same time.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 01:12   #8
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well CuppoJava considering your in calgary a great place is 007 i've gone there twice know for parts and kens a great guy to do wrok with. thats the local fourm join if you haven't and theres alot more players that would tell u to go to 007. PM me on JOC if you need some help my handle is attack-beaver.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 06:39   #9
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava
That was the reply I was looking for. Thanks guys.
Gonna have to start saving up.

PS: Do you guys know of a good place to buy the M14? I found a deal for $680 including shipping and gst. Is this reasonable?
Should I wait for ASC Armoury to stock it?
Get age-verified soonest.
Check the Retailers and the Classifieds.
Remember you will also need goggles, maybe a spare magazine, batteries, a decent battery charger, and ammo.
That can add a good couple of hundred dollars to your cost just to be able to use it.
As I used to own an SG1, I would go to the M14 these days or the new CA version of the G3.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 09:11   #10
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As everyone is saying get age-verified, and if your lucky enough you'll find that somebody is selling that CA version of the SG1. Obviously I can't tell you who it is so you better hurry up & find a local rep :P
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Old May 24th, 2006, 09:32   #11
the end
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I wouldnt say the M14 is the greatest weapon, no doubt it is of fantastic quality, both in build and performance,
but if you dont like the feel of a big long rifle then dont get it,
i had this problem, i bought it and did not like the feel of it,
it just wasnt right for me, so i sold it after a few weeks.

my advice would be to try one out first and see if you like it,

i also know that the TM SG1 is good too, not great but good and i prefer the pistol grip type feel.

so i say try one out for yourself and see
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Old May 29th, 2006, 20:34   #12
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i'm like cuppojava and lookin at the m14 and i was wondering where i could get verified near barrie
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Old October 17th, 2006, 15:19   #13
NewType ZERO
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I recently go to use an SG1 for a day and everyone talks about the creaking... Oh the creaking,, the creaking this and the creaking that... but have you ever noticed when your running through the bush hiding next to something that you make alot of noise anyways. I didnt even notice the creaking until I stopped and looked closely for it. During the games everyone was moving around and stepping on twigs and branches and shooting.. and yea.. if light upgraded the SG1 is a great gun with some real good reach.

Id give almost anything for a NIB one right now.
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Old October 17th, 2006, 15:59   #14
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Originally Posted by NewType ZERO View Post
I recently go to use an SG1 for a day and everyone talks about the creaking... Oh the creaking,, the creaking this and the creaking that... but have you ever noticed when your running through the bush hiding next to something that you make alot of noise anyways. I didnt even notice the creaking until I stopped and looked closely for it. During the games everyone was moving around and stepping on twigs and branches and shooting.. and yea.. if light upgraded the SG1 is a great gun with some real good reach.

Id give almost anything for a NIB one right now.
EVen though this is a pretty dead thread...

I don't think the concern of the creaking comes while playing. It's mostly comes from comparing it to other AEG's. The flex on an SG-1 is enormous to an AK mainly because it's plastic on plastic. I have one, I like it, I use it but I hate the creaking. I'm looking at getting a metal body for it but I heard the CA bodies are a pain in the butt.
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Old October 17th, 2006, 16:45   #15
well, I credit creaking guns to a few night game kills on my behalf.
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