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VSR, sear are ok BUT?


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Old October 11th, 2006, 13:27   #1
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VSR, sear are ok BUT?

hello all

i put new trigger sear and piston sear in my vsr-10, but now the gun does not cock. i pull the handle back, but it does not lock into place, and goes straight forward again.
both sears are brand new so they should be ok.
is there any thing else that could cause this?

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Old October 11th, 2006, 13:52   #2
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Quantis went through a couple of sears (aka. broken almost immediately) in his VSR (initially was a mild upgrade) before he gave up and bought a Zero Trigger unit. Others can answer here, but I am just pointing out a guy I know that had similar experiences.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; October 11th, 2006 at 14:01..
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Old October 11th, 2006, 13:55   #3
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Are there any visible marks to show that a sear is broken?

as they both look in perfect condition. what should i look for?

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Old October 11th, 2006, 14:05   #4
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Really not sure, I'm only an expert on the KJW M700 and CA M24. Why not shoot him a PM and see what he thinks? Could just be you didn't reassemble properly. I've had a similar problem to yours with my M24, at one point it was because I set the trigger break point (how light and far the trigger would go before releasing) too close to the edge of the sear, the other time was at a game and found the front screw that holds the trigger assembly to the receiver had backed out half way. Both were totally fixable. But have heard a lot about the VSR having sear problems when upgraded. Try searching in the Sniper's Perch, there are LOTS of questions and talk about the VSR. Maybe someone has posted there the sme problem and fix. Better access to good info on there than here (LOT more people there, more airsoft snipers).
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Old October 11th, 2006, 18:03   #5
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I did a Deepfire sear set replacement in my VSR-10 recently and I luckily had zero problems with the install. If I remember correctly you had an upgraded piston? Either way there are a lot of things that can go wrong with the installation of new sears in a VSR.
To do some trouble shooting, does the piston sear engage the piston at all? ie: do you hear the piston sear click against the piston or does the piston pass by the sear without any contact? The piston sear itself should be visible in the receiver with the bolt assembly removed and should stick out a little bit. If you remove the trigger assembly from the receiver the sears should look like this:

photo courtesy of xavierthegreat1 from Airsoft Retreat
In the picture you can see the piston sear sticking out at about a 45 degree angle where it should be. It could also be the piston sear causing the problem. The piston sear should be perfectly flush with the top of the trigger assembly. Hopefully that helps. If it doesn't a picture is worth a thousand words, well maybe not a thousand but it surely will help.

I would second Stalker's recommendation of airsoftretreat. You do have to sift through a lot of kids who can't spell worth beans but there is some really good sniper posts in there.

Last edited by tsuru; October 11th, 2006 at 18:16..
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Old October 11th, 2006, 18:14   #6
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Also do you have a steel spring guide. A lot of the not cocking problems came from that. Also wipe downt he top of the sears to ensure they have no lube on them. Lube the areas the sears contact the trigger assembely. As tsuru said a piture helps us out. If worse comes to worst measure the distance fromt he piston lip where the sear catches to the edge of the reciever where the trigger unti comes in. Then measure the petrusion of the sear to see if they are the same height.
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Old October 12th, 2006, 12:18   #7
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Cheers for all your help guys, its much appreciated.

ill see if i can get a pic for you.

at the moment ive got upgraded (sears, piston, cylinder head, spring guide stopper, and spring guide. 150 spring.)
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Old October 12th, 2006, 12:46   #8
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Check your spring guide they tend to come unscrewed. Unscrew it and put some thread lock in there and your smiling
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Old October 12th, 2006, 13:19   #9
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Originally Posted by bean View Post
Check your spring guide they tend to come unscrewed. Unscrew it and put some thread lock in there and your smiling

BEAN your a star!!!!

found the spring guide had nearly come all the way apart, it was on the last thread of the screw, so ive put some lock tite on that now. also the little spring that pushes the piston sear back up had become very weak. so i took that out and gave it a strech in the oposite direction. it now pushes the piston sear all the way back. gave the hole unit some lube, it looked like it needed it. just had a shot and its working great.

got a big game this sunday so hopefully all the time and money will be worth it.

cheers for helping me out over the past few weeks Bean its much appreciated. thanks to every one else whos helped as well.

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Old October 12th, 2006, 16:50   #10
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Its a huge problem and it gets almost all vsr users when they upgrade the spring guide. The other big thing is if they use the silent shaft for the piston that comes with the zero trigger and they replace the shaft with the black grub screw and dont thread lock it. It has the same effect. All that is happening is the piston is hitting the spring guide and not being able to pull far enough back.
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