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High $ should mean cheaper guns!!!



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Old May 4th, 2006, 09:22   #1
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High $ should mean cheaper guns!!!

Has anyone else thought about this? Most of our airsoft supplies come from out of country, mostly from Asia but also some gear from the US. The dollar has now hit 90 cents US, thats a huge difference from a couple years back. With the higher dollar, it should cost a lot less to import goods, such as airsoft. Yet has anyone seen a retailer lower prices to pass on some of these savings to the consumer? I haven't in the 2 years I've been in airsoft. I think we should ask the retailers about this. I feel ripped off when I look at the prices in US/Asia, and it no longer can be blamed on bad exchange rates.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 09:46   #2
Ain't gay, but $20 is $20
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We still have to deal with customs and brokerage fees. It's not just the exchange rate.

By the way, analysts say that if it continues this way, within the year the Canadian dollar might surpass the US dollar. It's a great time to be alive (again).
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Old May 4th, 2006, 09:52   #3
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Feel free to get an importation license if you feel that way. Then you can find out first-hand all the details and extra costs involved.
Or feel free to move to someplace where airsoft is not restricted. It's your right.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 10:03   #4
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Originally Posted by Treadstone71
We still have to deal with customs and brokerage fees. It's not just the exchange rate.

By the way, analysts say that if it continues this way, within the year the Canadian dollar might surpass the US dollar. It's a great time to be alive (again).
I think DoctorDeath meant by was, if exchange rate went down by let's say 10%. Since HK or US store hasn't increased their price by 10% (Or at least I haven't noticed), a retailer's buying price then saved 10%, since customs/taxes are based on value, you also saved the tax amount since the product value now went down 10%. Brokerage stays the same unless they jacked it up by more than 10%.

With that said, overall retailer would pay less for the very same gun. And DoctorDeath is complaining about not passing the savings down to us airsofters.

Not that I agree with DD, since retailers are there to make money, they have every right to maximize their profit. It would be nice to see some savings passed to the consumers, but again, airsoft prices in Canada has been at its lowest for a while.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 10:19   #5
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LOL! I always bust out laughing when I hear that bullshit line about import/brokerage fees being the sole reason why we're paying through the roof for our airsoft stuff. While it does add to the cost of it it does not explain the extra hundreds of dollars being tacked on.

But seeing as only a few key players hold the ability to do the importing we have to bend over and take it with a smile. So with that in mind do you really think they would lower their prices because our loonie is stronger???
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Old May 4th, 2006, 10:29   #6
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It's business, you gotta make money ... Canada is at a disadvantage here of course they will take advantage of it. I'm even sure in pre-orders the person still makes money cause how the heck are you going to pay off that importation license. You can't really complain about prices still up there with a higher Canadian Dollar. Why don't you bug Steven Harper to allow Airsoft here. Wait, why don't Bush convince him for us?
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Old May 4th, 2006, 10:40   #7
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Originally Posted by Primus
LOL! I always bust out laughing when I hear that bullshit line about import/brokerage fees being the sole reason why we're paying through the roof for our airsoft stuff. While it does add to the cost of it it does not explain the extra hundreds of dollars being tacked on.

But seeing as only a few key players hold the ability to do the importing we have to bend over and take it with a smile. So with that in mind do you really think they would lower their prices because our loonie is stronger???
I bust out laughing when I realize that 6 years ago, many of us were happy paying $700 for a Marui gun because it meant we got to play airsoft. I also bust out laughing when people think they deserve a deal at the expense of the business owner, who they feel doesn't have the right to make a profit on his goods. I want a new Toyota FJ, but if I walk into a dealership and demand that I only pay $23K for one because the dollar is so high and the dealer should take a loss on his profit margin to cut me a deal, I'm gonna get laughed off the showroom floor.

Grey has it right; you have 3 choices. If you don't like the price, don't buy it - no one's holding a gun to your head. You could also get a license and broker and start importing for yourself and your friends. Alternately, you could move to a place where airsoft is cheaper.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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Old May 4th, 2006, 10:49   #8
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Originally Posted by Treadstone71
We still have to deal with customs and brokerage fees. It's not just the exchange rate.

By the way, analysts say that if it continues this way, within the year the Canadian dollar might surpass the US dollar. It's a great time to be alive (again).
Biggest hitter: The so-called "fuel surcharge".

As an idea, to typically import accessories for the radios I sell, I often pay more for the shipping then the accessories themselves, and that DOESN'T include the 15% + fees when it hits customs. $200USD to ship a box from China? Easy, I spend at least that much for every accessory order (single box).

Now that a stab how much it costs when I import radios which have double or triple the volumetric weight.

Long story short:

Importing is a very expensive business if you don't have connections or a very strong cash flow. It isn't necessarily complicated to get in, but it is somewhat difficult to keep all the numbers in check.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old May 4th, 2006, 11:25   #9
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Good points, but do not forget most of the retailers if not all, have order and paid for the guns they are stock, before the $ became worth more. So these guns were also paid for at the lower $ price. Takes a while before you see that change. And what if the $ takes a plunge tomorrow, would you be willing to pay them even more for the guns? No probably not, better to just keep things where they are for a while me thinks.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 12:23   #10
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Exactly. Current stock purchased at higher prices will have to be sold first before prices can come down, unless the company is interested in using some of them as a possible loss leader to attract more business. Not likely though.

The nice thing with our dollar approaching parity is we'll be able to more closely tell how much markup our retailers are putting on their products. With each USD now equalling only $1.10 CAD, a $100 GBB ought to cost you $110 CAD FOB wherever the retailer is. Shipping is something of an unknown though so that's one variable you can't accurately account for. I did a bulk order of replica ABS PASGT helmets and each case cost me $250 USD in shipping alone by UPS express.

In any case, I certainly hope that retailers take advantage of our strong dollar and it reflects in their prices accordingly. Those who maintain the status quo may find themselves eventually trailing.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 12:46   #11
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Grim sells the M700 for 310$
Canadian Airsoft sells it for 500$.

Grim sold the ruger thingy for 150$?
007 sells it for 375$

Grim was getting the Star M249 for 730$
Rangers sell it for 895$


Either Grim is a rich millionaire and can take a hit on each order OR the other retailers are getting ripped off by their brokers, OR they charge more cause they hold a monopoly on the supply and sales of airsoft in canada.

If Grim ever becomes a supplier of TM the other retailers are screwed.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 13:08   #12
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Originally Posted by Treadstone71
We still have to deal with customs and brokerage fees. It's not just the exchange rate.

By the way, analysts say that if it continues this way, within the year the Canadian dollar might surpass the US dollar. It's a great time to be alive (again).
Ain't gay, but $20 is $20

So $20 will be worth more than $20? :lol:
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Old May 4th, 2006, 13:29   #13
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AEG prices have actually dropped quite a bit - I can remember 2 years ago paying $520 was a good deal on a TM AK47, and now a short survey of the vendors;

AirsoftCanada Armoury: $450.00
007 - $535.00
Spec Arms - $525.00
Rangers - $470.00

So with this example, we can see the retailers who are charging a fair price, and those who are indeed gouging. I'm not saying any particular retailer is maliciously screwing over players - people are still obviously flocking to them all as they are still in business.

It's up to the player to vote with their dollar - so instead of bitching, educate yourself and support retailers who charge a fair price. Same goes for age verification - people will knowingly buy from a retailer that sells to minors, then complain about "all the underage n00bs"

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Old May 4th, 2006, 13:41   #14
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Yeah with the thuoght of that, Treadstone would have to change his $20 is $20 everysingle day to reflect how much $20 dollars was when he first put that into his user info.

No but whatever.

Anyways, see when the dollar goes up... That means the RETAILER is going to be making more money, which is what they want. If you were in there shoes your not gonna just toss up an opportunity to put some food on your table just so someone can get cheaper stuff. Cmon now.

Stop complaining, you pay what you pay, and you have the peace of mind knowing it WILL get to you, and it's in good working order.

I know this is just discussion but still, your BFL burns a huge damn hole in your pocket. And you gotta pay that off at first.

Just like saying selling asian cars, since the dollar goes up, the MSRP doesnt change, its the same. And plus you'd be an idiot to screw yourself over in making a little more profit, especially if it is your full job that you are doing.

Meh, save the money. Pay the people that deserve it because they go through all the b.s for you. And get your gun and be happy.

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Old May 4th, 2006, 13:53   #15
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Honestly, if I was a Canadian retailer importing my goods into Canada, the last thing I want to do is make book keeping any more complicated than it is by constantly changing prices based on how well the dollar is doing.

If I lower my prices and the dollar goes down, when it goes up, I'm going to have to raise them again, and just as a personal opinion, I wouldn't want my customers seeing it as a reason to go elsewhere "Wtf? Why do his prices keep going up?". Now it would probably be a different story if I lowered my prices for promotional purposes and advertised it as such.
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