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Downgrading for propane


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Old April 16th, 2006, 23:24   #1
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Smile Downgrading for propane

I own two gbb's, both by Tokyo Marui. My first one is the Biohazard Samurai Edge Std., and the second is a Hi-capa 5.1. I am thinking about switching from duster gas to propane because it is more cost-effective to me, however the higher fps that will result is unwelcome to me. Is there a way to downgrade the gbb's or is there some kind of gas regulator I could install so the gbb's will stay at about the same power they are with duster gas? I tried doing searches for this so I'm sorry if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find anything.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 00:38   #2
Scotty aka harleyb
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Unfortunately, no, there's really no way around the problems that higher pressure gas impose. The only thing that comes close to what you're asking is AI's flow restrictor, but that's only for WA 1911s, and even then it only lessens blowback power and not projectile speed. Your best bet is to unfortunately stick with duster.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 01:02   #3
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Or mix duster and propane.

Best of both worlds.


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Old April 17th, 2006, 02:07   #4
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Originally Posted by Cheesevillage
Or mix duster and propane.

Best of both worlds.

This kinda defeats the purpose of my intentions. My intentions are to save money, not to have to spend more by buying both duster AND propane. =P
It is an interesting suggestion however, perhaps for someone who is looking for different results but not for me. Oh well, duster it is then.
Thanks for the replies guys.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 02:14   #5
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Duster isnt much more than propane to begin with. A can of duster is about $5 in canada. A can of Propane is $3.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 11:08   #6
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
Duster isnt much more than propane to begin with. A can of duster is about $5 in canada. A can of Propane is $3.
The closest place to me that has duster is Office Max, which I have to take a looooooong bus ride ($4, 2 to go and 2 to get back home) and walk to get to. Plus the only cans of duster that contain Tetrafluoroethane are the mini-cans and it costs more to buy a two-pak of those (costs $7 + tax) than to buy a regular size can and yet the two still don't have as much gas than the regular size. The minis have 3.5oz each, 7oz which falls 3oz short of regular size. Now lets add. I just paid about $11 (a little more actually because I didn't add tax...) for very little gas.

Then again, I could get propane at Walgreens for $3 which is about two blocks away so I don't have to pay for the bus. =]

I could end up saving a lot that way.

But since I can't use propane I'll stick to duster. I could however still save some money if Difluoroethane is similar enough to Tetrafluoroethane that they could be used interchangeably. Can someone please confirm this for me?
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Old April 17th, 2006, 11:15   #7
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I got duster gas from The Source for $15 and propane is $5 at Zellers
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Old April 17th, 2006, 11:21   #8
Scotty aka harleyb
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From what I've read, the only difference between difluoroethane (152a) and tetra (134a) when it comes to airsoft guns is that at room temperature 152a exerts about 8psi less pressure than 134a. The problem is that it may be too weak. I'd say buy a can and try it.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 11:32   #9
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Originally Posted by harleyb
From what I've read, the only difference between difluoroethane (152a) and tetra (134a) when it comes to airsoft guns is that at room temperature 152a exerts about 8psi less pressure than 134a. The problem is that it may be too weak. I'd say buy a can and try it.
I just did a search and read a lot of material about difluoroethane vs tetra. Some people have said that difluouro is bad for the plastic and the o-rings and such. I don't think I want to risk damage to my gbb's. =/
Unless someone can disprove those statements, my safest bet is to stick with tetra.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 11:42   #10
Scotty aka harleyb
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My only guess would be that difluoroethane wouldn't exert enough pressure to keep the seals in good shape... in the same way that if you leave a mag without any gas for a period of time, it'll develop leaks due to the shrinking of the o-rings. If you're going to stick with tetra, you should try to find an online retailer that will sell you the proper kind of duster gas... it'd probably end up being a lot cheaper if you buy in bulk.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 11:52   #11
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Great suggestion. Thank you. =]

I'll either do that, or I'm also thinking maybe buy a metal slide and use propane anyways even with the fps increase... Its not too much is it?? If its only like 10fps more then its acceptable to me.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 12:03   #12
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My KWA G19 would shoot around 310 (+/- 5) on duster, and would shoot over 330 on propane... there was a very large difference for me.

I tried using .12's on propane... I got a fun 416 fps.... yeah... accuracy = non-existant
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Old April 17th, 2006, 14:39   #13
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Originally Posted by nyquill
My KWA G19 would shoot around 310 (+/- 5) on duster, and would shoot over 330 on propane... there was a very large difference for me.

I tried using .12's on propane... I got a fun 416 fps.... yeah... accuracy = non-existant
You know, that brings up a great point. I could use propane and switch to .25g bbs! =] Would it still hurt more just because they are larger even if the fps will be lower?
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Old April 17th, 2006, 14:50   #14
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Narcissism
You know, that brings up a great point. I could use propane and switch to .25g bbs! =] Would it still hurt more just because they are larger even if the fps will be lower?
It should hurt the same up close, as both are still shooting with the same amount of energy. 0.25g might be flying slower, but they're heavier than 0.20g and are carrying more momentum. As you move further and further away from the barrel, 0.25g will actually hurt more than 0.20g (assuming same distance) due to better kinetic energy retention (0.20g slows down faster).

Have you tried fitting a velocity reducer on your GBB? I don't know if TM GBBs are threaded to receive silencers and such. If it fits, it'll be ugly, but at least it'll work.
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Old April 17th, 2006, 15:01   #15
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Originally Posted by The Saint
Originally Posted by Narcissism
You know, that brings up a great point. I could use propane and switch to .25g bbs! =] Would it still hurt more just because they are larger even if the fps will be lower?
It should hurt the same up close, as both are still shooting with the same amount of energy. 0.25g might be flying slower, but they're heavier than 0.20g and are carrying more momentum. As you move further and further away from the barrel, 0.25g will actually hurt more than 0.20g (assuming same distance) due to better kinetic energy retention (0.20g slows down faster).

Have you tried fitting a velocity reducer on your GBB? I don't know if TM GBBs are threaded to receive silencers and such. If it fits, it'll be ugly, but at least it'll work.
The ones I have are not threaded but they do sell extended threaded inner barrels, however.


I was thinking of getting this and getting a silencer already, but I didn't know it reduces velocity. Does it really? That would be a huge added bonus! =]
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