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kwa vs ksc


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Old February 14th, 2006, 19:32   #1
PTE. Pyle
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kwa vs ksc

i have a buddy from work who baught and paid for a ksc glock 17 only to receive a kwa glock 17. now as i advised him of the retailer m1 airsoft probably messed up and would correct the order, i am curious what the differances in build quality between the two. is kwa still decent, or is ksc worth the differance. just trying to get some opinions between the 2, and if this happened to you would you rather they refund you the differance or swap the kwa for a ksc gun.

not trying to be lazy and not read reviews just looking for some advise
also i dont know much about glocks as i have a ksc usp compact and know that is a verry good gun. so far have not had any probelms so i am assuming that the ksc glock is of similar build quality.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 19:46   #2
the end
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question: does his kwa glock17 have NO rail and NO finger grooves, if so i have seen it, but it was KWC (you can see it on specarms)

I found the KWC to be decent i never found any problems with it, but i have loved KSC for awhile now so naturally i picked the KSC which i found to have better build quality and performance.
but IMO the KWC was decent.

now if it wasnt the KWC glock then i have no idea and cant help you. :-?

anyways hope it was slightly informative
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Old February 14th, 2006, 19:50   #3
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kwa generally has more factory upgrades done to the gun(metal slide, metal barrrel, hi flow valves, etc.), but has no trademarks. ksc is usually stock(plastic ) but with trademarks. trademarks might not matter to some people, and it might matter to some people. personally, i would rather have the gun that can take green gas safely out of the box(which in this case would be the kwa gun).
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Old February 14th, 2006, 20:23   #4
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KWA = taiwanese manufactured KSC

however, supposedly there are QC differences. If he paid for a KSC but got a KWA he should complain, since KSC's are more expensive across the board.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 22:42   #5
PTE. Pyle
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wich one would you keep if you were him. assuming he can be refunded the differance or swap?
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Old February 14th, 2006, 22:49   #6
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Complain, and get what you paid for. Get the KSC.
"And that's how, with a few minor modifications, you can turn one ordinary gun, into five guns." - Moe Sizlack
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Old February 15th, 2006, 11:26   #7
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personally, i'd sooner get refunded the difference. owned a KWA and never had a problem with it.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 01:15   #8
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Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
i have a buddy from work who baught and paid for a ksc glock 17 only to receive a kwa glock 17. now as i advised him of the retailer m1 airsoft probably messed up and would correct the order, i am curious what the differances in build quality between the two. is kwa still decent, or is ksc worth the differance. just trying to get some opinions between the 2, and if this happened to you would you rather they refund you the differance or swap the kwa for a ksc gun.

not trying to be lazy and not read reviews just looking for some advise
also i dont know much about glocks as i have a ksc usp compact and know that is a verry good gun. so far have not had any probelms so i am assuming that the ksc glock is of similar build quality.
Hey PTE. Pyle,

Can you PM me your friend's name? Because from our database we have not sold any KWA or KSC G17 recently. So please let me know or ask your friend to e-mail us.

My e-mail address is


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Old February 17th, 2006, 02:25   #9
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Actually, they are the same gun Funny this came up. Here is a direct quote from an e-mail Feb. 9/06 from the actual KWA manufacturer I deal with:

"KWA is the factory who actually oem KSC guns !! "

It's simply a factory in taiwan that makes these guns for KSC, but must brand them under a different name. Actually tell your freind to check his instruction manual that came with the KWA gun. He will find most likely that even the instruction manual that came in the KWA box is the official KSC manual

Also, The KWA should he received should actually also have the same trades on them too. Any KWA's that I have ordered in the past have had the trades on!
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Old February 17th, 2006, 09:50   #10
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Randy, I'm not going to disagree with someone in the know about the technical merits of the guns, but there's no doubt that "KSC" guns cost way more than "KWA" guns. For example, take a look at the Wargamers Club website in the KSC section. All of the Glocks have both a Japan and a Taiwan model - Japan being KSC, and Taiwan being KWA according to what we've established. But the price difference is HUGE for some of the guns - the Glock 19, for example, is $130US from Japan, or $95US from Taiwan. The M92 Elite goes from $150US to $100US.

So, if he paid for a KSC, he definitely got screwed from a retail perspective if he was shipped a KWA - regardless of any functional similarities/differences between the two, or even if they're idential - he paid for something with the difference (even if it was just the box).

That said, especially in light of what Roger just told us, I'm not accusing anyone of foul play (this sort of thing could be an innocent mixup even under the worst of circumstances). Just saying that someone paying for KSC should not receive KWA =) Unless it's a full-metal KWA G19... God how I wish I'd gotten one or two from you for $200 when I had the chance.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 12:47   #11
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I really want to clear it up, because I have done a search on my e-mail account already, but I cannot found any sales regarding KSC G17 or KWA G17 in last month.

Also I havent get any e-mail from customer regarding shipped a wrong item.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 13:04   #12
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I own a KWA G19 and love it, metal slide, metal outer barrel, the recoil is really nice on it. Mine didn't come with any trades and it came with an orange tip,but for the price the trades do not bother me
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Old February 17th, 2006, 13:16   #13
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Originally Posted by Mafioso_Grande
Randy, I'm not going to disagree with someone in the know about the technical merits of the guns, but there's no doubt that "KSC" guns cost way more than "KWA" guns. For example, take a look at the Wargamers Club website in the KSC section. All of the Glocks have both a Japan and a Taiwan model - Japan being KSC, and Taiwan being KWA according to what we've established. But the price difference is HUGE for some of the guns - the Glock 19, for example, is $130US from Japan, or $95US from Taiwan. The M92 Elite goes from $150US to $100US.

So, if he paid for a KSC, he definitely got screwed from a retail perspective if he was shipped a KWA - regardless of any functional similarities/differences between the two, or even if they're idential - he paid for something with the difference (even if it was just the box).

That said, especially in light of what Roger just told us, I'm not accusing anyone of foul play (this sort of thing could be an innocent mixup even under the worst of circumstances). Just saying that someone paying for KSC should not receive KWA =) Unless it's a full-metal KWA G19... God how I wish I'd gotten one or two from you for $200 when I had the chance.
Oh, absolutley, I completely agree with you as well. I know you would not be accusing anyone. Sorry If I came accross that way I was just stating that the gun itself is pretty much the same quality. But you are correct in that the politics come into play and the "brand name" KSC is usually more expensive than the OEM name of KWA. Also, you are correct that if a KSC was ordered, and expected, then that is what should have arrived, and if it did not, then for sure it would be the retailers responsibility to either credit the difference or have the customer return the KWA and send out the correct KSC.

Your also right about the $200 G19 w/metal slide we put out long ago! I still have mine. Honestly, I have been working on getting more of those in lately too. If I manage to score some more, then you will certainly know about it They are easy to get, but trying to get the deal I get a year ago or so is a differnt storey where we can blow them out for $200.00.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 01:33   #14
PTE. Pyle
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sorry for the long reply i was moving and had no access to the net. any ways the whole matter was cleared up right away with no hassels. thank you for everyone who helped me.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 12:55   #15
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Figured I might as well put my two cents in. DEA is right, KSC guns ARE KWA guns! They are both made i nthe same factory except the reason the KSC guns are more expensive is because they are made JUST for export to Japan, thus the reason you pay more for a KSC.
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