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Old September 11th, 2020, 17:02   #1
Join Date: Jun 2020
New to Airsoft

Hey All, new to the airsoft community here. Nice to see such a big community out here! Can anyone recommend a good GBBR to start with. I?ve seen the KWA for a reasonable price and was wondering what your thoughts are on it. Cheers!
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Old September 23rd, 2020, 14:59   #2
Join Date: Sep 2020
How is the kwa
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Old September 23rd, 2020, 16:22   #3
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There's lovers and haters for all GBBR platforms. My opinion? KWA GBBRs are underwhelming, and the material they use for the bodies aren't the best. With that said, their GBB SMGs like their MP9 and their MP7 are pretty good.

To better answer your question, we would need to know which kind of gun you want. Recommendations for AKs, G36s or M4s/Armalites will vary a lot, some brands are better than others.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old October 7th, 2020, 01:00   #4
Join Date: Oct 2004
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GHK and TM make the highest quality GBBRs, but you get what you pay for. I just bought a GHK M4 recently, after not playing airsoft for well over a decade, and I'm having a blast with it! It's extremely loud and violent for an airsoft gun, if that makes sense. Before this I had only ever fired AEGs.

Generally though you wanna start with an AEG and then try your hand at a gas rifle. Gas sucks in the winter, the mags are super heavy and expensive and hold as much ammo as the real thing (in my case slightly more, 36 rounds), and you have to be willing and able to field strip and clean/lube after a gameday or two. Plus as a n00b you're gonna suck at airsoft for the first bit, and then having to deal with the competitive disadvantage a gas gun gives you on top of that could lead to frustration.

having said all that though this most recent game was a TON of fun and i got some good hits on people. i just can't compete with spraying hicaps.
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Old October 7th, 2020, 14:03   #5
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GBBR M4 types

Two weeks ago a fellow gamer was kind enough to let me fire his WE "new type" M4A1 open bolt GBBR and I loved it. The trigger felt solid like a real steel trigger breakm The kick was fast and punchy into the shoulder. This was one shot on semi, I didn't switch it to rock n roll but I can say, between this and an upgraded GHK AK74 I tried several years ago you can't go wrong.

I believe the only thing he had done was installed a new "red" nozzle and swapped bucking. It hit what I aimed at so I was sold. I am now looking for one to add to my collection eventually.

The realism makes gaming extremely fun and trying his put a big grin on my face.
Can´t sleep. Clowns will eat me!
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