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The BUYING experience; value to cash to FUN ratio


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Old July 1st, 2016, 01:35   #1
Join Date: Jun 2016
The BUYING experience; value to cash to FUN ratio

Im going to be purchasing my next gun soon, ohh the excitement, but as i look around i always feel like i can get more for my money when buying an AEG rifle then a gbb pistol...i'v thought about the hi-capas but im worried i wont like the bottom of handle how it sticks out....never held one any rate i feel like if i invest into a new solid secondary pistol a hi capa/glock/1911 from a good company like WE or TM....but then im spending 300...on my secondary weapon....sure itll be upgradable and will be durable and repairable, but i dont need a new practicle secondary so i wonder if ill have more fun with something less practical but more fun and cool like a fat revolver, sniper rifle or grenade launcher for my primary or even a nice gas shotgun (whats the point of a gas gun that isnt semiauto? are gas shotguns that you have to pump b4 each shot just way more powerful/durable then spring pump action ones?)... so many desicions...i almost feel like i could get a launcher & gas powered revolver for about 380-440ish rather than the new 1911/hi-capa/glock for around 300...whereas when i look into buying the fun looking shotguns and long range/super accurate sniperrifles i feel like 450-500 is where ill get my monies worth....yet a reliable AEG will only set me back 250 (but i dont need a new primary AEG...well maybe a MPsomething to go next to the m16 i use for a primary)....i feel like ppl r gunna tell me to stay focused on the new glock or 1911 and that the other stuff is just gimmick attraction but im curious...i only ever buy new from canadian web retailers
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Old July 1st, 2016, 03:56   #2
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I think alot of the "fun" aspect is what you enjoy in a gun. For some, it's the realism of a gas blow back. For others, it's purely performance.

For me, the guns that are the most fun, are ones that just plain work. Leaving half way through the day because of malfunctions and missing game days due to parts on order is the real killer.

If you only own 1 AEG I would recommend either getting a second for the inevitability that it should break during a game or postal strike.

If you have 2 reliable guns, I would recommend good equipment that will make your games more enjoyable, such as goggles that fit well and don't fog, Boots that are comfy etc.

Once you are well set up, Then I would look at special weapons. By then you should know what kind of play style(s) you would like to try and the gun choices will become more obvious.

I would not consider WE pistols to be good. Their GBBRs are ok to good, but their pistols are not nearly as nice. When it comes to gas pistols, TM all the way.

Launchers are heavy and kind of pointless. Practically anything you can hit with a launcher, you could have just hit with your primary unless you use TAG rounds.

Revolvers are the worst. Poor accuracy, no blow back, and hard to find parts for.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 09:04   #3
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You're correct, launchers, shotguns and sniper rifles are rarely useful, even when you have all the other guns. Mostly they have crappy range and accuracy and you'll just get yourself killed against a snappy assault rifle or pistol platform. Sniper rifles only have good range and accuracy with a lot of time and investment and still end up usually worse off then well-tuned AEGs. A good secondary is pure gold. TM or KSC are your best bet, but WE and LJW can be decent, but you always risk buying airsoft and like everything else, you get what you pay for. But at the end of the day you can buy what you want. Do you wanna have a shot at winning, or do you wanna feel cool? Function over fashion for me, every time.
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Last edited by Ricochet; July 1st, 2016 at 10:36..
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Old July 1st, 2016, 11:11   #4
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Function over fashion for me, every time.
HAHA - not according to your Avatar

At the OP - KWA makes decent affordable AEG's and GBBR's
MODT - tu fui ego eris
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Old July 1st, 2016, 12:28   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post
HAHA - not according to your Avatar

At the OP - KWA makes decent affordable AEG's and GBBR's
Oh... It's functional. lol
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Old July 1st, 2016, 13:50   #6
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How long is it that you have have been playing? For me, I only buy gears that are going to help my game style. If you are new, your style has not set in yet so take it slow.

I would say aside from all the random stuff you can buy, pistol is a great addition to your primary. It will be helpful in tight corners or if your primary dies half way in the game.

If you want to compare gain over value, rifles are the best. But will you go in a game holding two rifles?

If you are from toronto, I go to siege once in a while. you can borrow my TM hi-CAPA for a game or two to see if you like it.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 14:09   #7
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I absolutely love gas blow back..I bring an AEG, a GBBR, and a pistol to the field..and depending on game type I would choose between AEG and GBBR...I only have like 120rds on the GBBR lol plus another 40rds on my pistol...

gas shotguns are nice because of the "realistic" pump because unlike the spring ones, this is a lot easier to pump...I hate pumping the spring ones..(i'm taking about the TM 870 tri-shot type..other brands have those 10+shots and eject the shell which is super unpractical) the G&P ones makes me feel like buying a gas sniper rifle in a shotgun form lmao
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Old July 1st, 2016, 14:31   #8
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Originally Posted by Windows View Post
I would not consider WE pistols to be good. Their GBBRs are ok to good, but their pistols are not nearly as nice. When it comes to gas pistols, TM all the way.
I read all this hate for WE pistols but I have had ZERO issues with mine. Heck ask some of the guys I play with. "Hey Chaz, can you hit my hand from there? (roughly 125' away)" "No problem" one shot bam.
Its never failed me yet and its all stock except the barrel and rubber.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 16:34   #9
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by devbro View Post
How long is it that you have have been playing? For me, I only buy gears that are going to help my game style. If you are new, your style has not set in yet so take it slow.

I would say aside from all the random stuff you can buy, pistol is a great addition to your primary. It will be helpful in tight corners or if your primary dies half way in the game.

If you want to compare gain over value, rifles are the best. But will you go in a game holding two rifles?

If you are from toronto, I go to siege once in a while. you can borrow my TM hi-CAPA for a game or two to see if you like it.
That's pretty much how I do it as well.

I've seen friends run their WEs hard for a long time, but for every good one I've seen two train wrecks. Guns that don't even last for a few games. There's nothing wrong with WEs performance, it's a reliability issue. Maybe they've stepped it ups bit.
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Old July 2nd, 2016, 01:29   #10
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Sniper rifles can be a real pain in the donkey, but if you enjoy tweaking and trying out new platforms, then they can be a whole lot of fun. I've done the Maple Leaf route, flat hop, now r hop...different bore lengths and dimensions as well as various compression configurations. My rifle has lived in four gaming configurations so far, and yeah, when winter comes and I park it until spring, it's going to get worked over again!

I'm steadily and consistently tagging at 90 yards and have no doubt I can top 100 with a little more science. No, it's hardly instant, and there isn't a stock part left in that gun (except for externals and the trigger), but for me it's a lot of the fun!

Same goes for a revolver. Yeah, I'm a sucker for punishment...sniper rifle and a revolver. Hehehe. Don't worry, there's days I take out the finely tuned G36 based DMR and tweaked out M1911A just to feel competitive, but when you get a really sweet shot from almost 300 feet or can tag a guy on full run with revolver, well, that's a huge rush too.
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Old July 2nd, 2016, 03:27   #11
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Originally Posted by chaz View Post
I read all this hate for WE pistols but I have had ZERO issues with mine. Heck ask some of the guys I play with. "Hey Chaz, can you hit my hand from there? (roughly 125' away)" "No problem" one shot bam.
Its never failed me yet and its all stock except the barrel and rubber.
Depends which generation/model of WE pistols you're talking about. Some are shit, some are good.

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Old July 3rd, 2016, 20:52   #12
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Originally Posted by Zeroroaster View Post
I'm steadily and consistently tagging at 90 yards and have no doubt I can top 100 with a little more science. No, it's hardly instant, and there isn't a stock part left in that gun (except for externals and the trigger), but for me it's a lot of the fun!

Same goes for a revolver. Yeah, I'm a sucker for punishment...sniper rifle and a revolver. Hehehe. Don't worry, there's days I take out the finely tuned G36 based DMR and tweaked out M1911A just to feel competitive, but when you get a really sweet shot from almost 300 feet or can tag a guy on full run with revolver, well, that's a huge rush too.
100 yards!! thats crazy..i dont even think my shots ever go that far..except the kwc uzi...but i have horrible depth perception (try to imagine my guns on a football field helps tho)

WildBill needs solid boots...i've honnestly seen that hippy play barefoot, lol
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Old July 3rd, 2016, 21:23   #13
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
100 yards!! thats crazy..i dont even think my shots ever go that far..except the kwc uzi...but i have horrible depth perception (try to imagine my guns on a football field helps tho)

WildBill needs solid boots...i've honnestly seen that hippy play barefoot, lol
86 yards (260ft) is pretty standard for an upgraded gun.
90 METERS (300ft) is the prime target for an AEG shooting 1.6j

And I'm talking effective range: 16" groupings or less, not just "I can send BBs out that far but have trouble hitting a cargo van"

A good sniper rifle will be pretty accurate to 300ft, max range in the 350-400ft range, but between the wind and minor accuracy issues, it's more luck than skill hitting anything past 300.
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Old July 3rd, 2016, 21:25   #14
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Originally Posted by devbro View Post
How long is it that you have have been playing? For me, I only buy gears that are going to help my game style. If you are new, your style has not set in yet so take it slow.
If you are from toronto, I go to siege once in a while. you can borrow my TM hi-CAPA for a game or two to see if you like it.
no one in our group has a TM pistol yet, or any secondary/sidearm worth more then 220-250....(we are cheap, but none of us really started buying airsoft for skirmishes until this last summer, so we use lots of 1:1 replicas and they seem to last). EVEN THE BEST Pistols arent practical (or are yet for me) the way a finely tuned aeg is...
@wildbill; you can tell the guys in our group who were buying gear before there were enough of us to go skirmish properly on your property (side from the time jeff brought the glock to the paintball game to scare us)...but at first people just bought em for realism but the guys who invested after the skirmishing started regularly only have AEGs...look at my uzi...i bought it thinking i could make it practical with spare mags but since my three mags hold a totall of 120 rnds and most Co2carts only last 1.5-2 mags i am pulling out the hex key too much, while using the AEG is simply means spinning the wheel under the mag that holds 450..much better device for full auto
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Old July 3rd, 2016, 21:53   #15
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thx for the good adviceand input windows, and ricochet
Originally Posted by devbro View Post
How long is it that you have have been playing? For me, I only buy gears that are going to help my game style. If you are new, your style has not set in yet so take it slow.

If you are from toronto, I go to siege once in a while. you can borrow my TM hi-CAPA for a game or two to see if you like it.
Thanks for the kind offerthere devbro, unfortunately its 130 just in BC ferry costs just to get to vancouver for me, factor in gas and the rnd-trip travel to ANY airsoft store/arena costs us the same as a new TM....
I'd LOVE it if we had some arena experience among our group cause mike is right in the sense that i cant think of time i, or any of us, use pistols when the m16 woudnt have gotten the job done...but i love i side arms cause it looks wicked (i have a luger, sometimes my buddies 6 shooter). i wonder if we will ALL get TM secondaries once one of us bares the expense and we see the value, and maybe it will diversify the style of our play so we HAVE proper instances where the GBBP is more practical than the m16 cause i still only think about realism while shopping around for pistols...
also, your uzi is practical in play just cause it is more painfull then any other full-auto so works better for defense against storming attacks cause i dont like rushing that thing lol...(and you know im not bitching about overpower cause that extra pain, and awareness for it, makes the game way more fun) any piece that gives bleeders like the ones you gave me today is great as far as adding mental/emotional realism to the game....and fuck boots, i got callouses and can dance for days!!
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