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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old March 26th, 2016, 23:04   #1
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Mississauga
Newbie Requesting Help!

Hello ASC! Be easy on me as this is my first post and I tried my best to make sure I looked up all the rules before posting so I don't annoy anyone. If this is in the wrong section I apologize.

I currently own a G&G CM16 Raider-L. It's a great gun, especially for a beginner like myself. I'm looking to buy a new gun soon (I'm already an addict, I can't help it) although it's mainly because I'd like a second gun in case my brother ever wants to come out and play. I thought I might as well upgrade while I'm at it.

I'm looking to get a good platform in case I need to do any upgrades later on (although I'm most likely going to wait ubtil something breaks down before I do that).

I have two guns in mind. They're just different versions of each other as much as I can tell so I was hoping someone with knowledge can let me know the big differences between the two.

VFC Full Metal VR16 SOPMOD CQBR AEG - Gen. 2


VFC Full Metal VR16 Fighter CQBR

Now I'm guessing the first gun has better internals than the second. I got this assumption from watching a few review videos of each gun. Couldn't find a comparison online.

I was also wondering if I should go for the CQBR variant or the longer barrel one. I will be alternating between indoor and outdoor with this gun. I assume the CQBR would be the better bet then? Am I sacrificing any accuracy with the CQBR?

One thing I would want to do right away is buy a tightbore inner barrel for the new gun.

As I was writing this the Saber caught my eye (VFC Full Metal VR16 Saber CQB) due to mainly not having the triangle shaped iron sight at the end that can't be removed. Just wanted to add this in case anyone knew anything about the gun. I'll be researching on it now as I wait for replies.

Thanks to anyone who can help me out with this. Much appreciated.
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Old March 26th, 2016, 23:15   #2
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The internals are identical. The CQBR will be more maneuverable in close quarters and won't sacrifice any accuracy. All the VFCs are pretty good and come highly recommended from this forum, so take your pick in terms of aesthetics. Again, for VFC M4s, choose the gun you like looking at and holding the most.

As for upgrades... Run it stock until you run into problems. The hopups, buckings, and inner barrels of stock VFCs are already pretty good and shoot straight like a laser for indoors and are typically good enough for outdoors. If you want a bit more ROF, put in a mosfet and get 11.1V lipos. If you still want more, do the previous and get a faster motor. If that's still not enough, do the above and get a high speed gear setup. The barrel grouping should be plenty good until you really start an overhaul on the gun.
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Old March 26th, 2016, 23:55   #3
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Won't lose any accuracy with a shorter barrel.
Upgrade the hop rubber before the barrel, if has way more influence on range and accuracy.
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Old March 27th, 2016, 00:30   #4
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I agree with Dataweaith. The internals are the same, save the barrels. If you plan on playing indoors enough I would go with the CQBR. Keep in mind you might have to downgrade the spring for indoor FPS limits. Ideally you would want a dedicated indoor and outdoor gun. If you have to crack it open i would also recommend rewiring it for a mosfet and running 11.1vlipo. You'll never need to upgrade the gun further for CQB and it will be sufficient for outdoor use with stock internals.
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Old March 27th, 2016, 00:31   #5
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I am new at it just like you. As long as the internals are metal you are good to go. If you ever want to build your own then i suggest to get a hold of a platform that has gearbox and receiver already put together it will save you a lot of time.
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Old March 27th, 2016, 22:53   #6
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Mississauga
Thank you all for the suggestions Has helped a lot. I didn't think the hop up rubber has more of an impact than the inner barrel. I definitely have a lot more to learn!
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Old March 28th, 2016, 00:38   #7
a.k.a. Greedy
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The difference between the three guns you mentioned, is the rail. The sopmod has a 2-piece rail, requiring the gas-block/triangle sight to hold it steady at the front. The Fighter has a free float rail (only attached at the receiver) which means you can swap out the gas-block/triangle sight (or run it without) to a gas-block/flip-up sight combo, if you wish. The Saber is also a free float rail but it extends the whole length of the barrel for more rail real estate.

The Saber will give you the most flexibility of the three when customizing your set-up with fore-grips and flashlights etc.

Last edited by Kozzie; March 28th, 2016 at 00:45..
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