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Size of the gun ?


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Old April 28th, 2015, 03:27   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
Size of the gun ?

Hi All ! I am newbie here , so would like to get some info from you all pro out there
I want to know is the regarding the gun barrel length , and which type of gun is using what type of length , sorry for my bad English .
1) what is the barrel length for the m16 ?
2) what is the barrel length for the sopmod ?
3) what is the barrel length for the CQB ?
4) What is the barrel length for the sniper gun ?
All the above mentioned gun I like to build using M4 Aeg metal body .
Maybe I am wrong , so need help and teach me how and what to do , cos I am planning to build myself a sniper gun , a CQB and a M16 .
Thank you for reading my msg and please help .
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Old April 28th, 2015, 05:26   #2
a.k.a. Greedy
Kozzie's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Toronto
1) 509mm / 20 inches
2) 363mm / 14.5 inches
3) 300mm / 10.5 inches
4) Varies depending on the type of gun.

In airsoft, a longer barrel doesn't necessarily translate into better range or accuracy. More important than barrel length is the consistency of the gun (air seal), and your hop-up unit, bucking and nub. A 300mm barrel can easily out perform a 509mm barrel if you have a superior hop-up and air seal. The difference between the two lengths would be very small (if any at all) all other things being equal.

An M4 is a good platform to build from. You will have countless options and guides available because it's by far the most popular gun in use.

It's hard to give any advice beyond that without a budget in mind.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 09:36   #3
Join Date: Oct 2014
Hi ! Thank you for your very importance info , for the price tag is not a matter for me , just need to confirm all the parts that I get right is my concern
Recently I have build one already , but due to is the first time build so far I feel ok , and no idea what is that gun call
If you said its like sopmod but its not , hmmm .... :???:
Maybe I am going to post the picture for it , so can teach me how to post my picture ? I mean do I need to change the picture pixel or not ?
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Old April 28th, 2015, 09:39   #4
Join Date: Oct 2014
Here we go .
The outer barrel is 12.5 inch , and the body is dytac , g&p 120 gear box and other's is madbull.

Actually this is not complete yet , still need to buy the light , battery box and the laser aim .
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Last edited by jimwu; April 28th, 2015 at 09:43..
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Old April 28th, 2015, 12:32   #5
a.k.a. Greedy
Kozzie's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Toronto
SOPMOD doesn't denote a particular barrel length (Special Operations Peculiar MODification) it refers to a specific group of attachments or modifications. I assumed that you meant a traditional M4A1 length when you said SOPMOD. There are many different lengths of barrel for AR's the ones I listed are the most common sizes.

If price isn't a factor then I would put the same barrel and hot-up/rubber/nub in a 20" barrel as I would a 12.5" barrel. This will provide virtually the same performance from each barrel.

Prometheus EG barrel
ProWin V2 hop-up unit
Purple Prometheus hop-rubber
Firefly Flat hop-nub
The rubber will need to be flat hopped. (remove any protrusions from the inside of the rubber) Fairly common modification, plenty of tutorials available on the internet.
Some may tell you to do an Rhop but it requires much more skill and labour to do it properly, not generally recommended for the novice.

Inside your gearbox is going to depend greatly on what you're after, Rate of fire, trigger response, if you're already satisfied with those things, no need to change anything. Make sure you have good air seal inside and between your mechbox and your hop unit. Good air seal is key to consistency/accuracy in AEG's.

Edit: MOSFET and LiPo battery

Last edited by Kozzie; April 28th, 2015 at 16:13..
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Old April 29th, 2015, 05:52   #6
Join Date: Oct 2014
Hi ! Thanks again for your deeply reply , Now I got some idea with it , so I am going to get hop-up first , actually I have search on youtube about how to make it more powerfull , so looks like everybody is talking the same thing , so I have to get all the item , my hop-up chamber is on the way here now , the only 2 item that I cant find is the purple hop rubber and the hop-nut cos they are now out of stock , I leave them restock alert hope there are in stock in no time
And once again have to say thank you sir .
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Old April 29th, 2015, 06:03   #7
Join Date: Oct 2014
Just got the purple hop-up rubber , but this one FIREFLY Buffer Rubber (Hard) for Marui AEG still no stock yet .
But is it the madbull inner barrel not good enough ?
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