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G&G ARP9 review



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Old July 17th, 2018, 21:39   #1
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Thumbs up G&G ARP9 review

Stock only has 2 positions, not bad if you're a 4'11 asian girl or want a full length M16 stock. A middle position is desperately needed for the rest of us.

Mags are just.....just dumb.... They can literally fit MP5 double stack 120rnd internals in them just fine, yet for some god forsaken reason that alludes common sense and even manufacturing engineering, they chose to use proprietary single stack 60rnd guts. Probably the only single stack AEG mags in existence. This means you can't get upgrade springs or upgrade the followers. They have some trouble feeding at high cycle rates unless you stretch the springs.

Battery compartment can fit the shorter 1000mah 11.1 lipos. Luckily they make a compartment extension that allows you to fit a 1200mah battery with 25mm too much extra room. It also doubles as being a mid-stop for the stock, giving you a perfect extra 2", but not locking the stock in place. Stock tube can be modded to hold an 1800mah brick, BUT it's a fairly hard nylon; you might break it all to hell if you don't know what you're doing.

AEG grip does NOT have vent holes for whatever dumb reason, so if you're planning to make a performance build, get a new grip.

Dunno if it's just my gun or a whole batch, but the upper receivers rail is askew to the right, making zeroing a red dot impossible.

Rail is solid

Barrel is solid

Stock hop chamber is pretty good, although the distance between clicks is a bit far.

Waffle comp on the end can be exchanged for a sexy suppressor

Trigger is great

With some intense modification, you can get evike's MP5 straight mags to fit, which is amazing.

Fairly loud even after some ingenious mods. Plastic receivers suck at reducing noise when they're form fit too close to the gearbox I guess.

No idea about the stock internals, mine never fired a shot before being gutted and upgraded with a BTC, 1800mah battery, and all that jazz.

Check insta for the pics:
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Old July 17th, 2018, 22:58   #2
Join Date: May 2018
Location: London, On
the rail on my ARP 9 is bang on
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Old August 29th, 2018, 03:26   #3
Join Date: Aug 2018
I've been looking at this product. good to see a review of it here
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Old August 31st, 2018, 12:04   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Alberta
I have one as well having picked it up for a huge steal of a price ($200 for nearly brand new) and intending to sell it on.

Like you mentioned the stock leaves a bit to be desired. I'm 6'5" and it doesn't fit my arms very well after playing numerous cqb games with it.

The stock battery compartment is small after being stuffed with the mosfet and fuse. You can buy extenders for them but I just slapped in a surplus M4 buffer tube and it fits fine. If the tube rattles, a couple wraps of electrical tape fixes that.

Also you have to use 11.1 LiPos only, first time I used it all I had were 7.4 lipos and they were powering out with over 75% battery life left in the battery, slapped in a fresh battery and it was happy again.

The sound compensator is ridiculously loud on the target end of the gun, not a gun to use if you are playing stealthy unless you remove it or put a suppressor on it.

For me, I never really planned on keeping it and really found it doesn't fit my size or play style so I'm going back to my Mp5 for indoor play.

Last edited by Jaeger_CDN; August 31st, 2018 at 12:10..
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Old October 18th, 2018, 22:26   #5
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Toronto
I built mine up and the range and performance is solid . I swapped an m4 buffer tube and stock to replace the pdw setup. Big difference
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