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True Screw on Silencer


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Old October 4th, 2005, 13:39   #1
A Total Bastard
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True Screw on Silencer

Please forgive me if there is a kit out there that does this! I looked (Google) and couldn't see anything...


I am currently running a TM M4 with an extended barrel and a Silencer on it to cover the extention.

Rather than buy a second gun for CQB I switch out the barrel. (I don't do it enough to justify a second, dedicated gun). I take out the longer barrel and remove the silencer, then install the stock barrel put on the stock flash suppressor.

I would like to have someone machine the following, or tell me if it is "possible". Possible means a solution that would be cheaper then the purchase of a dedicated gun with upgrades:

A silencer attachemnt that screws onto the existing outer barrel, that also contains an extention for the inner barrel.

In other words, I want to pop in a silencer when I need a feild gun and the advantages of a longer barrel, and take it off when I go CQB and enjoy the advantages of a shorter wepon, but not have to take the gun apart and swap the barrel.

I figure it this way:

1. Tap threads on the outside of the shorter internal barrel I have

2. Find tubing that matches the internal diameter of the inner barrel, but it thick enough to accept threads on the inside that would mate it to the inner barrel. The alternative is to have the inner barrels simply slip together under the force provided by screwing the suppressor assemly on.

3. Find a way to mount it into a silencer tube.

This way I would simply take off the flash suppressor and screw on a silencer with an inner barrel extention. One step, done at the feild with no special tools in under 30 seconds.

I think this is doable, but I don't have the gear or skills.
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Old October 4th, 2005, 13:48   #2
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Very doable. As long as the connection between the two barrels are perfect.

Sounds like a very good idea and has potential.

When you screw the silencer on you also want the barrel to screw together? Same time?

Something else might be easier. Just have the two barrels slide together with no screws/ Just secure the extension in the silencer and they will hold together just by the silencer threads.

Any local machinist can do that for you.
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Old October 4th, 2005, 13:56   #3
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Yah, the second option sounds better. Maybe just an o-ring, and when you screw the silencer on, the inner barrels just slip together and seal.

Now that you mention it, getting threads on the inner barrel and the threads on the silencer to mesh right at the same time would be hard..

I think I am going to try this out. Just need to track down the resources.
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Old October 4th, 2005, 14:02   #4
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Personnaly I think it would be easier for you is you had let's say a tightbore barrel in your gun and a regular barrel in the silencer. It would give you a little more breathing space for the fitting of it all.

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Old October 4th, 2005, 14:03   #5
made Man
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how about screwing on the extra inner barrel by itself and then screwing on the silencer just like you would normally do? No need to sync threads on silencer and the extension.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 20:27   #6
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how about just buying an extra hop unit and getting another barrel... swapping out the hop units is about as fast as screwing on a barrel. not to mention easier.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 22:14   #7
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Anyone familiar with the Maruzen MP5K GBB? The Version I have at the house has a silencer with an extended barrel running the length of it. The inner barrels just but up against each other. when the silencer is threaded on it increases the overall barrel length about 5 inches. Of course this also negates any actual silencing of the gun. You would also have to make sure the barrels line up so there is no obstruction.
Just a thought...
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Old October 11th, 2005, 22:44   #8
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Am I the only one who thinks this isn't going to work?

Regardless of how you do it (the barrel sections screwing together or just being held together by the silencer threads) there's still going to be a seam in the barrel. Now correct me if I'm wrong but wont that seam do more harm then good when the extensions only going to be less then a foot? If the extension was going to be like two feet or more it might work better, but then you'd run into the whole cylinder issue.

As it stands there's going to be a seam and that's going to screw up the spin the hopup will put on the bb, making it more innaccurate, rather then more accurate.

Plus it's going to be more expensive then you think to get it done correctly. IMHO, save some dollars and buy another gun if you really need a seperate longer range gun.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 00:10   #9
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Actually, this is what the Maruzen MP5k CQB does. In the mock suppressor is a barrel extension.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 12:07   #10
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because you will be changing the length of the inner barrel you 'should' have the proper cylinder for the length with and without the barrel extention. otherwise in theory it does more harm than good like ert says.

do you really need that extra innerbarrel length? it would be better to have a pistol/sidearm for CQB and have your aeg setup for field use (mid range/long range)

this would be more cost efficent than to do the steps necessary to achieve the power flexability you are looking for. Something like the ICS M4s can do and the expensive SystemA PTWS can do without having to do much work.

though if you do achieve a successful setup with your idea thatll be great. good luck with your future endevours

*note* this is the same thing i've pondered in 2004 and realized that it was not worth the extra work just for airsoft.

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Old October 12th, 2005, 13:09   #11
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Originally Posted by KwokwaiWu
Actually, this is what the Maruzen MP5k CQB does. In the mock suppressor is a barrel extension.
But a gas operated gun releases a lot more excess gas out the barrel after the bb is shot then an aeg does. If you extend the barrel on the aeg, then the cylinder should be matched to it otherwise you'll get some suckback. That, plus the seam... makes bad magic.

Has anyone done any tests on the Maruzen to see if the extension actually does anything signifigant to the accuracy?
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Old October 12th, 2005, 13:43   #12
Man Solo
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There are also some cheap nbb guns that use the same type of barrel extension, come to think of it they are maruzen too. The secret agent line i believe. Check out just pistols for a review I saw one a few months ago but I can't seem to find it.

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Old October 12th, 2005, 13:47   #13
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Originally Posted by ert
Originally Posted by KwokwaiWu
Actually, this is what the Maruzen MP5k CQB does. In the mock suppressor is a barrel extension.
But a gas operated gun releases a lot more excess gas out the barrel after the bb is shot then an aeg does. If you extend the barrel on the aeg, then the cylinder should be matched to it otherwise you'll get some suckback. That, plus the seam... makes bad magic.

Has anyone done any tests on the Maruzen to see if the extension actually does anything signifigant to the accuracy?
No argument against that; just wanted to point out that the inner barrel matching is possible and has been done. Should've been more specific on my post. Noxx has some excellent caveats and points to consider. Personally, I wouldn't bother. I use different equipment for different types of games and prefer to keep it that way.
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