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JG G3, occasional full auto bursts in semi?


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Old August 18th, 2014, 00:37   #1
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JG G3, occasional full auto bursts in semi?

Hey guys,

I experienced a minor issue on the field today w/ my JG G3. I'm not as familiar w/ AEG's as I am with GBBR's so thought I'd seek out the collective wisedom of ASC once again, for a potential answer regarding my problem.

Anyways, I properly fielded and gamed my G3 for the first time today and I seemed to get the occasional burst when I shoot in semi. It seemed to happen more frequently when I spammed the trigger in semi vs. slower more deliberate shots in semi. Now as I was playing an outdoor CQB match and most likely will do so with it again, its a bit of concern as I don't want to overshoot a player at closer ranges by accident. I'm sure this is related to the selector plate but I'm not quite sure how this would come about. The selector was set to semi, confirmed it when the auto bursts happened so I didn't bump it to full auto accidentally.

What would cause this issue and what would be the suggested route to take to go about resolving the problem?

I'm pretty competent with tech work but as a relatively new player, my knowledge base is definitely lacking in some areas so any information or help would be greatly appreciated!

Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old August 18th, 2014, 00:54   #2
"bb bukakke" KING!
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how old is this aeg? how many rounds would you say you've put through it in semi in it's lifetime?

What battery are you using? stock motor? stock gears? what spring?

The easy one to try is the cutoff lever needs replacement.

the harder one is that if the cutoff is not the issue, the trigger gate is holding the shuttle too tightly and requires several hits from the cutoff lever to knock it loose.

If it wasn't doing it previously and nothing in the configuration has changed (motor/battery/gears/spring) then the logical one is the cutoff lever needs replacement.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 18th, 2014, 01:30   #3
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Well, its essentially brand new. I've had it for about less than a year but its only been shot a couple of times at home when I first got it and when I went to clean and re-lube the gearbox, internals, etc. The batteries I've ordered haven't arrived yet so usage is limited.

I've gamed it twice as of today and I've probably got around or less than 500 rounds through it in since I got it (I'm somewhat conservative w/ ammo...). So probably around 300 rounds in semi would be my best estimate, potentially less.

Everything is stock, I'm not sure what spring it came with but its stock as well, I believe it shoots near or slightly above 400fps on 0.20 bb's. I've used the crappy 8.4 battery it came with for testing when I first got it, I believe a 7.4 lipo at the first game when the 8.4 didn't work after charging (recycling it when I get the chance to drop it off), and a 10.4 firefox lipo today. I intend to use 7.4 lipos with it, whenever the batteries I ordered from hobbyking decide to arrive... (shipped via POS Malaysia... 45 days ago... by sea... ugh...)

I'll take it apart tomorrow and take a look at the cut off lever, is there anything else you'd suggest looking out for while the gearbox is apart?
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.

Last edited by beta678; August 18th, 2014 at 01:32..
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Old August 18th, 2014, 01:35   #4
"bb bukakke" KING!
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if you are using a 11.1 lipo then it's possible you're getting overspin... so much speed and momentum on the gears on a weaker spring could be easily getting a shot plus a partial cycle. Combine it with tight trigger gate and you could get a stuck shuttle that squeezes off a few rounds instead of one.

Push the shuttle all the way into the trigger prongs and see how tight it is. You can try prying the prongs apart just a bit so they just make contact with the shuttle instead of pinching it.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 18th, 2014, 01:51   #5
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I don't think I'll ever use 11.1 lipos in this gun, I'm concerned about potential issues with arcing so I'll be sticking with 7.4 lipos, which shouldn't cause it. I was somewhat tentative about the 10.4 lipo I used today but it seemed alright, I wonder if that might have been the source of the problem, causing overspin as you stated.

I'll check that out as well, I do recall thinking the trigger prongs might have been a little tight when I opened it up last time but I'm not confident I remember correctly. Its been a couple of months since then.

Thanks for the help lurkingknight, I'll post my findings tomorrow. Although I just realized I don't have a means of testing it as I don't have batteries for it at the moment... facepalm...
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Old August 18th, 2014, 08:45   #6
"bb bukakke" KING!
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there's no such thing as a 10.4 lipo
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 18th, 2014, 12:51   #7
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Hm, you're right now that I think about it. Not sure where the 10.4 came from, (feel like a noob again haha) I recall seeing it on the battery but I could be mistaken. Was tired and pretty late when I wrote this last night.

Though that means I have no idea if it was a 11.1 or a 7.4 in that case, need to ask my friend to confirm.
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Old August 18th, 2014, 15:42   #8
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I'd say there's a problem with the cutoff lever, I'd change it.
It's an inexpensive part.
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Old August 20th, 2014, 00:32   #9
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Well, I took apart the G3 earlier, cleaned out the gearbox while I was at it and everything seemed to be in order.

Cut off lever was fine, no issues there so that won't need replacing.

The only thing I noticed was carbon residue on the trigger contacts, most likely as a result of me using that 11.1 lipo, causing a bit of arcing. The trigger prongs were slightly tight as well, so all of this leads me to believe lurkingknight hit it right on the head with the overspin diagnosis.

Loosened the trigger contacts a bit and cleaned them off as well. I don't have a battery to test it out at the moment as Hobby King seems to have lost my package by sending it via Malaysia POS... so I'll have to wait til I get another set of batteries in before I test it out again.

Definitely was a good learning experience, thanks for the help lurkingknight!
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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