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Just goes to show how the whole Clearsoft thing was a farce



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Old August 8th, 2014, 17:10   #1
venture's Avatar
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Just goes to show how the whole Clearsoft thing was a farce


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Last edited by venture; August 8th, 2014 at 17:47..
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Old August 8th, 2014, 18:37   #2
butthurt for not having a user title
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Good grab, and I don't mean to seem personally critical (I've ordered things from you before and found your business/ service to be top-notch A++), but this video is bunk from a tech perspective.
Indulge me;

1. Notice the reinforced areas of prime contact-
The front pin, rear mating point for the buffer tube, and mating area for the pistol grip (already quite different from AS counterparts) are... reinforced. These were prime areas for out-and-out failure on the plain clear plastic models.

2. Settings and fitment on a decent RS AR will be far more precise than that of an AS AR and thereby problems with floor pin alignment can and will be avoided with any reasonable level of precaution, resulting in an elimination of floor pin alignment related fractures.

3. Snake Oil clause: Any device designed to be utilized by a real weapon system is going to be engineered and fabricated to endure such exact and unforseen complications. Any AS part is not. These guys researched and tested the hell out of this unit before committing to the video, and if they didn't, they're both moronic and lucky.

4. Following that, most problems with clear lowers were a result of inherent defect points in molds etc, rather than the materials used on their own.

5. In a properly functioning Armalite-based system, as much force as mechanically possible is transferred directly into the shoulder via straight-line gas tube -> direct impingement bolt -> recoil buffer.
That is a straight line of force moving rearward with few (though present) opportunities for force to 'bleed' into the remainder of the system via sympathetic rattle etc.
Airsoft guns are rather the opposite, where in both AEGs and GBBs, the larger portion of their energy as felt by the greater object is moving forward, outside of an effective straight line (being hinged on a disconnected center axis), towards the front of the gun (via piston/ bolt return). However miniscule in comparison to a RS firearm, this force (especially when not 'grounded' to the rest of the system) wreaks havok on structural parts.

6. Standing erect, with good posture, does not replicate the torque and wide range of uncontrolled movements and (potential) damaging forces a clear lower may endure over the course of it's gaming lifetime.

I've been through a few of these. I've fixed or passed on too many.
The materials required to manufacture a transparent/ translucent lower most certainly have the necessary impact strength to defer certain forces in certain directions, but offer neither the broad rigidity of metal, nor the flexibility of opaque nylon polymers to hold up to serious gaming.

Sorry, there's a reason we dumped them, and the proof's in the pudding.

Last edited by Cliffradical; August 8th, 2014 at 18:52..
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Old August 8th, 2014, 19:54   #3
butthurt for not having a user title
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I should add a caveat to this:

Guns with clear lowers are not automatically bad guns. Many platforms (especially ones on sale) offer a great platform for gaming and upgrading.
One in particular (the G&G RK47/ Top Tech line) is a great platform for gaming and upgrading (if you're down with TM standard breakdown).

The only real issue with clear lowers is that you should be prepared to find an alternative from the time of purchase. The failure of your clear lower may be years away, or days away, but it *will* happen.
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Old August 8th, 2014, 19:56   #4
venture's Avatar
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exactly. My point is that clearsoft was allowed in Canada because they don't "look like a real weapon", but here is proof that they look as much like a real lower as a metal one.

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Old August 8th, 2014, 20:37   #5
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Good job buddy; August 8 2014, 3 hours after your post clearsoft was officially banned.
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Old August 8th, 2014, 20:52   #6
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I don't think I am responsible for that!

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Old August 8th, 2014, 23:07   #7
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Hopefully banned from airsoft. lol

But seriously though, kind of old news. They had clear gun parts while ago, they just weren't common or readily available. If anything though it shouldn't make a difference. Internally the real steel and airsoft aren't very similar, so you could more easily identify what it is. It's not like you couldn't paint a clear receiver, real-steel or not. Not that I ever a owned a clearsoft gun, but at least we tried clear receivers. In some states they used a 3mm orange tip. Because everyone knows orange paint won't stick to a real gun....
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old August 9th, 2014, 11:32   #8
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although, will we be seeing airsoft versions of this receiver? I'm a little annoyed with trying to fix cracks in other people's lowers.
Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
good ol red62, I shot him more than all of Eco I bet, LOL
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