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Optics Vs. Iron sights


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Old March 24th, 2014, 13:28   #1
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Optics Vs. Iron sights

Not sure if anybody posted anything like this before, but are optical sights "better" than standard Iron Sights? I feel like the standard sights on a weapon are/should be better than an aftermarket optical sight because the iron sights are developed specifically for that weapon. For example, I sometimes can't decide whether to use a reflex sight (mini red dot), FACOG (Fake ACOG) or standard iron sights. Im assuming it would depend on the environment but whenever I see photos or videos of airsoft games, almost everybody will be rocking some sort of optical sight. Also, it sounds funny, but I kind if feel more comfortable sighting with iron sights, simply because my weapon feels lined up for a shot.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 13:39   #2
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iron sights here
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Old March 24th, 2014, 13:46   #3
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Depends on your play style and preferences, I suppose.

Some people use for RDS and Scopes. Some just use their iron sights, since it's airsoft.

Some people go as far as getting real steel T1's and EoTechs.

I had a fake EoTech and a G&P Aimpoint M2 Rep and was not a fan of either, I tried a friends replica T1 and enjoyed it quite a lot. Currently I run iron sights, but debating on budgeting for a T1 style replica.


If you get a chance, I would check out some local people's setup or friends optics to get a real feel for it. Everyone is different and some prefer x over y and z style of RDS/Scopes.

Last edited by BioRage; March 24th, 2014 at 13:51..
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Old March 24th, 2014, 13:58   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the optics are zeroed to your gun then you will shoot as straight as you will with the irons.

In some cases, as most airsoft iron sights are not fully adjustable you can not zero the gun to the irons.

I run irons most the time, but I have also a Holographic red dot, when it's zeroed to the gun it can facilitate faster sign pick up . and faster engagements. it's co-witnessed to the irons .. so I don't loose the irons, I just overlay onto them the red dot. Which in my opinion is your ideal set up
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:00   #5
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There are a lot (not all) of situations in which you'll find yourself engaging targets much faster with the aid of red dots n such. This isnt just an opinion but, but based on the experience of professionals over years. Not to knock on iron sights, they definitely have their strengths and uses. But the reason why people use them in the first place is that its an enhancement over iron sights in many(but not all) situations. And just note, that when using pretty much all sighting systems, you should almost always try to get "lined up for a shot".

As for being developed specifically for the weapon, there are many "aftermarket" optics that are made to be compatible with the weapon without having to compromise much if at all. So being specifically for the weapon doesnt matter as long as its compatible and if a compromise is not too great. This is really weapon, and optic specific

Also, if you have the option, why not run both? A lot of people will run back up folding ironsights in addition to whatever optics they have. Some people will even run red dots and iron sights at the same time. If you have time, go google "lower one third cowitness".
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:01   #6
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Red dot are better in dark environement.

I would definitively stay away from fake acog as the acog have very small tube,wich is quite bad for quick target acquisition. I personnaly run a M2 and a micro T1 (both replica) on my cqb (and some time outside) setup.

Also to support what Brian said, Some replica (my Ak is a good exemple) dont have full adjusment. So sometime it's the only way to have at least one reliable sight.

Last edited by Mist3r.B; March 24th, 2014 at 14:03..
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:05   #7
Brit ter
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I run red dots and acog or other optics and have iron sights as back up ! Get best of both worlds
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:09   #8
Brian McIlmoyle
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Of course if your sight is costume and not actually adjustable , nor zero holding you may as well stick to irons rather than put an obstruction between you and your target
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:15   #9
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I personally think optics are better, but I've never had a problem with iron sights.

Its all personal preference really, one is not "better" than the other.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:24   #10
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I got the g&p aimpoint m2 and i dont really use it for more than when its dark. And i dont even use iron sight too, im used to my gun and it shoot where i look and i corect when i see ths bbs. At the end of last year i could hit a water bottle 30 meters away with first shot without aiming just looking at it and getting in firing position. But if i had to choose, ill take a simple red dot i got some amaizing result with my ncstar red dot last year when i was using it
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:30   #11
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Of course if your sight is costume and not actually adjustable , nor zero holding you may as well stick to irons rather than put an obstruction between you and your target
He was actualy refering to those replica AK front (iron) sights that you can't adjust from side to side, thus making optics very useful.

edit: To add to the discussion, I currently use red dot with flip up sights. My red dot is slightly raised and is pretty off for very close range, so the flip ups are useful at that point. I noticed it during target shooting training... although I don't think I would actualy have to shoot at such a close range in game.

Last edited by DrDoUm; March 24th, 2014 at 14:34..
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:33   #12
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
If the optics are zeroed to your gun then you will shoot as straight as you will with the irons.

In some cases, as most airsoft iron sights are not fully adjustable you can not zero the gun to the irons.

I run irons most the time, but I have also a Holographic red dot, when it's zeroed to the gun it can facilitate faster sign pick up . and faster engagements. it's co-witnessed to the irons .. so I don't loose the irons, I just overlay onto them the red dot. Which in my opinion is your ideal set up
In response to your post Brian, I've been looking for a Holo or Red-dot that I could overlay on my iron sights, however it seems that the only type of sight that might work is an EoTech, however, I can't really afford a $500+ EoTech. I've also noticed that on SCAR's the barrel is very low in relation to the top rail, so even canted red-dots won't line up with my barrel. Does anybody know of any good sights that have a large sighting picture like Eotechs but not as expensive?
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:34   #13
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iron sights do not require batteries
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:36   #14
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Originally Posted by Emre1337 View Post
In response to your post Brian, I've been looking for a Holo or Red-dot that I could overlay on my iron sights, however it seems that the only type of sight that might work is an EoTech, however, I can't really afford a $500+ EoTech. I've also noticed that on SCAR's the barrel is very low in relation to the top rail, so even canted red-dots won't line up with my barrel. Does anybody know of any good sights that have a large sighting picture like Eotechs but not as expensive?
I've been told that some 60$-100$ replica Eotech are decent enough. Never tryed them myself.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 14:52   #15
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Ive got a replica T1 and I find it much better than those replica EoTechs. There's just so much ghosting on those The T1 on the other hand, pretty good
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