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What is hose attached mag/pants? (ipsc)


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Old February 4th, 2014, 16:56   #1
Join Date: Feb 2014
What is hose attached mag/pants? (ipsc)

I tried to quickly self-educate through youtube.
However these teacher-less self studies leaves me with a lot of questions...

Watching IPSC airsoft related competitions,
I see many have a hose connected to the magazine (fill vent?) and to their pants, my humble guess is they aint been eating beans, so wuzzup with this?
Only questionable hit I had is

I noticed the top of the greengas bottles are threaded
Is this a hookup pistol/greengas?
Where can I find this hose?

Please explain this to a humble flaming noob


Last edited by Trixshooter; February 4th, 2014 at 17:17.. Reason: Giant carrots attacking from outer space
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Old February 4th, 2014, 16:59   #2
"bb bukakke" KING!
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how about you link the video in question?
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 4th, 2014, 17:04   #3
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"Reason: Carrots attacking from outer space"
That's a good headstart into ASC.

Now, maybe they use HPA (High pressure air) magazines for their pistols?

Last edited by K3vX; February 4th, 2014 at 17:19..
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Old February 4th, 2014, 17:17   #4
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
how about you link the video in question?
Pretty much all youtube airsoft competition videos I seem to click...
8 Stages Steel Challenge Practice with Tactrainers Airsoft Target Systems - YouTube
Michelle Viscusi shoots Air Soft Steel Challenge - YouTube
and so forth...


Originally Posted by K3vX View Post
"Reason: Carrots attacking from outer space"
That's a good headstart into ASC.

Now, maybe they use HPA (High pressure) magazines for their pistols?
What is ASC?

High pressure magazines, please elaborate?
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Old February 4th, 2014, 17:20   #5
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asc = airsoft canada.

and my guess for the hose is that its linked either to a tank like in paintball orrrrr its linked to the chrono that the guy shows
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Old February 4th, 2014, 17:22   #6
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probably an HPA tap/line to run high pressure air.

HPA doesn't cool down like propane/greengas on decompression so it's far more consistent. FPS remains the same and you can run it indoors.

It's not a great idea for pistols since you have to tap the magazine to do it, but for rifles you run the air line through the pistol grip, it's a lot more mobile since you run it on a remote line to a tank on the belt. I suppose you could do it with a pistol as well, but it seems more clumsy to me.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 4th, 2014, 17:26   #7
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High pressure *air*, I forgot to type the last word. Basically what it is. It uses high pressure air to cycle the pistol and propel the round, instead of green gas/propane. Gives better performance in the form of consistency, since it doesn't suffer from "cool-down".

When you shoot a propane pistol, the gas has to expand to shoot the round. The expanding action requires a lot of energy, and that energy doesn't pop from nowhere, as from the laws of physics. That energy transfer causes the parts and gas to cool down a little each shot, and since the gas is now colder, the expansion diminish, therefore reducing the power output.

Using air eliminates the cool-down effect, and gives better accuracy because the power output is always the same.

The downside of HPA is that it requires an external air source. One example would be paintball markers.

Edit: Again, I'm too slow.

Edit 2:
Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
It's not a great idea for pistols since you have to tap the magazine to do it, but for rifles you run the air line through the pistol grip, it's a lot more mobile since you run it on a remote line to a tank on the belt. I suppose you could do it with a pistol as well, but it seems more clumsy to me.
Well, since this is IPSC, and they probably don't reload on stationary target shooting, it's a good tradeoff for consistency.

Last edited by K3vX; February 4th, 2014 at 17:28..
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Old February 4th, 2014, 18:03   #8
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So if I "tap" the magazine I could run it with compressed air?
(fuel it up with an air compressor?)

Would a Tokyo Marui 5.1 Hi-Capa hold for high pressure air?
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Old February 4th, 2014, 18:10   #9
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Less than 0.0001% of airsofters will ever use this kind of setup at any time in their lives.

It is an adapter which allows you to run HPA to the bottom of a propane magazine. You can't "fill" the mag with HPA (and expect it to work).

It is usually used by people who want to test gas guns in their house without burning through expensive propane, and without the smell of propane, and the oil etc...

I have seen one person back in the day run an HPA tank to a quick change valve for gas pistols (change mag, then change adapter) for use in the cold... It was clunky, but cool to use.

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Old February 4th, 2014, 19:00   #10
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Would it be the same wear and tear on a 5.1 hi-capa to use air instead of greengas?
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Old February 4th, 2014, 19:09   #11
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Originally Posted by Trixshooter View Post
Would it be the same wear and tear on a 5.1 hi-capa to use air instead of greengas?
I can only speculate:

If you lube your gun properly, HPA is cleaner, propane has lots of chemicals in it, some which may effect o-rings differently.

HPA is more regular, shot per shot, for sure. Little to no cool down, you just have to wait for your compressor to kick in (or to refill your HPA tank if it's portable).

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Old February 4th, 2014, 21:36   #12
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Originally Posted by Trixshooter View Post
Would it be the same wear and tear on a 5.1 hi-capa to use air instead of greengas?
If you use the same pressure, then yes. If you jack it up to a crazy pressure, prepare for your gun to break.

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Old February 4th, 2014, 23:18   #13
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I'm sure for someone who knows what they're doing, they can convert a gun to hpa.

for someone who has to ask what's going on, I don't suggest it right out of the starting gates.

Also hpa guns you're dealing with ridiculous pressure. I don't believe your regular garage compressor can get high enough to charge an hpa tank for paintball or airsoft.

someone with a P* or DG can chime in here on what their air rigs are charged up to.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 5th, 2014, 00:00   #14
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You'll need a regulator of some sorts. Palmers, Redline firebase, etc.. They're all great. Running straight line from HPA to gun, will end very badly.

P* Systems run around ~60-120 PSI, I run my pistol around the same.
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Old February 10th, 2014, 14:51   #15
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Thanks for your very interesting input mates!

Links to those low pressure regulators would be most welcome!

This topic is occupying much of my thoughts...

Thou I am a flaming noob as it comes to airsoft, I don't totally suck at irl shooting.
I am curious about air as it may make more practice accessible.

At least in my mind
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