The gibsons last weekend ever as a airsoft venue!!
Just got word from the owners that rezoning just got approved today(in record time),this sat aug the 17th and Sun aug 18th will be the last games ever at the gibson it was short lived but we made memories with the ppl that made it out. Thank you to everyone who helped with building the gibson and getting it rolling! this has been a huge learning experience and all the people involved in the gibson are seriously considering finding a new venue and creating the magic all over again. That being said this is the last time anybody will get to play airsoft in this old school so please feel free to sign up come out and be one of the last to step foot in the gibson as a airsofter. we will push our cap back and see where we go, but it will still be limited so we don't get crowded! So pls be sure if you sign up that you can make it so you don't take a spot from some one who can.
Once again thank you to everyone who gave us a shot and the opportunity to give the community somthing different. Look for us to come back with somthing new in the future.
Thanks again
Last edited by primo; August 14th, 2013 at 08:09..