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Help! Cybergun GSG 522 PK vs CYMA MP5A4 RAS


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Old July 9th, 2013, 08:35   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Talking Help! Cybergun GSG 522 PK vs CYMA MP5A4 RAS

Hi everyone,

A friend of mine is willing to part with both these babies, he collects them so they are basically never used (wear and tear not an issue)

But I'm really on the fence on which one to buy.

I'm new to the North American market, I used to play only with Tokyo Marui AEGs, but here they're impossible to get/insanely pricey.

So I'd like your advice on those two models:
  • Cybergun GSG 522 PK (this is the shorty one with no stock)

The main thing I'd like to be advised about is which one is the most reliable/better manufactured, fit for use on the fields.

Thank you so much,
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Old July 9th, 2013, 22:17   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: guelph, ontario
get age verified, i promise you it will be the best thing you will ever do, as of the 2 mp5 models i can give you a basic statement

cybergun GSG 552:
when first holding it grabbing a hold of the original maker is hard to identify, so i can't help you there, performance wise for a smg that tiny it does ok, ideal for cqb and really good if you are into compact weaponary

cyma mp5a4:
if i remember correctly the mp5a4ras has a metal top receiver which gives it a real nice boost if you want a more durable gun, though cyma mp5s do have the tendency to have a semi shitty gearbox ( 0.3 series and down only) and well everything else is meh due to the fact that it is a clone company.

what i recommend: spend some extra bucks (230-280$) and get a full metal king arms m4a1 aeg. or if you must have a mp5 pick the mp5a4 as the full metal gets a good start and you can upgrade later

but i cant stress this enough, get AGED VERIFIED, for more good guns and better deals
What Doesn't Kill You Will Be Pumped Full Of Bullets
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