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Celcius to FCC


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Old July 21st, 2012, 14:30   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lower mainland BC
Celcius to FCC

Just got these today! FCC 2.5 MOTOR, FCC Advance Electrical Control Unit semi-burst-auto, FCC selector switch, FCC wires, got some soldering to do (the magnets are very strong on this motor, every piece of metal on the desk flies too it.. LOL)

next pay-day... FCC torque gear box !!


running a 6.01 PDI barrel with, PTW complete hop unit (my own hop mods) PTW RED complete cylinder, FCC electronics, CTW gear box , M.A.G 170rd mags.

performance is very good.


I am satisfied with the gun now well 8-10! in the order of all good Airsofters that have more money, ideas, dreams and discontentment than what is good for them...I have now turned it into a project!

I will be going with a majority of "Fight Club Custom" products to complete my project, this includes complete drop in "Torque" gear box, (2.5 motor, selector switch, control unit and related wires."NOW INSTALLED")

I want to clarify about my hop mods, it has derived from a couple other working hop mods being performed by guntechs now, I will not mention who they are or, their mods for obvious reasons... though I use my own hop nub (again derived from others but I use my own material) my additional mods go more into the total air seal of the hop unit that have leaks, PTWs hop units DO leak , also I tune the alignment of the hop adjuster and make mods for its stability and alignment for better consistent BB flight!

For those that might care or have some interest..I will pass on further results and findings, I have some FCC parts in the gun now, I hope to complete it all by end of July to mid August.

Last edited by BIGMEDCIN; July 21st, 2012 at 15:40..
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Old August 8th, 2012, 08:33   #2
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Originally Posted by BIGMEDCIN View Post

Just got these today! FCC 2.5 MOTOR, FCC Advance Electrical Control Unit semi-burst-auto, FCC selector switch, FCC wires, got some soldering to do (the magnets are very strong on this motor, every piece of metal on the desk flies too it.. LOL)

next pay-day... FCC torque gear box !!


running a 6.01 PDI barrel with, PTW complete hop unit (my own hop mods) PTW RED complete cylinder, FCC electronics, CTW gear box , M.A.G 170rd mags.

performance is very good.


I am satisfied with the gun now well 8-10! in the order of all good Airsofters that have more money, ideas, dreams and discontentment than what is good for them...I have now turned it into a project!

I will be going with a majority of "Fight Club Custom" products to complete my project, this includes complete drop in "Torque" gear box, (2.5 motor, selector switch, control unit and related wires."NOW INSTALLED")

I want to clarify about my hop mods, it has derived from a couple other working hop mods being performed by guntechs now, I will not mention who they are or, their mods for obvious reasons... though I use my own hop nub (again derived from others but I use my own material) my additional mods go more into the total air seal of the hop unit that have leaks, PTWs hop units DO leak , also I tune the alignment of the hop adjuster and make mods for its stability and alignment for better consistent BB flight!

For those that might care or have some interest..I will pass on further results and findings, I have some FCC parts in the gun now, I hope to complete it all by end of July to mid August.
I just got to play around with my FCC complete custom PTW, It's freakin amazing they have made what a PTW should have been when it comes out. I'm still kinda kicking my own ass for spending a boat load of cash to make my PTW perfect when I could have spend a fraction of what has been spent on these guys. Everything from their CNC bodies, foregrips and parts are top notch, they will certainly fixed many issues Systema have with their products.

The list of items that they improved on starts with the electronics (no more gremlins) and it comes moisture proofed, second would have been the mechbox (Speed version). Mine comes in waaayy smoother than the OEM it almost made my other PTW looks like a clone AEG's, third is the motor the 2.5 motor runs a lot better and quieter than the 2012 version, last but not least is their hop up it fixed the minor air leak and improved range and accuracy. The brief field test that I conducted it has already outperformed the 2012 PTW by a long shot, The biggest noticeable improvement would be coming from the motor, the FCC motor is quiet compared to the 2012 Systema and a lot cooler (for those of you without the 2012 the motor runs very hot after prolonged use - 6 mags) I will put a proper review of the FCC custom after some real world field use.

I finally own a perfect (working) PTW as it should be when they come out of the factory, Big Thanks to Chris at Double Tap Tactical.

Last edited by wildcard; August 8th, 2012 at 08:43..
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Old August 11th, 2012, 01:01   #3
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Location: Lower mainland BC
Sounds Good Wildcard.

I have the FCC torque complete gear box and complete hop unit being shipped as we speak and very much looking forward to putting this all together, I am hoping for the results I hear about FCC parts all the time, the stock Systema works very good with a little tweaking and the FCC stuff is supposed to be one more step up the ladder?
In the end I will have spent about the same money I would have spent on a NIB systema so I dont find the upgrades to crazy! mind you if I had already spent $2000 or more for a PTW and then wanted to drop an other $1000-$1300 in FCC parts!! well that would be getting up there!

Anyway, should have the parts mid next week and have it on the field in a week after that, I will give it a few games run and give a report back.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 02:41   #4
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Latest addition, installed and 80 rounds of test it so far!

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Old March 16th, 2013, 22:11   #5
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Was there any issue from ordering right off "Fight Club Customs" or at the customs with internal parts?? ie. innner Barrel, hopup, sights, suppressors??
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Old March 16th, 2013, 22:57   #6
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suppressors are restricted
Current Lineup:
VFC HK416 Custom
Custom Bowie Tactical x SAI Glock 17 (TM Base),
Custom SAI BLU Glock Build (Timberwolf Base)
Custom Zev Noveske Shooting Team Glock 34
Project Guns
Custom Zev Dragonfly G17 (Project) (In progress)
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Old March 16th, 2013, 23:44   #7
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
suppressors are restricted
Most suppressors are labeled as airsoft use only so they are quite legal (Madbull) also local stores have quite a selection (airsoftparts & Toronto airsoft to name a few)
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Old June 13th, 2013, 04:46   #8
Join Date: Jun 2013
I am sorry for the necro in here, but i do have a question. Did you have problems fitting the fcc gearbox into the celcius lower?. I just received mine today and only tried to make a test by putting it into my mx3 lower...and was kind of a pain.
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Old June 13th, 2013, 05:04   #9
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Originally Posted by noghri View Post
I am sorry for the necro in here, but i do have a question. Did you have problems fitting the fcc gearbox into the celcius lower?. I just received mine today and only tried to make a test by putting it into my mx3 lower...and was kind of a pain.
There should not be a problem installing your CNC gearbox to the newer CTW body it should have been just a drop and a few taps with a mallot, on the older version of CTW i find that the inner casting on the body is not perfectly straight you have to do a little measuring and sanding. Where did you get your gearbox?? FCC has sold out of the CNC ones two months ago and wont have any till end of June.
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Old June 13th, 2013, 05:09   #10
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oh, it has been a little quest to search for it. I too was mislead by the sold out everywhere status, even mailed the fcc guys about it. Until i took a look on their distributors list, and found these guys:

They were quite nice actually, as they only deliver to their country and another 4 surrounding them, but i explained them that i needed it badly so they were kind enough to sell it

ps: thank you for the reply. so there should be no problems giving it a few taps just to fit in.

Last edited by noghri; June 13th, 2013 at 05:11..
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