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How much stuff do you carry?


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Old February 25th, 2013, 22:17   #1
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How much stuff do you carry?

I often see people with vests covered in pouches that are all full of something, and I often wonder how people can justify carrying that much stuff onto the field.

My kit consists of a gun, a rack vest with four mag pouches and four, one hundred round mags (plus one in the rifle for a total of 500 rounds), a dump pouch, a pistol hoslter with pistol and spare mag, my rubber knife, a bright orange kill rag, a pocket knife for small tasks, a watch, and maybe a pen just in case. Everything I need. Nothing I don't. If I'm at a milsim, I may carry my ammo and loader and maybe a bottle of water.

What do you guys carry and why?

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Old February 25th, 2013, 22:37   #2
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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my usual skirmishing setup is a pistol with 3-5 mags, and maybe a rifle, with 3 or 5 mags (realcaps, as it'll be a GBBR), all carried on belt pouches or dropleg pouches, or just 50 shotgun shells in a dump pouch if I run one of my shotties

Words to live by
Originally Posted by Kid View Post
The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old February 25th, 2013, 22:54   #3
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Top to bottom

-Rys't integrated comms helmet
-8/12 mags depending on game
-bandage and tourniquet
-pistol plus 2 reloads
-kill rag
-leather gloves
-alta kneepads
-combat boots

-extended ops
-Spare Battery(s)
-Spare bag of BBs
-broken down IMP
-another canteen/camelback

I think thats it...

Last edited by Off_kilter; February 25th, 2013 at 23:17..
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Old February 25th, 2013, 22:57   #4
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Well depends on the op and what my role is. I go prepared. I've only really been going to 24 hour or mil-sim games where there's no real intervals. I have a ghetto fab H-harness with my pistol, double pistol mag pouch and two double stack M4 pouches and a dump pouch. I have that on me at all times.

I run gas most of the time so to get 300 rounds I need ten mags.

For a chest rig (CIRAS or RRV) I have a double stack triple taco. Maxpedition admin pouch another double pistol pouch usually with pistol mags or smoke. Radio pouch and PTT threaded through the molle, a med kit with enough boo boo gear to treat up to but not including a sucking wound . Enough pain killers to put down a horse. MBSS on the back of a blatter and some snacks.

In the admin pouch I would have my pocket knife (SOG Flash tanto), my Leatherman MUT, Map, key notes, radio call card, phone, Spare contacts, small bottle of contact fluid. Baggie with some zip ties and a couple jewlers screwdrivers and allen keys.

That's what I have on me Don't ask what's in my Coyote pack.
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Old February 25th, 2013, 23:04   #5
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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I am guilty of carryin an exsess of stuff lol.
I have a few set ups
Most common assult kit is an m4 8 mags 90 and 120 rounders 4 short ones 4 regular and one in the gun
A pistol on a drop leg with an extra mag
Rubber knife water either a bottle or a camel back and sometimes ill sling the bolt action.
When i snipe i cary the rifle two extra mahs
two pistols two mags each or one pistol and an mp5k pdw with 3-5 mags orjust the pdw
A small speed loader full of sniper rounds
Bottle of water or two or camel back
A striped down MRE just the meal part and the snak and the sport drink a cpl mre heaters and the ghillie suit
If its a milsim ad mre or two to any of those kits in a backpac along with extra bbs and speedloaders and extra water a flashlight and extra batteries for it.
Sometimes i carry a shotgun with two shells in place of a pistol when its winter time or i just sling the mp5kpdw on my back with the m4 or bolt action.
Sometimes i just bring the ghillie in my pack and the bolt action slung and dun the mp5k or m4
Almost always have 2 aegs or the bolt action and an aeg.
Ill leave the m4 or mp5 at my fall back point when im sniping incase shit hits the fan but when its winter ill cary the mp5 with the bolt action cause i wont have a pistol
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old February 25th, 2013, 23:06   #6
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As many mags as I can, a pistol and some mags for that, a pocket knife & a multi-tool, a radio, a whistle, and a watch along with pencil and paper with an aide memoire or two. A water supply along with energy gels and hydration tabs, goggles, facemask, helmet and gloves and my BDUs.

No pretend grenades or GPS or other gear, and not more than one primary at a time.
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Old February 25th, 2013, 23:15   #7
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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I dont carry two primarys one becomes my seccondary and pushes the pistol to tirtiary lol
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old February 26th, 2013, 01:32   #8
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my *CURRENT rifleman loadout

mar-ciras (clone):
6 primary mags + 1 in gun
3L camelbak
admin pouch w/ map(s), torch lighter, whistle
rubber knife
bear grylls knife

duty belt:
drop leg w/ pistol (going to be moved to a belt holster)
1 primary mag
1 pistol mag
dump pouch

hand torch
fox 40 whistle
2 vector bars

omg stuff

*being revamped, will post a full loadout description in a separate thread once its complete
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Old February 26th, 2013, 01:53   #9
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9mags for the aeg
2 pistol mags
Kill rag
Bottle of water
Bb loader

Thats about it
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Old February 26th, 2013, 02:24   #10
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One rifle, 10 mags, 10 40mm, 3 impacts and a pair of claymore mines. Probably some smoke grenades, red bulls and a radio/gps.

Of course, sometimes I trade in a claymore mine for my tactical kitchen and bacon.
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Old February 26th, 2013, 02:31   #11
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I prefer to stay on the field with a buddy or two during any intervals. I like to keep anything I may need to keep my guns running for about 8 hours with me, meaning that I usually have a lot of "stuff". I'll take a BB loader, a bag of extra loose ammo, map of the area, kill-rag/hat, small bag of tools in case something gets loose, my RSS glasses in a case, hydration pack, any radio equipment I may have at the time... On top of that I'll usually have an IMP/MRE or some other kind of snacks that I can easily pack. Survival pack with some medical supplies, lighter, fire building material, whistle, etc...

Then I'll have 8+1 AEG mags, 2+1 pistol mags, dump pouch(s) and some other stuff.
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Old February 26th, 2013, 03:10   #12
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7 aeg mags
3 pistol mags
3L of water
Kill rag
Trauma kit (unnecessary but I like my ITS trauma kit )
Admin junk (notepad, sharpie, pen, etc)

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Old February 26th, 2013, 03:34   #13
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Usual assault getup:
Rifle with 6+1 mags
Pistol with 2+1 mags
3L of water
Dump pouch
Death Rag

Rifle and 3+1 mags
Pistol and 2+1 mags
Recon rig (custom stuffs)
3L of water
Death rag

In general not to much stuffs, I like to keep it light.
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Old February 26th, 2013, 14:47   #14
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Originally Posted by Cortex View Post
fire building material
In case you have to burn down a structure that your enemy is dug into? Lol.

Just to add, I recently sacked my Condor knee pads in exchange for foam pads that slip into the knee pockets on my ACUs. Go on eBay and search for 'ACU pads'. They're about $10 shipped and they come with elbow pads as well, which are the same size as the knee pads, so you can double them up in the knees.

So from head to toe, it's gonna look something like this:

TRU SPEC Multicam Baseball Cap
Bolle X800 Goggles
ICS SIG 552 Commando
FLYYE WSH Multicam Vest
- 4+1 100rd. mid-cap mags
- Condor Large Multicam Dump Pouch
- FLYYE Pistol Holster with WE 1911 MEU and Spare Mag
- Rubber Knife
- Bright Orange Kill Rag
- SOG Mini Aegis Pocket Knife
- Pen and Paper
Casio G-Shock 6900 MS-1 Watch
Mechanix Original Gloves
Propper Multicam ACU Top and Bottom
- Foam Pads in Knee Pockets
SmartWool Socks
5.11 Coyote Brown ATAC 8" Boots

For MilSim/Large Events Add:
Radio Pouch
- Radio
Bowman EVO III Headset (clone)
Medium Pouch
- Ammo
- KWA Loader
- 500ml Water Bottle
- High Carb Snacks
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Old February 26th, 2013, 15:55   #15
Brian McIlmoyle
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I carry as much stuff as is necessary to get the job done.

Sometimes that is a pistol in a concealed holster and 3 mags and safety glasses.

Sometimes it enough kit to sustain myself in a game for 36 hours without leaving the field, including all food , water and shelter.

mostly it somewhere between. The trick is knowing what you will need and not carrying what you don't
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