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Amp tactical chrono


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Old November 18th, 2012, 18:22   #1
Scrivah's Avatar
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Amp tactical chrono

Hey guys, in the market for a chrono and was curious if anyone has used or bought the amp tactical chrono? I have seen an xcortech 3200 on ebay for $80 from china and will likely buy that one (heard they are the best), but I saw this amp tactical chrono on Revolution for $85. It actually looks like a knockoff xcortech. I am going to be buying a hk45 off Revolution and it would be nice to have a chrono and gun shipped from Canada. Still think I am going to buy the Xcortech to be safe but wanted to know about this Amp Tactical one!

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Old November 18th, 2012, 19:40   #2
ccyg8774's Avatar
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This one?
I haven't use it, but I have one that is marked UFC ($50 from EHAsia), and looks identical to this one except the marking.
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Old November 18th, 2012, 20:29   #3
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Yeah thats the one. To tell you the truth I have been thinking about it and I am going for the Xcortech x3200. It's proven to be the benchmark of chronos out there. I may have to wait a bit longer for the shipping but for $80 and free shipping its got to be the best deal out there for a great price. Plus the guy on ebay has a 99.5% rating so I have confidence it will be the right choice!
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Old November 18th, 2012, 23:19   #4
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The XCortech is a decent chrono but I wouldn't say it's some kind of gold standard or what I'd call a "benchmark".

It's priced decently, has a straightforward UI and doesn't kill batteries, mounts onto a tripod nicely, and reports velocity/RoF/energy in a format convenient for airsoft, so a lot of us use it.

You need to set your expectations though, because you will have annoyances, such as the "TOUT" message that appears 7 shots in a row because you're not perfectly aligned with the input tube or whatever.

That said, it's pretty much the best option for airsoft work, unless you want to spend at least double the price and get a serious ballistic chronograph.
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Old November 18th, 2012, 23:21   #5
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i got the usp and mk23 and both shoot exactly 380 w/ my xcortech
Originally Posted by Baird
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Old November 19th, 2012, 13:27   #6
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
The XCortech is a decent chrono but I wouldn't say it's some kind of gold standard or what I'd call a "benchmark".

It's priced decently, has a straightforward UI and doesn't kill batteries, mounts onto a tripod nicely, and reports velocity/RoF/energy in a format convenient for airsoft, so a lot of us use it.

You need to set your expectations though, because you will have annoyances, such as the "TOUT" message that appears 7 shots in a row because you're not perfectly aligned with the input tube or whatever.

That said, it's pretty much the best option for airsoft work, unless you want to spend at least double the price and get a serious ballistic chronograph.
What would your idea of a "benchmark" chrono be? I would assume that if most of us use the xcortech3200, and most shops/game organizers use it then isn't that the standard or "benchmark" of what we should all be using? Especially since it is airsoft specific. The chrono's that are priced in the hundreds are generally made for collecting data from real bullets.

As for the TOUT message I have seen it before onthe xcortech i have been chronoing on but have only seen it about 2 or 3 times over the course of about 300 rounds.
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