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Looking for opinions on a motor


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Old May 22nd, 2012, 09:30   #1
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Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Looking for opinions on a motor

So I switched to lipo at the start of this season after running Ni-mh, and I've just burned out the motor in my M249. I fired somewhere in the area of 50,000 bbs with it using Ni-Mh, and another 10,000 with lipo. for the last month, I was smelling something weird coming from the mechbox, aparently it was the motor melting.

What I am looking for is another motor, obviously. There have been alot of new products come out since I last went motor shopping. I've been using G&P M140 short type motors, they work really well for what I need, but arent holding up to the use (abuse) im putting them through.To make a long story short, here is what im looking for:

High RPM, enough power to pull a M120 using 13:1 ratio gears, and can take 10-15 second bursts using 11.1v 20C lipos. if I only get a season out of it thats fine, but the longer it would last the better.

I dont know if what I am looking for is even realistic, I wont be too hurt if it isn't. I know a G&P M140 can do the first two, but melt with the third. I've been looking at SHS and Lonex motors, but some of what I've read about them, they recomend starting at a 25C-35C lipo and I dont really want to go out and buy new batteries. Would running them on a 20C affect performance that much?
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 10:11   #2
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I run an 11.1v 4900mah 20C battery in my G&P 249, with a high wattage custom build SW-COMP, upgraded wiring, upgraded everything blah blah blah
I've gone through a G&P M120s and 2 G&P M140s all tuned up, all got toasted after just 10-20,000 rounds
Picked up an Eagle Force EF1300 motor for $100 and it's worth every penny. I've gone through somewhere around 60,000 rounds with it at anywhere from 1500-1100rpm (have motor speed reduction on SW-COMP) and have had zero problems.
It's just better in every way to other motors on the market.

The key with making a motor reliable on an LMG is balancing your internal forces.
Try to reduce the load on your motor as much as possible, don't run it at high speed if you don't need to, make sure you're getting a perfect seal on your compression parts, etc.

As far as C rating, it depends on the Mah of your LiPo. They ask for a higher C rating because higher power motors need more amperage, well a 4900mah 20C battery is enough amperage to run 5 guns. The most amperage any upgraded AEG will draw continuously is something like 15A, if you draw more than that continuously, there's something wrong with your motor or wiring.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 10:35   #3
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Eagle Force and the Hummer are excellent motors but are harder to find than your G&P, and JG blue and they are also quite a bit more expensive. For the Average player a G&P motor gets the job done. I can't really see the average player dropping 10-20k rounds or getting close to burning out a motor on a upgraded gun unless they are abusive.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 10:44   #4
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I feel the forces in my gearbox are at an acceptable level, perfect airseal, as close to perfect shimming as I can get, m100 spring. I was running a low FPS high RPS setup, I'm trying to maintain the 30 RPS and get a tad more FPS as 290 FPS isn't cutting it. by my estimates a M120 spring should get my 249 para to shoot around 390-410 FPS and should settle at around 380-400.

I'll take a look at the eagle force motor. I've also seen the Systema A to Z, anyone with any experiance with those?
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 18:17   #5
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I don't buy systema motors anymore. G&P makes a better value for your dollar motor over the systema motors.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 18:33   #6
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If you can find it, Tienly motors are pretty awesome. Very high speed with monster torque. And whatever you do, stay away from Systema motors. They're just power hogging, unreliable piece of shit. They'll drain all your batteries and then cause a melt down.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 18:50   #7
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If you want the best, get a TerminusX motor. There's a video somewhere where a guy got the roughly same ROF using a 7.4V LiPo and a TerminusX motor as a SHS High Speed with a 11.1V.

For roughly $50, Lonex motors are best choice and for roughly $30, get an Element.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 21:23   #8
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If you want to drive hard springs (M120+) with low ratio (13:1, 10:1) gears, you want high torque neo motors.

I have a collection of motors all pulling M120s and M130s all meant to be "high speed" setups. My current PWS Diablo build manages 26rps with a 7.4V battery and a M130 spring (G&P M170 Devil Jet motor). You should be able to achieve similar results quite easily.

The necessary ingredients for this recipe are:

1) neodymium magnets
2) good wiring (16 or 18 AWG depending on quality of strand/etc.. I use the Turnigy stuff)
3) good connectors (XT60 or Deans)
4) high C LiPo batteries (Turnigy/hobbyking)
5) MOSFET (Extreme-Fire)

and most importantly

6) NOT price

i.e. The awesomeness of motors doesn't seem to correlate strongly with price at all. I have had good experiences with the more expensive motors (G&P M160, G&P M170, Guarder ITU, etc), but I've also been extremely impressed with the output from the least expensive motors out there like the SHS high torque and the JG Blue.

All the other high torque neos the guys posting above are recommending are good stuff too. If you can get your hands on a TerminusX, be sure to post a review. They aren't exactly mass-produced.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 10:54   #9
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I picked up a Systema A to Z, seemed to be everything I was looking for, I'll find out when it arrives. I'll post up a review after I get it in hand, thanks for the help.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 12:50   #10
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you bought the one we advised you not to buy lol
If it's got a metal end bell on it, chances are it's gonna perform well, but run hot and drain your batteries 5x faster than any other motor.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 13:26   #11
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Admitedly, I oredered the systema motor before people suggested I didnt. Only time will tell if I wasted my money or got what I want.

Now that I have a list of motors, if this one doesn't work out, I have other things to move on to.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 13:30   #12
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Motors are one area where I find price has little correlation to the performance. I totally agree with Mackie here.

My 2 favourite motors are the Guarder Infinite Torque and the cheapo JG high torque motors. Both are amazing and a fraction of the price of the expensive motors like Systema.

That being said, I have a Systema Magnum in my C7 and I'm really happy with it. It performs well. But I would honestly never have bought it full price new. I got mine used for a good price, which made it a worthwhile purchase.
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