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Not to sure were this rant belongs



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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:34   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Not to sure were this rant belongs

Well as I have come to understand sales of airsoft as a replica to anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed, A week ago a friend of mine walked into Canada wide airsoft being newly turned 17 walked in and talked to George and a Jesse. George turned and asked with out a follow up of ID are you 18. My friend replied like any MINOR would yes i am and George said ok. Then sold him a G&G Scar replica. now after reading many threeds on here and the fact you need to be 18 to be varified on here to buy and might I that George is the age Verifier for this area should have asked for ID. The Transaction was done through debit and is now logged on this person Bank account. As I have also come to learn sales of a replica which most airsoft are classed as is a finable offence. I as a player over the age of 18 am rather pissed of this sales to a minor. If lets say this KID turns around and does something stupid who do do you think this will come back on. Us as a community. If we have to be Aged varified to buy used AEG and what not on here then what right does an Age Verifier have to not check the ID of someone buying from there shop. I am always ID'd at canadian tire when I need something (IE). A Knife or even that GameFace Classic army clone m4 they carry. As of this point I know that his parents are rather Pissed off about the sales of a firearm to a kid. If players and other members of this community have restrictions do to the lack of common sence then I am requesting action be taken against this person as a punishment for selling to a MINOR. I will also add this isnt the first time a friend of mine at 17 has bought from this person without being ID. If need be I can give the persons name. The Item he Bought anf the time of the transaction and getting him to prove his age isnt hard at all being every ID he has has his date of birth on it.

Thanks for listening and hoping the sales of these items stop to People that are not legaly binding. It looks bad on all of us if one person screws up. why give these type of chances out.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:42   #2
GBB Whisperer
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What province was this transaction made? The only province this is law, is Ontario.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:52   #3
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Canada Wide Airsoft is based in Barrie Ontario
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:54   #4
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Well if one of our AVs sold to a minor, I think that needs to get looked into.

What's this person's username?
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:56   #5
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It was a Store front Buy and the Persons name is George Hutchinson i do believe I can also follow up to any staff on here the persons age and the recipt of the transaction and the persons facebook. This person that bought does not have a ASC account cus he stated as a MINOR and am is not aloud to buy does not need to be on here.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:56   #6
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I don't believe they are an ASC subscribed retailer, so there isn't much that we can do on our end. Any other action would have to be taken publicly, if you want to do the legwork to file a report on them through law enforcement.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:57   #7
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George is the Barrie Age verifier and should know better. Also on that note I do believe his parents are looking into it.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 13:58   #8
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I also do pray that this minor has common sence, I have talked to him about what not to do and what to do to not draw attention in a bad manor to this community.
I also think we all can agree with the amount of restriction and the amount of knowledge within the forums that this should never even happen. As a rep for this forum how can we be sure people being AV's are actuallybeing ID'd. I assume he has more common sences then to put this forum in direct danger of allowing Minors to buy from us on here. I am sure that this sould ba a can of worms no one would want. It would also be hard to track down and de AV a minor stated other wise do to after AVthat person never has to then Present there age to a persons selling on here.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 14:08..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 14:23   #9
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Well I am off to work. Like I stated I can provide Recipt of trasaction and location. A statement of who sold and the Bank account statement has his date of birth on it as further proof of being a MINOR. I do not want to see any further negative reactions towards this sport. Hope you all understand that I am looking out for the best interests of the whole over the interests of the one. we already have made it on the news to many times over minors and there actions. If sales to minors keep up then we could lose sales of these all together. I for one do not want to see this. Its hard enough to find what you want out side the basic G36,MP5, M4/16 and AK models. It was hard enough for me to find my G3,FAL and a few others not to mention the price for PTW military grades. If these were easier to obtain im sure we all would be a bunch of happy players. I leave you with the praying that this minor doesnt hurt someone else or make us public because of his actions. Staff if further investigations need be fell free to pm me for proof of my claim.

Thanks and have a good night airsoft Canada.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 14:26   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Kid made a false statement.

Seller should verify, but still, Kid made a false statement
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Old June 5th, 2012, 14:27   #11
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Listen to Illusion on this one. Don't let it get to you, simply walk into your local RCMP, or Municipal PD detachment, and explain the situation. If your friend will give you the receipt, and cooperate it would be even better. Stay calm, and do the right thing. As a "responsible" member of the Airsoft community action should be taken. If he is an ASC rep, then he'll be dealt with on this end as well, by the admins.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 14:31   #12
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If the minor commits a crime with the item, it's not on the community, it's on the vendor that sold it to him.

If you as a minor come onto a forum asking where you can get say... the finest in wine in a box available, and someone on that forum tells you go to the LCBO or whatever spirituous beverage vendor that is nearest to you, and you dupe the cashier into selling you the party in a box, it's not on the forum, it's on the vendor who you duped for not checking/verifying you were of legal age to purchase such refreshment.

However, being as it is, the airsoft community is fairly small, and it could be a slight oversight/momentary sleight of diligence that the gun was sold to a person not of verified age. In which case, you can let the admins deal with that if this guy is indeed the AVer for the region.

Also, to play devil's advocate, there is no magic barrier that is broken or magical enlightenment that occurs the second you turn 18. So let's not jump the shark thinking this guy will run around the local park brandishing his newly ill gotten sport shooter. What's done is done, and while lying about being 18 to get a gun speaks about one's honor in a sport of honor, alienating the guy now could cause the very problem you seek to avoid.

Of course, if he had any integrity, he would return it to the vendor.

Last edited by lurkingknight; June 5th, 2012 at 14:36..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 14:41   #13
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I've sent a PM to George to see what he has to say in regards to the matter, but it does present a conflict of interest and potential violation of a few ASC rules.

Thanks for the heads up.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 15:48   #14
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The sale of Airsoft to minors is something I take very seriously. Its looks like I made a huge mistake by going with my judgement. I was way off. The purchaser of the AEG in question has been in the store a few times. I have spent many, many hours with (Joe) finding out what will work for him and getting him prepared to come play with our group

I figured Joe to be mid 20's. About 23-25. Hes looks down on me and was very smart and polite. I did ask to make sure he was over 18 which he said (oh yes over 18) I did not however ask to see his ID when after spending hours together he Decided on which AEG he was going to start with.

We recorded his full name, Address, Phone number and even facebook info for him to get into the group of local players. At no point did i even consider him to be under 18. Throughout our time together I was deceived as to his real age.

This is completely my fault and my poor judgment on this persons age. Any one in the future expect to be ID'd if your under 40. Now days you just cant trust anyone and I realize you cant even come close to knowing someones age by how they look and act.

Arrangements are underway right now to get the AEG back from Joe. We have all his information and this Issue will be resolved immediately.

I will keep the thread posted with whats going on as it happens.
Barrie Area Age Verifier
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Old June 5th, 2012, 15:55   #15
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Thanks for taking care of this, George.

As for the 40 thing... I don't think you'll have to go to THOSE extremes... for what it's worth, in Ontario, if you *look* under 25, a store keeper has all rights to card you for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco.

You could have very youthful skin and genetic features might make you look like you're 22, when in reality, you're 34 years old... just like me:

I get carded all the time, despite my age. It's those stunning good looks. hairline is receding a bit, though...
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