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King Arms M4 Spring replacment.


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Old April 4th, 2012, 18:39   #1
Join Date: Mar 2012
King Arms M4 Spring replacment.

Down grading my spring to an M110 so I can play on fields and get a better ROF.
Does anyone how ever have a good VIDEO on how to go about taking the gun apart and getting to the gear box?
Searched here and youtube and no specific videos for my certain gun.
And I would like to do this myself rather then going to a gun doc, I have all the tools needed to to do it just not the know how.
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Old April 4th, 2012, 18:43   #2
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same as 90% of metal M4 disassembly. look again but for that.
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Old April 4th, 2012, 18:47   #3
Rusty Lugnuts
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I found this helpfull
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Old April 4th, 2012, 18:54   #4
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What do you guys think of this, just wanna know before I head to the garage and do this.
Airsoft M4 Take-Down/Disassembly Guide (EVIKE.COM) - YouTube
Version 2 Gearbox Disassembly and Function (EVIKE.COM) - YouTube
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Old April 4th, 2012, 18:57   #5
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I googled "M4 AEG disassembly" and this was the first result. - Disassembly Guide for M4 AEG - YouTube

It'll be nearly 100% exactly the same as your rifle.

Some particulars about yours..
- for the part where he retracts the charging handle a bit to get it to clear the'll probably be tight on yours. Go easy, don't reef on anything
- you'll need to remove the bolt release on yours before you pull off the upper from the lower.
--- use a small punch and punch out the pin holding the bolt release
--- tilt it a bit and it will come out of the AEG
------when you have the mechbox out...line it back up and see how the tip of the bolt release fits into the catch on the other side of the'll give you a better idea of how it needs to go back together
- the wiring needs to be routed properly or else you'll bind the bolt release, mag release and impede the full seating of magazines
- yours probably doesn't have the small spade connectors up in the wiring in the hand it's a pain. You need to either use a very small micro flat head to push in the fins of the plug to remove the connector...or else cut it off, do what you need to and then rig up another connector. There's a special tool for taking the pins out of a mini tamiya...but I've never needed that.

If you run into trouble...don't force anything. Some 5yr old asian sweat shop kid put it it isn't that hard. If you're really stuck...don't bust anything, make sure you have all the parts, go find a gun doc. If they're nice, they'll show you how to put it back together so you can do it yourself next time.

Last edited by m102404; April 4th, 2012 at 19:00..
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Old April 4th, 2012, 18:58   #6
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Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
What do you guys think of this, just wanna know before I head to the garage and do this.
Airsoft M4 Take-Down/Disassembly Guide (EVIKE.COM) - YouTube
Version 2 Gearbox Disassembly and Function (EVIKE.COM) - YouTube
The KA M4 is difficult to reassemble. Something in the tolerances in this gun makes sliding the upper and lower back together very difficult. In addition, the faux bolt will cause you a lot of grief when you are putting this gun back together. I'm not gonna lie, you have a bit of learning ahead of you.

Just make sure to go slow and don't put a ton of pressure on anything. If it requires an immense amount of pressure, there's probably a better way.
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Old April 4th, 2012, 19:02   #7
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m102404's advice is very good.

Particularly pay attention to that bolt release. When you take it off, immediately learn how to put it back on before doing anything else. There's a little bit of metal you can push down a little bit into the lower receiver on the other side of the bolt release button, this will help the end of the release catch onto it.

Also, be very careful with the wiring. When you slide the lower receiver out, you're going to have to have the connector come all the way to the point where it's touching the delta ring in order to get the whole thing out of the upper.

My advice is to rewire your gun for Deans anyway, so when you're doing that, just make the wiring 25% longer and this won't be as annoying. That, or put in some really nice bullet connectors.
"Mah check"

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Old April 4th, 2012, 19:14   #8
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What do you mean by this
- the wiring needs to be routed properly or else you'll bind the bolt release, mag release and impede the full seating of magazines
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Old April 4th, 2012, 19:22   #9
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It's hard to describe, but I'll try.

If you're looking at the left side of the mechbox
- put the mechbox in the receiver
- put the flora pin in
- put the stock pipe screw in finger tight
- put the grip on...screws finger tight
- take the wires that are going to lead to the battery and route them straight up the side of mechbox...get them out of the way of the bolt release/mag release area "under" the mechbox
- put the bolt release back in, put the mag release back in
- run the wires forward to the upper, without pulling them in such a way that they bind up on the bolt release "leg/lever" or the mag release.
- etc...'ll see if you've got them all wonky...the operation of the bolt button and/or the mag release will seem to rub/catch on something...and/or mags won't seat properly.

Good luck. Don't rush
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Old April 4th, 2012, 19:30   #10
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Beware of the position of your pistol grip screw and the order you put the body pins back in. If not done "properly" it can cause the gear box to be seated improperly in the lower receiver causing the selector switch to grind against a bushing. It's a trail and error process, or just dumb luck IMO. The same process might not work the next time around. King Arms... sturdy gun and good when it works, but fuck I hate working on it.

Good luck
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Old April 4th, 2012, 22:50   #11
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Having a little gear problem atm got the spring in how ever when put back together the trigger was not functioning and the selector for semi etc was hard and barely moving.
Anyone skype atm I have the gearbox open.
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Old April 4th, 2012, 23:38   #12
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doing gun maintenance requires lots of patience. thats why the people best suited for the job are usually perfectionists. if you get frustrated at it its not going to help, you might as well end up breaking your gun. so be prepared to spend a couple hours on it
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Old April 5th, 2012, 00:37   #13
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Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Having a little gear problem atm got the spring in how ever when put back together the trigger was not functioning and the selector for semi etc was hard and barely moving.
Anyone skype atm I have the gearbox open.
Give it to someone who knows what they're doing - a gun doctor.

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