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Rocket valve in a WE Baby Hi-Capa


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Old April 14th, 2009, 11:08   #1
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Rocket valve in a WE Baby Hi-Capa

Hey guys - just a quick question - got a WE Baby Hi-Capa and basically the mags are all correctly working etc but the Blowback on it is too weak using propane - was working perfectly for a while then died suddenly. Checked everything out and the slide is fine and no obstructions so I'm thinking its the loading muzzle thats the problem (it's just the stock plastic one)

Somebody mentioned to check if it has the rocket valve in it as that may be the problem. Basically I wanna know if the upgrade parts for the TM Hi-Capa 5.1 will fit this gun - looks pretty good and if so if i buy the TM upgrade part will it come with the rocket valve etc (if it even is installed in this gun - can take it apart no problem but I'm not familliar with the internals on GBB's so is there any way to check the rocket valve or see if the gun has one?

Thanks in advance for the help
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Old April 14th, 2009, 11:40   #2
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Yes, TM Hicapa parts will work.

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Old April 14th, 2009, 13:22   #3
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Yeah but what's a rocket valve - is it known by any other names ?? What do I search for in replacement parts?

Also is there anywhere I can get a guide on how to dissassemble the muzzle loader and valve.

Thanks for the patience guys!!!!

Last edited by CJay; April 14th, 2009 at 13:34..
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Old April 14th, 2009, 13:39   #4
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It's also known as a bulb or power up bulb, etc.

If you've never taken apart your Hicapa, you might want to take it to someone that has.

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Old April 14th, 2009, 13:40   #5
Captain Sunshine
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replacement parts, look in Illusions retailer thread, every hi-capa upgrade you'll ever need. I think it's also called a cylinder bulb?

That'll get you to the nozzle.

The nozzle has a small screw on the top, unscrew it and don't lose it. Once you unscrew that, just push something blunt down the nozzle and the rest of the stuff (valve blocker, valve and valve spring) should just fall out.
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Old April 14th, 2009, 16:53   #6
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Originally Posted by Daiviet View Post
replacement parts, look in Illusions retailer thread, every hi-capa upgrade you'll ever need. I think it's also called a cylinder bulb?

That'll get you to the nozzle.

The nozzle has a small screw on the top, unscrew it and don't lose it. Once you unscrew that, just push something blunt down the nozzle and the rest of the stuff (valve blocker, valve and valve spring) should just fall out.
Done it all and everything in there looks good - valve blocker and valve are both intact and nothing missing from them as far as I can see. The spring is in and doing it's job ok so I honestly can't see anything wrong there.

is there any chance it's just maybe worn somewhere that's not obvious or is my problem elsewhere in the gun?
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Old April 14th, 2009, 20:51   #7
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Originally Posted by CJay View Post
Yeah but what's a rocket valve - is it known by any other names ?? What do I search for in replacement parts?

Also is there anywhere I can get a guide on how to dissassemble the muzzle loader and valve.

Thanks for the patience guys!!!!
It's also known as:

- Flute valve
- Reed valve
- Cylinder bulb
- Bulb
- Switch valve
... there's probably 10 other names I'm missing...

Anyways, I have lots in stock if you need, but from what you're describing, it actually sounds like it's the loading nozzle that's busted. It's usually very difficult to notice, as the crack is flush, but if you flex the nozzle perpendicular to the axis of its length so that the top of it stretches out, you'll see the crack magically appear right before your eyes. I use to have tons of broken ones here, but threw them all away. Otherwise, I'd show you a video or picture of how to identify it. You usually can't see the damage unless you stress the part.

Last edited by ILLusion; April 14th, 2009 at 20:53..
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 10:58   #8
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ok guys - replaced both the rocket valve and muzzle loader with guarder enhanced parts and still doing the same thing - is there anything else that could be causing the blowback to be weak and pathetic?
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 11:29   #9
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maybe there's a tear in the piston rubber? is it cup style or o-ring?

Either way check the rubber, maybe theres a tear thats causing a bad seal.
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Old April 28th, 2009, 11:44   #11
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Ok no dice. Problem still there after replacing all of the blowback assembly at the back.

I know I'm gonna hit myself but is there any chance that the mag catch could have worn at all? I've heard of the not holdong the mag in tight enough and gas then venting etc. With the new parts it does sometimes vent a mag now :S
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Old April 28th, 2009, 13:14   #12
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The best way to figure that out is to just push the mag up from the bottom with your hand to see if that changes performance. If it does, then that could your problem, but it's very unlikely.

Or maybe you should just ditch the crappy WE product and get a Marui. Lol.
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Old April 28th, 2009, 13:27   #13
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I'm not sure if it was guessed at before...but your blowback unit frame assembly could be riding hard on the rails of the frame. If it's cockeye'd/tilted it'll rub "hard" and kill off the recoil speed/functioning.

I transplanted all my stuff from a HiCapa into a Silver SD Executive slide...and no matter what....just couldn't get it working right. Ask Illusion...we burned about 2 hrs swapping all types of parts into/out-of it and just couldn't find a combo that worked. Ended up with $400 worth of junk parts...pretty, but functionally useless to me. What a disaster that was.

Factor in the cost of the GBB...cut your losses when you've hit half of that value with either parts or time/frustration/etc...and just buy a new one.

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Old July 20th, 2009, 23:15   #14
formerly kornkid
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i just recieved a baby capa today and i'm having the same problem. The first few shots are good but then one or two will go off where the slide doesn't slide back all the way, therefore is doesn't load or cock. any ideas?
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Old July 21st, 2009, 00:15   #15
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well...after having replaced every single part except the slide (man it hurt my bankbook) I have come to the conclusion that its royally screwed lol - think my slide's been warped or something - bit the bullet and bought a G26A - much better lol. It actually fires without me having to pull the slide back now
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