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My DIY M3 shotgun shell scabbard!


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Old July 27th, 2011, 09:38   #1
Mr. G36!
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My DIY M3 shotgun shell scabbard!

(Oops, posted this in the wrong forum - should be in the Gear Discussion forum...sorry!)

Hey all! Figured I'd share this little product of last night's and this morning's craft session. After wanting a stock-mounted shell scabbard for my M3 shotgun and not being able to find anything decent locally - and being unwilling to fork out a ton of dough for a really kick-ass one, I decided to take matters into my own hands and make one from scratch, basing the design on a modular AR sling I once saw.

Costing approximately $15 in materials, and requiring around six hours to make - by hand, I should add, as I don't even have a sewing machine, and thus all stitching was done by hand (gotta love that issued sewing kit, ha ha!), the final product is a very sleek, totally ambidextrous (for those people), secure and rugged item - may I present to you my home-made shell scabbard:

Materials used:
-Heavy duty 1" webbing (stock rig);
-Heavy duty 1 & 1/2" webbing (scabbard);
-Elastic stretch-webbing, and;
-D-ring swivels.

Fastening to the base and rear of the stock with heavy-duty velcro to avoid the bulkiness and noise of buckles, and secured in place through the shotgun's own integrated sling-mounts, the rig itself is very sturdy and secure, not sliding back and forth, or twisting around on the stock like most stretch-tube scabbards do.

As you can see, the rig is actually two separate pieces; the shell scabbard itself, and the stock-mounted rig. Originally, I was simply going to sew the scabbard right to the rig, but when I decided to utilize the stock's integral sling-mounts (my original design simply strapped to the stock, allowing me to use the sling mounts for a sling), it became apparent that attaching and removing the rig would be an issue. Thus, I decided to make the scabbard removable, and modular to the degree that it can attach to either side of the stock despite myself being right-handed. Secured to either side of the stock via velcro, the soft, loop-side runs along the sides of the stock so as to not scratch or irritate your cheek while aiming.

As I mentioned earlier, I didn't originally intend to use the sling-mounts to secure the rig, but when it proved to be effective in holding it snug and secure to the stock, it became an instant win. However, I still wanted to be able to sling the shotgun, and I decided to add D-ring swivels to the front of the rig, one on either side, to allow for the attachment of a hook-type sling. Again, in keeping with the ambidextrous train of thought, one was added to each side, despite me being right-handed. I guess I'm just a sucker for modern tactical gear, and since it's all modular and ambidextrous these days, I wanted my rig to look authentic.

So all in all, having started the design and acquiring the materials late yesterday evening, beginning work last night, and finishing this morning, and spending less than $20 total, I'm pretty pleased. Then again, who'd spend time and money on something and claim to be unhappy with a working final product? As such, let me know what you think - I'm dying to hear everyone's thoughts, suggestions, and improvements!

Thanks for looking!
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...and then it becomes sport!

Last edited by Mr. G36!; July 27th, 2011 at 19:30..
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Old July 27th, 2011, 10:37   #2
Join Date: Jul 2010
That's nice looking
THEMAKKER13 is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 27th, 2011, 11:31   #3
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Calgary, Alberta
wow that is deceptively simple and well worth the effect. Job well done.
hobbidude is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 27th, 2011, 20:24   #4
shadow62's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Pointe-Calumet
Very well done, last week i buy one at Can.Tire for $20 and your`s looking better now the one a have is`t looking more like a sock. And you made it yourself. I have the same gun any idear for a sling?????? (sorry for my bad english)
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