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#1 |
This may not be directly linked with airsofts, but I want to make a project linked with airsoft guns, games or anything else for my last year of high school. The project will be done next year, but I have to come up with an idea now so I can present it to a jury or something who will accept it or not (and tell me what I have to change in it if not).
Basically, I have the choice to make a creation (build something), an event (like organising an airsoft game or something) or an essay of 4000 words about a problem (f*ck that). At first, I wanted to make a creation and make a ghillie suit, but then I learned that one of my friends has been planning to do one for a long time already. So I am left here with no project idea, and I need to have one for next Tuesday. Any idea? Your help is greatly appriciated! ![]() |
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#2 |
Do not use anything gun related for a high school project. If you want an airsoft project you could create detailed grid maps of local airsoft fields or something useful like that.
Also, 4000 word essays are a cakewalk. Get in there.
![]() Not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life. |
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#3 |
4000 words over a year? That's actually pretty easy. Try a 10,000 word dissertation. Not too fun apparently.
As for a project.... I'd be wary of doing something gun related. Or you could get Social Services on your ass, and have to report to a psychiatrist or something. It's no laughing matter, it actually happened to someone here once. As for a project, what do you want to do in uni? Maybe tie it into that? For example if you wanted to do Geography then do some sort of GIS output/analysis on GRASS, Quantum GIS, or PostGIS. (Or if you're really ambitious ESRI ArcGIS)
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#4 |
a.k.a. Palucol
Dont ever do something about guns/bombs in school, you'll end up with lots of social problems....
Usually the final project in highschool or in the CEGEP is related to something you want to do in the future, something "socially approved".... I made a "Rail Gun" for my CEGEP project, and we couldnt even use the word gun.... we had to call it an "Electromagnetic accelerator".... C'mon man, be original, they are more thing to life then COD and Airsoft.... |
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#5 |
Actually something that I did that was really cool was to get data from the NRC GeoGratis database and insert it into a map as part of a GIS self guided project that I did.
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#6 |
Well there's actually a 4000 words analysis to do, no matter what I do, so I'll end up with 8000 words with the essay, and I made enough essays this year so I think I'll skip that. I know it's nothing, but I have to do the analysis after the project is done. Yea, I know that people can freak out if I do a gun related project, but what I meant was something in the sorts of a ghillie suit. I also thought organizing an airsoft game in my area, but that would be a pain in the ass, so yea.. If I find absolutely nothing, I'll juste write a fantasy book around 20,000 - 30,000 words and I'll be good, but yeah, I want to do something I'll actualy like to do.
Last edited by sgtskywalker; May 13th, 2011 at 17:54.. |
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#7 |
Maybe I should make an essay about whether or not should airsofts be accepted in Canada, or something like that? What do you think? Will people think I'm a crazy psychopath with homicidal thoughts lol?
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#8 |
If there's one thing I've learned it's to not rock the boat. Don't think you're some sort of messiah and/or saviour that will save airsofting in Canada. This doesn't mean that you're not going to save the world, find a cure for aids or cancer, or discover some sort of untapped energy that will solve our energy crisis but pick your battles. Curb your enthusiasm and simply don't rock the boat.
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#9 | |
The only reason why I want to do it about airsoft is because it's my hobbie and I would like to do something related to my hobbie, so I'll be happy doing the project the whole time, and not something I know nothing about and which I'll hate to do the whole time. I'm no saviour and/or messiah that will save airsofting in Canada, just a guy who loves this sport/hobbie, just as someone who loves to do horseback riding. So one thing I am not going to curb is my enthusiasm towards what I like. I came here in hopes to find interesting and original ideas of projects that can be related with airsoft, in one way or another, and you're not helping. And I don't think that the fact that it's related to airsoft is going to be a problem. There has always been projects related to touchy subjects, and no one was ever sent to the psychiatrist for their idea of project. If they don't like it, they will simply tell me to change it and everything will be fine. Just this year, I made a ghillie wrap for one of my airsoft gun in one of the techno projects we had, as well as texts about paintball and airsoft, and I never had any problems with it, and nor did the school and teachers have any problems with it. I just want some suggestions from the community here, not everyone's opinion about me making a project related to airsoft or not, about COD or something in life, or someone's rambling about me not being the messiah of airsoft in Canada. Everyone's ideas are welcome. Thanks for your help! Aww. Last edited by sgtskywalker; May 15th, 2011 at 22:17.. |
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#10 |
I think I understand how this works a bit better. I thought it was some dissertation/report that you were writing to graduate CEGEP or whatever and would be shown to administrators, other teachers, and possibly kept on record.
I know that here in the UK, students do a final year dissertation of between 7,000 to 10,000 words. It's kept on file at the university (for like 7 years I think), marked by a panel of the professors who have knowledge in that field (ie. if you're a physical geographer you'll get profs with a physical background to review your dissertation) and also shown to a board of external examiners, and the administration. On occasion the dissertations are also published in academic research journals (sometimes high profile ones, and other times less known ones). I was thinking it was something like that except on a smaller scale. Like a typical capstone project that could be freely accessible by anyone in the community after. (ie. If someone does a report on community centres and stuff, the local municipal government might look at it when doing research about where to put a new community centre or what services/recreational activities to offer). I'd say you could forge ahead with it if that's what you really want to do. But be prepared when you forward your capstone project proposal. Be ready to defend the idea (ie. In my case I submitted a research proposal more on the level of a Ph.D thesis rather than a potential Bachelors Honours thesis, I also apparently didn't relate enough course material to the project or something). PS: I'd still be careful. Perceptions are oftentimes stronger than what the reality is. Take a look at the Japanese nuclear reactor. People were freaking out unnecessarily. Yes sure the shit really hit the fan but people were still ignorant and didn't understand anything. ("OMG radioactive material will hit the west coast, I gotta stay inside and take iodine pills!!11oneone1!11one!1eleven111!. It doesn't matter that it gets diluted well below detectable thresholds as it crosses the Pacific ocean it's RADIOACTIVE!!111!!!1"). It's not the act of doing something wrong, rather it's the perception that you've done something wrong that will get you in unnecessary trouble.
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#11 |
Meh you know what 4000 word essay is a breeze man, just watch a film and do a movie analysis its so damn easy, jsut talk do a critique on it or something tada 4000 words done lol and for my senior year i had to do a 4000 word essay and i did it on a comparison on two films and its use of color, talk about themes and stuff just like you would do a book report
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#12 |
Thanks for the suggestions!
Well If I choose to do an essay, it's a 4000 words essay with a 4000 words analysis of how I made, and what it borught me in my life and blabla.. But this project is only for the IEP (International eduction program) in which I study, and if I decide to not do it, I'll just not get the two diplomas it gives me, I'll just receive my High school diploma (it's called DES here in Quebec, I don't know how you call it in UK). Other than the essay, I can choose form building something like a table or a guitar or whatever I want, but I need to have a goal when building something ( like discover my creative side by making something original, or making something which is economic, of quality and kind of look nice, ect.). And the last choice is organizing an event, like some outside party with elders, or maybe even an airsoft game. I can absolutely whatever I want, but I just have to keep in mind that I do something to achieve a goal, an objective. But I should find an idea right now, because I must present it tomorrow infront of the class lol.. I guess I'll go with the essay. P.S. Yea sorry for my rusty english, it's not my main language. :P EDIT: So yea, I'm going with the essay about if airsoft should be accepted or not in Canada, but to do it, I'll first need A LOT of sources and websites and articles and anything I can find talking about it, those who are for airsoft, as well as those who aren't. I'll need to give arguments for both sides in my essay. Your help is greatly appreciated! ![]() Last edited by sgtskywalker; May 16th, 2011 at 20:31.. |
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#13 |
You could just talk about your process for making the essay and what it has done for your life. Start off by saying how you wanted to host an airsoft game first, but chose to ask on a forum for thoughts on it. Discuss the different opinions presented and facts brought forth by the community. Cap it off by talking about how you now know that airsoft is a sport frowned upon by most Liberals and we are regarded as people who most likely have homicidal pyschological problems as our hobby is collecting the EVIL, EVIL, EEEEVIL, looking guns. For your second 4000 word essay, you could talk about the how you made it part and discuss the benefits of the internet and online forums in the movement of ideas across thousands and thousands of miles.
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#14 |
Heed this advice. Say nothing about airsoft, airsoft guns, airsoft games, airsoft fields, airsoft players, or anything remotely linked or associated with any of the above.
You'll find yourself hauled in to the Principal's office to speak with a friendly constable and a communist social worker to discuss your obsessions with firearms or violence, violence related firearms, violent hobbies, or any other hopolophobic subject they can ding you with. Then you'll find yourself watching the police search your house, while they tell your parents that they're very concerned with your obsession with violence and firearms. You'll probably be suspended, of not expelled, and you might wind up with a string of references that will keep you on the "do not grant a firearms license" list. It's not right, but I guarantee you it's the truth. You're in Quebec, home of the school shootings and the Montreal Massacre. Right or wrong, you're going to get fucked in the ear with a hot poker. Write about unicorns, or rainbows, or unicorns that shit rainbows, but don't ever for a second even consider bringing up airsoft or anything gun related in highschool. Last edited by MadMorbius; May 16th, 2011 at 20:40.. |
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#15 | |
I presented my project infront of the judges, and I'm pretty sure I 'll get accepted. The only thing was that I need a more specific ''énoncé'' to talk about. One of the judges gave the exemple of Canada sending troops to Afghanistan and me being against it, and then I have to proove why and blabla. Anyway, they seemed to be pretty okay with the ''airsoft'' thing, and I learned that during a previous year, someone already made an essay about are airsoft, saying that it isn't dangerous because most of those who practice this sport are responsable players who have already many rules (like wear eye protection, etc.) established and so on. It will probablu be accepted and I'll have to do it next year. But to do it, I'll need as many as you can find websites, sources, books, draws, ANYTHING you can find about airsoft linked with Canada's laws and legal status, anything. I'll talk about the fact that people who aren't familiar with this hobbie (and maybe even those who are) think it's dangerous and that it should be abolished, or that we should have more strict laws about it, and I'll try to prove that it's wrong with various things I can find. But for that I'll need your help. This project requires me to find a resource person who can help me the whole time with my project, give me reference and everything. It should be someone familiar enough with the laws regarding airsoft or anything, and who can inform me more about it. Just PM me if you're interested and we'll arrange ourselves. We got the forum to communicate. Msn as well. Thank you ![]() As for the project, I needed an objective I'm trying to achieve by doing it, so I can't just do or write about anything. My objective is to respond to the following question : Should we or not keep legal airsofting in Canada, and make more strict laws about it? (sounds much better in french than in english lol). It seems that I wasn't clear enough when I explained how this project works earlier. My essay will talk about airsofts, and the question I just said, and it will be a 4000 words essay. The analysis of the project will explain how I mad my project, and how I achieved my goal, and how I respect the Interaction areas (some IEP stuff) and so on, and it will be a 2000-4000 words text. Also, I was told that I need a way to publish my essay to the community, but I have no idea how to. THey said Internet isn't enough, so I'll need some help about that. Last edited by sgtskywalker; May 19th, 2011 at 20:39.. |
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