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AEK 971 Vintkovna Airsoft Gun


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Old February 1st, 2011, 04:51   #1
Join Date: Feb 2011
AEK 971 Vintkovna Airsoft Gun

Hey there guys! First time posting here just wanting to get a few things out of the way before my post. First of all yes I am underage (15 to be honest) and no I do not want advice on where to buy any guns or which is the best airsoft gun. Im basically not trying to piss you guys off seeing as how you guys seem to have alot of minors who behave in a less than acceptable manner. Until I hit 18 il keep my G@G MP4A4 waiting in my closet for you guys .
Alright onward to my post... Ive been doing research on various AR's being used worldwide and their airsoft counterparts. I am personally very interested in weaponry and the military. I have noticed that there are alot of AK 47 variants of airsoft rifles. I understand that this Kalashnikov is probably the most famous rifle in the world ( perhaps only overshadowed by the M-16 ). What I do not however understand is why so many airsoft companies make models of this gun. Only the worlds poorer countries continue to use the AK 47 in their military. Russia ( for the most part ) has switched to the AK 74, AEK's and AN's.
I have searched far and wide for an AEK 971 Vintkovna airsoft rifle but I cannot seem to find one. I was wondering if anyone has every seen or heard of one of these as im very interested! Thanks!
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Old February 1st, 2011, 07:16   #2
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@Hussard : Welcome to the boards. Unfortunatly I can't think of an airsoft manufacturer that has this model available. The rare/more unusual the model, the harder it is to find in airsoft, one of the reasons being that if the real steel counterpart wasn't really popular, the same fate will usually be shared by it's airsoft model. If you do find that "odd company" who made such an airsoft model, then other (bigger) problems will surface like upgrades availability, replacement parts availability, accesories availability, etc.

Trust me, there is a s*#t load of guns that people would like to have as airsoft that will never see the light of day, some people take it up a notch and do their own custom models but I do not need to explain to you what that would entail. Sorry, cool gun though!
Originally Posted by Mitchell12 View Post
I don't need an excuse, I like doing it. Why do you like sex? Because it gives you babies? Doubtful.

Last edited by Drake; February 2nd, 2011 at 06:31.. Reason: cleaning quotes of moronism
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Old February 1st, 2011, 07:56   #3
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I can't wait til you come out of the closet
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Old February 1st, 2011, 12:16   #4
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I've always been upset about the same thing.. not enough Russian guns.

And I wish people who mod their AKs would stop butchering them with tac add ons... argg.... Do a complete custom and make AN with tac add ons.. would make more sense...
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 00:05   #5
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The reason everyone and their dog makes the AK47 models, is because every dumbass that's seen any "weapon comparison" on TV thinks the AK47 is the greatest weapon mankind has ever created simply because it still shoots after being buried in mud and run over with a truck.
When the reality of the situation is 1) you'd have to be a REALLY piss poor soldier to treat your weapon like that and expect it to have any accuracy after. And 2) You can't hit the broadside of a barn with the damn thing anyway, which, thankfully, is a big reason why so few soldiers got killed in somalia.

This is a commercial phenomenon that I like to call "retard demand". Wherein everyone thinks a product is really good based on faulty and irrational information, and companies take advantage of this by producing enough for everyone to buy one for cheap.

Anyway I personally am a big fan of the AKS-74, AK-74M and AK105
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 00:09   #6
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sounds like you found a project for the interceding 3 years.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 07:17   #7
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
The reason everyone and their dog makes the AK47 models, is because every dumbass that's seen any "weapon comparison" on TV thinks the AK47 is the greatest weapon mankind has ever created simply because it still shoots after being buried in mud and run over with a truck.
When the reality of the situation is 1) you'd have to be a REALLY piss poor soldier to treat your weapon like that and expect it to have any accuracy after. And 2) You can't hit the broadside of a barn with the damn thing anyway, which, thankfully, is a big reason why so few soldiers got killed in somalia.

This is a commercial phenomenon that I like to call "retard demand". Wherein everyone thinks a product is really good based on faulty and irrational information, and companies take advantage of this by producing enough for everyone to buy one for cheap.

Anyway I personally am a big fan of the AKS-74, AK-74M and AK105
As a sometime real steel gunsmith, I regard the Kalashnikov as the perfection of the rifle as we know it. The 47 leaves much to be desired in the accuracy department, but it was not designed to be accurate, so why criticize it for something its designers did not intend? The AK-74 is the final evolutionary perfection of both accuracy and durability. As far as I am concerned, there is no better rifle. It balances the priorities of the modern rifle ideally.

As for the comment about being a poor soldier to abuse your rifle - it does happen. I've seen my fellow platoon-mates fall and get a huge clump of dirt stuck in the flash-hider of their C7 - I've seen badly abused C9s and C6s that don't shoot worth a damn. I spent a day at a machine gun range in infrantry school where we went through every machinegun we had because none of them would fire!! You spend any time on the ground or doing infantry charges "up he sees me down!" and you WILL fall on your weapon and get loads of dirt and foreign matter in it. These 'torture' tests are good measures of what an infantry rifle should go through and still fire. The Armalite does not do well. It is the only rifle that I know if built with a forward assist... what a ridiculous invention - dreamed up only because the weapon is inadequate.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 09:38   #8
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Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
. The Armalite does not do well. It is the only rifle that I know if built with a forward assist... what a ridiculous invention - dreamed up only because the weapon is inadequate.
This is funny, i've always riled on AR-elitists because of this fact. Hahaha.

Yeah, I dunno. While I am not an AR fan I still think its a nice Paper shooting gun.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:28   #9
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Originally Posted by Hussar View Post
First of all yes I am underage (15 to be honest) and no I do not want advice on where to buy any guns or which is the best airsoft gun.
A minor?!!?!?!?111eleventy11one. I've got my pitchfork and torch ready.

Anyways since you already have a gun, if you ever do want to play (depending on your locale) maybe you can connect with some of the local players and just sit in on a game as a photographer or something and see how games are run. It's a great way to introduce yourself and some clubs/teams/fields/admins will allow 16+ (with parental waiver signed) but the final decision rests on the admin/marshal running the game and the field owner. It can't hurt though, and if you play your cards right they'll remember you as the kid who was willing to wait 3 (or 1) years to play and you'll be seen in a good light.

Other than that it's a great idea to just keep it in the closet.

PS: As for your AEK... sounds like you've got a project. Personally I'm planning on building up a VSS myself (Loved it since Army Ops) but keep these things in mind. You will need large amounts of capital, time, and patience in order to complete your project. Also, there's no reason why you can't save up some money now and possibly pre purchase the external's that you're going to replace to make it an AEK. Also remember to only order non prohibited items (ie. stocks, rails, flash hiders, optics, and barrels are fine but don't attempt to order things like receivers). One more thing, you should make your base gun a high quality gun so that there's less to worry about when you have your final gun (ie. Using a TM VSR vs JG BAR, on one hand you have a solid performing base and on the other hand you have something that you'll have to replace a lot more parts to bring it to an acceptable level of accuracy/precision).
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 17:00   #10
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A gas VSS needs to be made, no questions asked
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 19:21   #11
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
As for the comment about being a poor soldier to abuse your rifle - it does happen.
Granted it does happen, but have you ever seen a C7 get run over by a LAV? lol
I do absolutely love the AK74, however tactically I still prefer the M series paltform. Either H&K 416 or Barrett 468. As far as streamlining goes and tactical handling, the M4 series is pretty well top of the game.
The AK74 would be a very close contender if only the mags loaded straight into the gun instead of hooking in. I can still reload an AK74 VERY quickly, but not nearly as fast as I can an M4, and that's without putting the AK74 mag away after.
If your out at war on your own for months, the AK74 would be best. If your going back to back every day or every week, the M4 is more manageable.

But in airsoft, the only thing that sets guns apart is how fast you can reload them, and how many mags you can carry

I'd use an MP5 and put 9 mags in each of my 7 double M14 mag pouches, if only you could get to all 9 mags easily enough lol
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 20:09   #12
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The AEK971 sadly is not actually in large enough use. To my knowledge the gun was designed in the 70/80s as a possible replacement for the AK74 during the Abakan trials. Which the AN94 won. First large batch to be tested out were given to MVD in the early 2000s however when Kovrov plant switched to civilian only in 2006 and the production went to ZID it pretty much ended due to no requirement. Anyways the Russians are probably going to be switching to the AK-200 soon as the AN94 is too expensive/complicated to use for the type of army Russia fields or the type of weapon that they need. So its only given out to special forces. However with enough gamer interest the rifle might come out (previous example WA2000).

Info about gun taken from modern firearms:
Originally Posted by Michael Lee Lanning - Inside the Crosshairs
In this age of push-button warfare, little thought is given to the common infantryman who has nothing but a 10-pound rifle and a lot of courage. But beware of the sniper - he is deadly.
Certified Level 2 Bolt Action Operator
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