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Old January 2nd, 2011, 20:10   #1
Join Date: Jan 2011
Starting Airsoft gun

hey guys whatsup im very intrested in the growing sport of airsoft because i find paintball guns to unrealistic for my own liking. anyway i will be buying a gun but after equipment ect. i can only spend so much on my primary gun. Iwas looking at the G&G Ak47 rec series. anyway im looking for a good gun in the 200-300 dollar range any advice on some of the best guns in this price range is appreciated. thanks.
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Old January 2nd, 2011, 20:24   #2
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Unfortunately for the 2-3 hundred range you wont find anything great quality wise, maybe something used on this websites buy and sell section. If you can up it to the 3-4 hundred range maybe stretch to 5 you will be in a much better position to find something good.

The G&G ak is alright, not great but not absolute trash. G&G doesnt have the greatest when it comes to airseals, but hey its a cheap swap out. Poke around the reviews section to see what has been written about the different kinds of AKs and see if anything catches your eye, that is if your dead set on an AK. If your not then you may wanna take some time and figure out what style and model of airsoft gun you would like first, then proceed from there.

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Old January 2nd, 2011, 20:30   #3
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ahh i guess i get what you mean, any sport is like that, you can go the easy way and buy the cheaper one which is still good, or go the extra mile and what u get is worth alot more than the extra money you paid lol. however im not to loaded up on cash at the moment so im looking at finding any good gun around 300 or so dollars do u have any recomendations ? AKs are cool but they dont have rails( and m16s etc dont look too bad;p) so yea any decent starter gun is what i would like, maybe and upgradeable one?
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Old January 2nd, 2011, 21:10   #4
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Well, a lot of people will tell you to get age verified as community does not tend ot give advices on buying any airsoft guns before the age of 18, for obvious legal reasons.

The G&G REC versions seems overall to be the lowest quality that G&G does produce, and G&G is about a mid-range company in quality airsoft guns, so the REC is mostly prone to break before the end of the season.

As tokyo7 told you, you're better off put a little more money and buy something right, rather than cheaping on this. Trust me, I've tried to cheap out, and I've ended up buying another gun after sinking lots of 100$ into the cheap gun. Most of the guns are upgradeable, so this shouldn't be an issue!

Airsoft isn't a low cost hobby, you'd need about 1000$ budget to start in airsoft, buying the gun, uniform, vest, googles, mags, batteries, chargers, red dots or sights.

On this, welcome to the forums, I hope you've read the many FAQs and will get age verified soon! Don't forget the search option before posting a question, this will save you a lot of flamings!
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Old January 2nd, 2011, 21:22   #5
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oh ok thanks ill be age verified whenever i can.
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Old January 2nd, 2011, 22:43   #6
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IMO, I like the Kraken AK 47's. They are inexpensive, and perform pretty damn good for a low quality gun. I have had two of them. And both of them have had close to 15,000 rounds through them with no problems.

I have had no problems with their performance in the field against other `high end`guns. However, side by side, you will notice that there is much more to be had when you compare it to better quality guns.

It all depends on the individual, and how they play...And if you`re willing to compromise on a few things.

I do own, and have used a lot of other high quality AEGs from Tokyo Marui & Classic Army( I currently own an AK spetz, and an MP5A4 - and have owned 2 M4`s in the past.)

In my opinion, you would be better off going for a high end AEG.
Almost guaranteed to have no problems, and you`ll get your money`s worth.

Oh, and goto a game and try ask to try out other people`s AEG`s.
This will help you out a lot when it comes to making your decision on what gun to buy.
Infantryman, AKA: Chief
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 01:34   #7
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I agree with you, Infantryman. The Kraken's I've seen preform quite well. One person I game with regularly has upgraded his extensively, and it's come out looking and performing fantastic. I have another friend who simply painted his, and it's been great for over a year now.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 04:13   #8
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If you have some mechanical aptitude then you could do:

Kraken + shims and regrease don't touch anything else and it will perform admirably.

If you want something OOTB that will generally work (ie. medium lemon rate) then you're looking at the upper end of your $300 budget.

If you can get ~$350-500+ then I highly suggest something in the mid-upper end. They have a low lemon rate and generally are great out of the box.

You don't need a $1000 budget to start BUT you need to be able to spend $1000 over a year (maybe a year and a half). I spent $500 getting my first setup then a year later I was probably down $800-900 with airsoft spending (NB: I started in 2008, I just hung around the forums for a few years before jumping in which is why my join date is 04).
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 04:55   #9
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There are a few guns that you can get that are high quality and are just slightly above your price range

The most high quality weapon with the best performance out of box in my opinion near that price range (and in general) is the Real Sword Type 56-2. At $306USD it comes out the box shooting just a tad bit under 400fps and is built like a tank with unbelievably high quality internals. This was probably one of my best buys.

The ICS MP5 line is what I started with when I began airsoft. Look for the MP5 SD5 Thats the silenced one with the solid stock. Its much better than the cheap slide in stock on the MP5SD6 and you get to have the space for a nice big battery. In addition, the front grip is very comfortable and it is easy to get an extended tightbore barrel that sticks out into the silencer for better range and accuracy. That one sells for about 235 and shoots a little under 350fps out of the box.

King Arms has a Full Metal SIG 556 "Shorty" coming out this month that is expected to be $320USD and shooting 360-390 fps and King Arms makes many good quality guns. I have owned one of their M4's and it stood up to a beating before I sold it to a friend to get him into airsoft. Their full metal M4 posts a similar price and stats to the SIG I just mentioned

Hope that helps

EDIT: Darn I have no idea what the exchange rate is for Canadian and US Dollars, I hope I was helpful in some way
There may be more lap sitting, and I might answer more of your questions with a story, but mostly my mustache tells people that there is a 90 percent chance that I am poorly educated, that I keep up scale porn out in the open, and that I listen to the Little River band with large headphones.

Last edited by Guerrilla; January 3rd, 2011 at 05:03..
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 05:35   #10
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Originally Posted by Guerrilla View Post
The most high quality weapon with the best performance out of box in my opinion near that price range (and in general) is the Real Sword Type 56-2. At $306USD ...


EDIT: Darn I have no idea what the exchange rate is for Canadian and US Dollars, I hope I was helpful in some way
Yeah..... you shouldn't be worried about exchange rate it's about on par anyways, but once that Real Sword hits Canada you're looking at ~$600 CAD.

Still, I do agree it's a sweet gun and it's what I'm going to buy if/when the price becomes more reasonable or I actually get some money in my pocket.
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 05:42   #11
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Hey Guerrilla

Please keep in mind that airsoft is not as easily and inexpensively acquired in Canada as it is in the US. Due to the increased cost for importation the items you described actually a fair bit higher than d4rksp4rt4n0 budget allows at this time.

Please keep the differences in price in mind when posting in the future, as this is a Canadian based website and you are located in the US.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 17:47   #12
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Well thanks for all the help guys, i have been looking around and i have found a cool looking gun from velocity arms custom line it is a g36c and it is 299$ that is an affordable price for me and it looks cool and should be upgradeable, thought on VA and their custom line guns ?
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Old January 4th, 2011, 04:55   #13
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It should do you fine although I would personally recommend something from the AK or AR15/M4 series just because there's more options for external accessories if you're so inclined to "pimp" your gun.

If it's the OEM manufacturer that I'm thinking it is then it's all good and you should have no problems out of the box. That said, I still advise shimming, grease, and setting the motor height properly but those aren't totally necessary to do right away. First two it's advised to get a gundoc to do for you, third you can do yourself with a screwdriver (although I don't know how the motor height is set in the G36 but that's how the M4 does it). Again, if it's the same OEM that manufactured it that I'm thinking of then it's quality has stepped up and you're pretty much good to go.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 01:59   #14
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G&G guns are great for people starting out. They're fairly reliable and I've seen them lasting a long time.
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